Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Tag: Trees

La Luna, Earth Shine, Old Cottonwood Tree

La Luna with earthshine, framed by our old cottonwood tree in the field. This tree, half alive and half dead is a hang out for many species of birds who frequent the valley. They have an excellent view of the deck and hence the bird feeders. Last night when the moon came out they’d already left their perches or they would have seen this beautiful sight. Thanks for looking in too. G

La Luna, Earth Shine, Old Cottonwood Tree

Early Winter Greets Fall, Taos, New Mexico

Early winter greets fall on the picturesque Upper Ranchitos Road in Taos, New Mexico. This was how it looked a couple of weeks ago. The trees are now bare and settled into their winter nakedness. Our journey through the season continues. Thanks for looking. G

Early Winter Greets Fall, Taos, New Mexico

Quote, Billy Mills, Oglala Lakota, Look Deeper

Quote: “You have to look deeper, way below the anger, the hurt, the hate, the jealousy, the self-pity, way down deeper where the dreams lie, son. Find your dream. It’s the pursuit of the dream that heals you”. Billy Mills – Oglala Lakota. This came up again today. Thanks for looking. G

Quote, Billy Mills, Oglala Lakota, Look Deeper

Abstract Impressionism In The Aspens, New Mexico

Abstract impressionism in the golden aspens, northern New Mexico. I did this to create a feeling of what I felt rather than the more literal take in yesterday’s image. I like them both equally well but I had more fun playing in this instance, which is always good. Thanks for looking. G

Abstract impressionism in the aspens, New Mexico.


Aspen Glade, Hopewell Lake, New Mexico

Aspen glade near Hopewell Lake, New Mexico. Just off the highway and a short walk away was this beautiful aspen glade carpeted with the leaves that had fallen with many more to go. The golden aspens were creating their own magical light source and a perfect moment to spend time in a beautiful place. I think I’ll head out there again tomorrow. Thanks for looking. G

Aspen glade near Hopewell Lake, New Mexico.

Aspen Woods, Southern Colorado

Aspen woods on the hillside in southern Colorado. Some theories suggest that the ground moved or slid downhill when the trees were young; that there was heavy snowfall in an avalanche or some such thing. I do know that they add a little mystery to the scene as well as beauty. When I was a kid, growing up in Wales and Yorkshire, I spent many hours in the woods. I’m happy to say I still do to this day. Remember to look up the next few days, it’s the Harvest Moon, with Mars. Thanks for looking. G

Aspen Woods, Southern Colorado

Evening Grosbeak, Crabapple Tree, San Cristobal, NM

Evening Grosbeak, in one of our crabapple trees, San Cristobal, NM. Besides colorful hillsides and mountains, fall brings an abundance of food and birds to eat it. This week the Evening Grosbeaks arrived in flocks to indulge themselves of the crabapples. Great individual shots picked out of the thirty or so birds camoflaged by the branches and leaves. Thanks for looking. G

Evening Grosbeak, Crabapple Tree, San Cristobal, NM

Aspen Grove, Clouds, Highway 17, Cumbres Pass, Colorado

Aspen grove, against grey clouds on Highway 17, at the Cumbres Pass, Colorado. Four hours drive away from yesterday’s photo of the day, just over the state line in Colorado, the colors are doing their thing precisely on time. I’ve photographed this scene many times over the last few years. It continues to be a favorite location each Autumn when the aspens light up the hills in the Rocky Mountains. Interesting fact, aspens grow from one root system. They are the largest living organism on the planet. Thanks for looking. G

Aspen Grove, Clouds, Highway 17, Cumbres Pass, Colorado

Lone Tree, Ute Mountain, San Luis Valley

Lone tree with Ute Mountain in the vast San Luis Valley, Colorado. I can’t pass up a lone tree. I keep a folder full on my phone for future photo prospects when the elements come together. I like the animal track, probably a coyote who frequents the nearby hamlet of Mesita, Colorado. Thanks for looking. G

Lone Tree, Ute Mountain, San Luis Valley