Bountiful, road trip on Highway 285, Colorado. There’s lots to see in the San Luis Valley, one of the most bountiful agricultural areas in the country. Bountiful, on the north/south route has large grain silos holding barley for the Coors beer company. This is the sign between the highway and railroad tracks. I found the weathering rather interesting and worthy of a picture. Thanks for looking. G
Mitten, Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park, Arizona. Still digging in the archives, this one from last year on a ten day trip around the four corners. The last minute flash of light on the buttes, in particular the left mitten, with the dancing cloud, a nice added bonus. Thanks for looking. G
Shiprock with sun star, northwestern New Mexico. This is a large panorama from a couple of years ago. One of my favorite views in northwestern New Mexico. I was able to line up the sun through a fracture in one of Shiprock’s many black dikes composed of igneous rocks. I would have been there this year too, again, the current situation forced us to postpone a two week photo workshop around the southwest. This down time has enabled me to pull some images I hadn’t yet delved into. You can read more on Shiprock and it’s geology here on Wikipedia. Thanks for looking. G
Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico. I pulled this one from the archives last week and seeing as park is temporarily closed now, this view will suffice. I never go too far from home anyway so I’m not really limited in my travel. There are plenty more places to visit nearby and discover a few new ones while I’m at it. I’m very fortunate, pretty much everything I enjoy is here in my northern New Mexico backyard. Thanks for looking. G
Truchas, Trampas, Ranchos De Taos, NM. High Road photography convoy tour continued form my post a few days ago. It was a little too much editing to do all in one go. There is no order of importance or favorite, I posted these and the previous images in the order we discovered then. Enjoy! And thank you for joining me virtually here on my website. G
Tin roof with crosses, Truchas Mission Church on the High Road to Taos.
Gated door with metal work filigree, Truchas Mission Church.
Wooden cross with Penitente Morada, Truchas, NM
Window at the Penitente Morada, Truchas.
Wood pile as big as a house up to the roof in Truchas, NM
Steer skull on a deer skull, on a ladder in Truchas, on the High Road to Taos.
Las Trampas Church belfry seen peeking over the adobe entrance wall.
San Jose Church seen over the wooden gate in Las Trampas on the High Road to Taos.
Big doors on the St Francis Church, Ranchos de Taos.
Cliff Palace in Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. Cliff Palace is one of many large structures in the national park. The first image is a close up of some of the reconstructed buildings in Cliff Palace. The second image is of the whole structure. If you’ve been to Mesa Verde you know what an amazing place it is. If you haven’t been, I recommend a visit… when you can! Thanks for looking. G
Sunset cloud and moon over Taos, New Mexico. Confronted by this cell last week. I had to stitch a few images together to get it all in. Taken on the same evening as yesterday’s ‘bear’ cloud image, thirty minutes apart. Click on the image to enlarge. Thanks for looking. G
Ursa Major Cloud forming over the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New Mexico. I watched it form and was amazed how it manifest into a bear. The thunderstorm clouds build fast out here in northern NM, so I didn’t have to wait long. Then it was on to another location. Thanks for looking. G
Window dressing in Raton, New Mexico. Paper hanging in the windows had absorbed moisture and become sun scorched over time. I changed the color for aesthetic to this blue patina from the cigarette smoke stained actual color. I’ve added a shot of the whole window below. There were lots of compositions, it was hard to choose. I liked this one with the rippling shadows on the buckled paper caused by clear packing tape attached to the window glass. Thanks for looking. G
Comet Neowise, tipi and stars. One last view from where I saw it with binoculars first. It’s fading now but it sure has been a treat to see and observe it’s trajectory across our sky. Thanks for looking. G