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2015 February 01
Tipi Snows
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2015 February 02
Almost full moon rise over the
Sangre de Cristo mountains, San Cristobal, NM

2015 February 03
A break in the storm, Highway 285, NM

2015 February 04
The full moon rising and Jupiter this evening
from San Cristobal, New Mexico

2015 February 05
Full moon setting across the Taos Vocanic Plateau

2015 February 06
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Cerrillos, NM
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2015 February 07
Deckle edge roof curl, during the last snowfall, Taos NM

2015 February 08
Strom over Valley of the Gods, Utah

2015 February 09
Moving through the storm

2015 February 10
Sun through the morning fog and a Magpie

2015 February 11
On the road in El Rito, NM
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2015 February 12
Some of the hundreds of bottles at the
Casa Grande Trading Post in Cerrillos, NM

2015 February 13
Winter in the mountains of New Mexico

2015 February 14
Found along the Rio Hondo, Taos Ski Valley, NM

2015 February 15
GMC, US Highway 64, NM
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2015 February 16
A good reason to take your time in Taos, New Mexico

2015 February 17
Ghost Ranch, New Mexico

2015 February 18
Grave marker, Cimarron, NM

2015 February 19
A house in Hawick, on the Textile Trail in the
Teviot Valley in the Scottish Borders country
... flashback fall 2013

2015 February 20
In to the clouds

2015 February 21
Tonight's crescent moon, Venus and Mars

2015 February 22
What a difference a day makes ... from flip flops to snow boots

2015 February 23
Across the plateau ...

2015 February 24
Composite image of two Sandhill Cranes
passing overhead at the Monte Vista NWR, Colorado

2015 February 25
San Antonio Mountain |

2015 February 26
Bald Eagle on the road to Arroyo Seco

2015 February 27
Rabbit tracks and anthill

2015 February 28
On the rails in Colorado