Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Tag: Rio Grande del Norte National Monument

Mallards Lift Off In The Orilla Verde

Mallards lift off, skimming over the water in the Orilla Verde, only to settle back on the the water a hundred yards away. Another fun day in the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument. Thanks for looking. G

Mallards Lift Off In The Orilla Verde

Mallard Duck On Ice

Mallard duck on ice. I love the way these little creatures behave deliberately. Paddle to the edge of the ice, waddle out onto the ice, stand there and do nothing. Time passes. I made some images and moved on. A little while later, when I return, the Mallard is standing stock still, in the same position. I can only assume, enjoying a moment, warming up in the morning sun is a cross species trait. Thanks for looking. G

Mallard Duck On Ice


National Monument Day Out

National Monument day out. Days out on the road are memorable, some days more so than others. In the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument around Ute Mountain it can be sublimely memorable. The silence is palpable; the peace and tranquility immeasurable and the history is no further than I am able to imagine. Thanks for looking. G

National Monument Day Out

Canyon Of The Rio Grande

Canyon of the Rio Grande. The Rio Grande flows in a north south direction from Colorado, through New Mexico, Texas and Mexico where it finally reaches the Gulf of Mexico. Six hundred feet or so below the rim the river passes through what is known as the “box”, a steep sided canyon on the Taos Plateau, seen here from the Highway 64 high bridge. “Our Canyon” now part of the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument continues to amaze me and visitors alike. The views are very vast and one gets the sense of a place where earth meets sky and separation is intangible. “Our river” keeps on rolling. As it heads south the river gathers more stories to tell. It nourishes and replenishes the landscape, wildlife and people of the desert southwest. Thanks for looking. G

Canyon of the Rio Grande

Swallowtail Butterfly, Wild Rivers

Swallowtail Butterfly, in the Wild Rivers area of the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument. The image below is a composite of the same butterfly, on and off the Horsetail Milkweed. This plant, is essential to the Monarch Butterflies, but it also appears to be attractive to Swallowtails. There’s a lot of Horsetail Milkweed plant along the roadsides and verges all around Taos County. Fortunately, I think the road crews cut the invasive weeds and spared the milkweed plants when mowing this year. Thanks for looking. G

Swallowtail butterfly on the Horsetail milkweed in the Wild Rivers Area

More on the Swallowtail Butterfly

Ute Mountain From Wild Rivers Area

Ute Mountain from the Wild and Scenic Rivers Recreation Area of the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument. An image made in April with a little dusting of snow on Ute Mountain. Thanks for looking. G


Pole Sitting Lizard

Pole sitting lizard. This used to be a thing I guess, pole sitting. Climb a post and stay on top of it for as long as you can. This lizard climbed the only pole around and stayed on top of it for a good duration. For all I know he’s still there. Thanks for looking. G

Pole sitting lizard

Mountain Bighorn Sheep

Mountain Bighorn Sheep in the Orilla Verde, in the Rio Grande Gorge. This guy settled in and had a wonderful, kind of sleepy head dreamy look. I guess it’s hard work eating, rock climbing, and herding his females all day. Thanks for looking. G

Mountain Bighorn Sheep

More about the Bighorn Sheep

Rio Grande In The Orilla Verde Recreation Area

The Rio Grande in the Orilla Verde Recreation Area in the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument. Looking upstream from the Taos Junction Bridge to Sunset Rapid and the confluence of the Rio Grande and the Rio Pueblo. This location is a favorite of mine. The river makes for a really nice leading line. Thanks for looking. G

Rio Grande In The Orilla Verde Recreation Area

Here are some links to a few more images in this location at different times of year.



Down On The Rio Grande, Taos Junction Bridge

Down on the Rio Grande, at the Taos Junction Bridge, in the Orilla Verde Recreation Area. The spring colors are beginning to go on display. The area is getting “luscious”.  I hope we see you here this year. Thanks for looking. G

Down On The Rio Grande, Taos Junction Bridge