Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Month: February 2025

Scenes From Winter Past. 02-26-2025

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week a few scenes from winter past. It was 64º F (17.5º C) yesterday. Tee shirt weather, almost. It got me thinking about the winters we’ve had in the past.

I pulled a few images I found while submitting 40 images for the New Mexico Treasures 2026 Calendar. I believe this year’s 2025 calendar has sold out.

The first image was shot in December 2005. The snow came and went, came and went again frequently that winter. It was a cold day but not cold enough to freeze the river. This image is one of my best sellers and one of the first digital vertical stitched panoramas I’ve made.

December from winter past
December on the Rio Hondo from winter past.

The next image was shot in February 2008, a good year for snow. Here’s the same location in summer.

Rio Grande in snow, from the Taos Juncrion bridge
Rio Grande in snow from the Taos Junction bridge.

Winter Past in the Ranchos Valley was also shot in 2008 looking north to Taos Pueblo Mountain.

Winter Past in the Ranchos Valley also shot in 2008
Ranchos Valley fields with Taos Pueblo Mountain.

This piñon pine tree stands out against the sky on the ridge descending from Bobcat Pass elevation 9820 feet (2,990 meters).

Tree on ridge at Bobcat Pass
Tree on the ridge at Bobcat Pass.

Out the kitchen window in December 2013.

Blowing snow, San Cristobal NM
Blowing snow, San Cristobal, NM.

Just a few miles downstream from the Taos Junction Bridge in the Orilla Verde Recreation Area of the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument is this scene, shot in December 2014. Sunny but very cold.

December 2014 Orilla verde recreation area
Orilla Verde Recreation Area.

A flock of Red-winged Blackbirds was shot in January 2016 in Arroyo Hondo across from the liquor store and market. This year we’ve had many larger flocks in our cottonwood and elm trees.

Red winged Blackbirds, Arroyo Hondo NM
Red-winged Blackbirds, Arroyo Hondo NM.

Finally, the image below is not from a past winter but from May 1, 2016. It sure looked and felt like winter. Of course, the sun came out the next day and it vanished leaving muddy dirt roads and trails in its wake.

Snow in Arroyo Hondo, in May
Arroyo Hondo Valley

As always, thanks for looking. Have a great week. G.

Blanca Peak, Monte Vista. 02-19-2025

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM, and beyond. This week, a road shot of Blanca Peak, the whole massif in color and black and white, followed by a shot of the sandhill cranes, soon to arrive at the Monte Vista NWR, flying over a herd of elk as they make their way north.

Blanca Peak, Colorado
Blanca Peak, Colorado

I’m rather partial to the black and white.

Blanca Massif, Colorado, Black and White
Blanca Massif, Colorado, Black, and White.

The cranes return every year in mid-March to the Monte Vista NWR. Let’s go!

Sandhill cranes and elk at the Monte Vista NWR, Colorado
Sandhill cranes and elk at the Monte Vista NWR, Colorado.

And just for good measure a flock of Sandhill Cranes with a backdrop of the Sangre de Cristo (Rocky Mountains).

Sandhill cranes, Rocky mountains
Sandhill Cranes, Rocky Mountains.

As always, thanks for looking. Have a great week. G

Found In The San Luis Valley. 02-12-2025

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week the San Luis Valley, and some random images I found recently browsing for stock imagery.

Wall treatment, and lighting Alamosa, CO
Wall treatment, and lighting Alamosa, CO.
Reflection, Alamosa railyards, San Luis Valley, CO
Reflection, Alamosa railyards, San Luis Valley, CO.
Reflection in a railway siding..
Boxcar Latch
Boxcar latch.
wooden door with pullring.
Wooden barn door with pull ring.
Fences, Colorado
Red Barns, Capulin Colorado
Red Barns, Capulin, Colorado.

Red barns in snow.

White homestead with tumbleweed
White homestead with tumbleweed.

White Homestead in snow with birds.

Enjoy Alamosa, CO

If you want to read more about the San Luis Valley. Also check out my photography tour/workshops in the area.

As always, thanks for looking. Have a great week. Stay warm and safe. G

Crescent Moon, Venus, Sunset. 02-05-2025

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM where the temperature is a balmy 60º F (15.5ºC) This week the crescent moon and Veus with a beautiful sunset. Red-winged Blackbirds, a crow, and the Village of Valdez, NM

The view from the front gate. All rather pleasant to watch.

Crescent moon, venus, and a sunset
Crescent Moon, Venus, and the sunset.

I zoomed in a little closer,

A Close up
A close-up!

This year we’ve had large flocks of Red-winged Blackbirds, and Evening Grosbeaks, in the old cottonwood tree and Siberian Elm tree each morning and evening. Last year we had thousands of Pinyon Jays in the valley but they haven’t returned this year… yet!

Red-winged blackbirds and a crow, San Cristobal
Red-winged blackbirds and a crow, San Cristobal.

The Lewis’s Woodpecker has returned which I’m happy to see.

If you want to see more birds, click here, or here.

Below is the Village of Valdez, just north of Taos in the snow. The scene depicts the chapel of San Antonio de Padua in the center of the village plaza. This picture was taken in winter 2007. It’s fun to relive past moments and look at them with a fresh perspective eighteen years later.

Valdez Village in snow
Valdez Village in snow.

As always, thanks for looking. Have a great week. G