Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Tag: Arroyo Hondo

Arroyo Hondo Rainbow And A Half

Arroyo Hondo rainbow and a half. The last storm made for some nice images of rainbows and fall colors. Most of the aspens up high are done until next time, so it’s up to the cottonwoods to do their thing now. I’ll be watching and as always, thanks for looking. G


Arroyo Hondo Morning Sunrise

Arroyo Hondo, morning sunrise. Life is good in the pastures at sunrise in the Arroyo Hondo Valley. I spent a moment, on the drive to Taos this morning, to stop and watch the horses grazing in the light filtered fields. This is what light traveling at 186,000 miles per second can create. After spending five minutes at this spot I realized that the light had traveled millions and millions of miles when it entered my camera’s lens, passing through, as the shutter opened, to the sensor which helped produce this scene. Yep I love science, and being present to appreciate the moment. Thanks for looking. G

Arroyo Hondo Valley morning

Dragon Cloud Hondo Mesa

Dragon cloud over the Hondo Mesa, Taos, NM. Yes… this dragon cloud cruised across the skies over the mesa this evening. I was playing with the shadow adjustments in photoshop and found this creature flying through the sunset. Thanks for looking. G

Dragon cloud over the Hondo Mesa

Chihuahua Dog

For the fun of it! A Chihuahua dog owning the neighborhood. I see him numerous mornings on the drive to work. Initially he barks at the car and stands his ground. When he has my attention he bolts off. In this image he is cruising in front of the Fire Department (he lives across the street) in Arroyo Hondo. Go Dog Go!


Morning Hawk

Morning Hawk, Arroyo Hondo, New Mexico. I drive through Arroyo Hondo in the mornings and nine times out of ten this hawk is present in an old cottonwood.  I pull over to watch and it seems to say “good morning” in it’s own inimitable way. It gets alert after a while of observation, perhaps a little antsy, raises it’s tail feathers, defecates to lighten the load and lifts off. The routine is constant, not just for this raptor, but also for the bald eagles and many other raptors I’ve photographed over the years. I thought you’d like to know that so when you are watching a hawk or eagle, you’ll know the moment it is about to lift of. That’s it. Thanks for looking.

Old Market Adorned With Turquoise

The old market in Arroyo Hondo, dressed in the official state color, turquoise, and glowing in the late afternoon sun.

Morning Fog Lifting, Arroyo Hondo, NM

Driving into Taos through the hamlet of Arroyo Hondo, NM, the fog rolls in heavily. The valley is heavy with fog and getting thicker as I descend and cross the Rio Hondo. Continuing south, the road started to climb out of the valley, the fog thinned, the sun revealed its ghostly self, the trees showed their colors on the hillside and I pulled over on the shoulder to make this image. Thanks for looking. G

Morning Fog Lifting, Arroyo Hondo, NM