Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Day: January 30, 2019

Plywood Art Everywhere

Plywood art on boarded up buildings everywhere. I am always able to find the positive in something such as the many old abandoned buildings covered in sheets of plywood, in towns deserted by more than half of the original population. Stay warm and thanks for looking. G

Plywood Art Everywhere


Plywood Art Everywhere

San Antonio Mountain Corral

San Antonio Mountain, corral. We stopped at the old corral, buried in the drifting snow and slab ice along highway 285 in northern New Mexico. San Antonio (Bear Mountain) mountain is reputed to be the largest free standing mountain in the 48 states. Free standing, not part of any mountain chain. An extinct volcano, it rises prominently in the Taos Volcanic plateau field. From this location we can see many of the old volcanos scattered across the plateau. It was 13 degrees with a wind chill. Still, the sun was warm on our faces. Thanks for looking. Stay warm. G

San Antonio Mountain Corral