Truchas, Trampas, Ranchos De Taos, NM. High Road photography convoy tour continued form my post a few days ago. It was a little too much editing to do all in one go. There is no order of importance or favorite, I posted these and the previous images in the order we discovered then. Enjoy! And thank you for joining me virtually here on my website. G
Tin roof with crosses, Truchas Mission Church on the High Road to Taos.
Gated door with metal work filigree, Truchas Mission Church.
Wooden cross with Penitente Morada, Truchas, NM
Window at the Penitente Morada, Truchas.
Wood pile as big as a house up to the roof in Truchas, NM
Steer skull on a deer skull, on a ladder in Truchas, on the High Road to Taos.
Las Trampas Church belfry seen peeking over the adobe entrance wall.
San Jose Church seen over the wooden gate in Las Trampas on the High Road to Taos.
Big doors on the St Francis Church, Ranchos de Taos.