Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Tag: Chairs

Chair Work. New Work, 01-29-2025

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week, new chair work. It’s spring-like weather out there, including the cold wind. And as of 30 minutes ago snow. I’m gearing up for new projects this year, starting with the pieces below.

If you remember the images I posted from my show in October 2022 you’ll see where I’m going with my new pieces.

Below is a large print on paper or canvas, entitled “Twenty One Chairs'” photographed with a storm brewing, just north of Taos.

New Chair work pieces, twenty one chairs Wild River RA
New chair work, Twenty One Chairs. 38″ x 60″
Three chairs and a tree.
Three chairs and a tree. 40″ x 60″ paper or canvas
One Chair in the aspens.
One chair in the aspens. 32″ x 40″ paper or canvas
Two white chairs with aspens
Two white chairs in aspen grove. 26″ x 60″ paper or canvas

The image below is one taken in Ranchos de Taos twenty years ago. I like its simplicity and to look back on images that inspire my work today.

Chair and a shovel
Chair and a shovel.

I’m back at it sculpting new pieces and will post them and more of these large prints in a “new work” gallery on this website as they become available. Stay tuned.

As always. Thank you for looking. G

Autumn in New Mexico, Eloquence of Silence. 10-12-22

Greetings from San Cristobal and beyond. Autumn colors and clouds reflecting in Hopewell Lake and two images from my solo exhibit at Bareiss Gallery. My show is up until October 31, 2022. So far, visitors, sales, and many new collectors have made the show very successful. Thank you to all who came out, I am honored and grateful.

Click on an image to enlarge it.

Autumn at Hopewell Lake
Autumn at Hopewell Lake, NM

The cottonwoods were peaking when we took a short walk along the lake shore.
I’m on a photo tour/workshop this week and we’ve seen some color changes on a grand scale. Hopewell Lake on Highway 64 is a go-to location, and if I go nowhere else in the fall I’ll be happy.

Cottonwood colors northern NM
Cottonwood colors Hopewell Lake, northern NM

Two images from my show titled “The Eloquence of Silence, #1 and #2” I would welcome the opportunity to share my exhibit and new work with you. I’ll be in the gallery Saturday from 11 am -5 pm. I look forward to meeting you.

Eloquence of Silence #1
Eloquence of Silence #1
Photograph Eloquence of Silence #2
Eloquence of Silence #2

Silence has an eloquence surpassing that of speech; creating a space in which the heart’s thoughts can resound, and deeply-felt emotion can echo with a voice profound in another’s heart, that listens in the silence. (Howard Owen Smith – My Dad).

These two images work very well together as a pair.

My solo exhibition at Bareiss Gallery here in Taos continues through October 31, 2022. The gallery will be open 9 – 2 pm on weekdays. I’ll be there on Saturdays and by appointment. Come and visit. It will be great to meet you. G

Bareiss Gallery is located at:
15 State Rd 150 Taos, NM 

As always thank you for looking. G

Dining Out

Since the power went out a few days ago and hasn’t come back on, I thought this was an appropriate image. We are not actually dining out but we are cooking outside and sitting around the woodstove eating dinner by candlelight. All in all, it’s not so bad but I’m a little tardy with this week’s post. Hopefully, we are back on track by next week.

White table and chairs, Santa Fe, NM
Whits table and chairs, Santa Fe, NM

As always, thank you for looking. Have a good week. G

Chair, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Flashback, 1985

Chair, Santa Fe, New Mexico, flashback, 1985. I’ve had a silver gelatin print of this chair in my office ever since. It’s of no importance really, I just like it. I’ve collected images of chairs over the years. I seem to recall this one may have been on Canyon Road in Santa Fe. Thanks for looking. G

Chair, Santa Fe, New Mexico, flashback, 1985.

A Spell In The Shade

A spell in the shade. I like the idea of passing time sitting in the light and shadows as the sun passes over the open roof rafters. This one in the San Luis Valley last year in a root cellar out of the wind. When I look at this image I think of a piano sonata playing, resonating in memory. Thanks for looking. G

A spell in the shade.

Outdoor Living, New Mexico Style

Outdoor living, “New Mexico Style” in Arroyo Blanco, Abiquiu. Following another photo shoot in the area, we happened upon this junk deposited in a dry arroyo. There is an abundance of trash dumped here by lazy people. It’s a serious issue, a blight on the otherwise stunning landscape. The only thing missing..? an empty bottle of Bud Light, the beer of choice for low lives! There’s a truckload of bud bottles in another arroyo close bye. We tried to make light of it all with this set up.  Thanks for looking. G

Outdoor Living, New Mexico Style

Ghost Chair, Shadows, San Luis Valley Homestead

Ghost Chair, Shadows, San Luis Valley Homestead. Met the owner of this place who was very generous to let me photograph in here. Someone has ripped out the copper pipe and wiring in the house, so it felt good to build a rapport with the owner. Anyway, goodness knows what the ghosts think of the looters who come in the night. Thanks for looking. G

Ghost Chair, Shadows, San Luis Valley Homestead.

Love Chairs Await, In Crested Butte

Two love chairs await on a side street in Crested Butte Colorado… not sure why you would sit here or love it, the space between doesn’t say much for the proximity of love. Maybe the space between is where love grows. Oh well, here it is!

Love chairs in Crested Butte Colorado

Found On The Road Dead

“Found on the road dead.” Old chair in southern Colorado at the New Mexico state line. Came across this scene four years or so ago … revisited recently and it’s still dead, but with an air of “come hither” about it.
