Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Tag: Rio Grande

Winter Solstice, Rio Grande, Ute Mountain

Winter Solstice, at the Wild and Scenic Rio Grande and Ute Mountain. We took a drive north this morning to Ute Mountain. I wanted to make an image at the precise moment of the solstice 9:28 am MST. We did that and then proceeded to this favorite spot along the Rio Grande Gorge at the Wild and Scenic Rivers section of the Rio Grande. It was crisp and icy cold, and perfect to have all the senses alert, feeling the moment. Tonight it is snowing in San Cristobal. We’ll head out again in the morning for the first sunrise of winter. Thanks for looking. G

Winter Solstice, Rio Grande, Ute Mountain


Sandhill Cranes Sunset In The Marshes

Sandhill Cranes sunset in the marshes at the Bosque del Apache. There are so many photo ops one encounters in this magnificent National Wildlife Refuge in the Rio Grande Valley southeast of Socorro, New Mexico. Today I chose this one which pleases me very much. In this case it depicts an evening sunset across the marshes with the silhouettes of the Sandhill Crane settling in for the evening. Thanks for looking. G

Sandhill cranes sunset in the marshes

The Rocks, The Gorge, The Mountains

The Rocks, The Gorge, The Mountains. I popped the camera into the hole in the rocks. I know this location well and loved what I saw this time where the rocks focused my attention on the closest foreground subject framing the canyon of the Rio Grande to the foothills of the Sangre de Cristos beyond. The view through the rocks, across the Rio Grande Gorge to the Sangre de Cristo Mountains beyond. Thanks for looking. G

The Rocks, The Gorge, The Mountains

Taos Junction On The Rio Grande

Taos Junction on the Rio Grande. Another beautiful day again today in northern New Mexico. This image made from the Taos Junction Bridge in the Orilla Verde RA in the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument, is one of my favorite locations. This location always continues inspire me when I pull over and park by the river. Fall is in full swing here in northern New Mexico. Drop in if you can, we’ll be glad to show you around and share this great part of the American southwest with you. Thanks for looking. G


Sun Through The Mesa Clouds

Sun Through The Mesa Clouds. Drove along the rim road paralleling the Rio Grande Gorge this morning. Taos, across the gorge is just beginning to emerge in the space between mesa and sky. Followed by a beautiful day and great image making on a photo tour in Abiquiu, NM. Thanks for looking. G


On A Photo Tour The Things You See

Overlooking the Rio Grande Gorge with a view of Taos Mountain in northern New Mexico. Although I make lots of portrait images of people, I rarely include them in a landscape composition. In this case the photographer is a photo tour client participating in the Abiquiu and Rio Chama photo tour trip. Including him in this scene, I felt, would express a sense of what it might be like to stand on the very rim of the Gorge, with a broad view across the canyon to Taos Mountain beyond. Thanks for looking. G


Kayaking The Rio Grande

Kayaking the Rio Grande. A boater negotiates big rapids in the spring run off created by heavy snows this winter. This rapid is on the “Race Course” section of the Rio Grande in Taos County, northern New Mexico. Thanks for looking. G


Rio Grande del Norte National Monument

Rio Grande del Norte National Monument at the Taos Junction Bridge in the Orilla Verde Recreation Area section. I’ve used this image as a photo of the day previously but if the proverbial you know what hits the fan we could loose some 27 National Monuments.

The status of 27 U.S. national monuments is being reconsidered. Leading nature photographers have created a free ebook to show you the beauty that’s at risk. See this spectacular land. Then raise your voice to save it.

I am one of the featured photographers. Check it out and thank you for looking

Land Almost Lost features the work of Tom Algire, Kevin Ebi, Michael Frye, Rick Kattelmann, Jerry Monkman, William Neill, Geraint Smith, Tom Till, Larry Ulrich and Matt Witt. All images are copyrighted work of the respective photographers.


[wp_cart:Rio Grande At Taos Junction 1603:price:[Available Sizes|8.5×11 inches $95,95|13×19 inches $155,155|17×22 inches $235,235|24×36 inches $475,475]:end]

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge. A view from the west rim trail looking north upstream on the Rio Grande and the Volcanic Plateau, Taos, New Mexico.


Rio Grande del Norte National Monument

Rio Grande del Norte National Monument. Today we made a drive in to the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument. On the west side of the Rio Grande Gorge the road meanders leisurely north to the Colorado border. Pronghorn, Elk and many birds accompany us along the way. Seasonal lakes, ancient causeways and abandoned dwellings are reasons to get out of the car and contemplate those who have passed this way. If you have a penchant for unobstructed views, no crowds, peace and quiet, solitude … shall I go on? Join me on a photo tour if this pristine environment is for you.

Rio Grande del Norte National Monument