Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Tag: Birds

Evening Grosbeaks, In The Garden, San Cristobal

Evening Grosbeaks, in the garden, San Cristobal. The variety of birds were in abundance last week. We had Robins, Magpies, Juncos, and Chickadees. Townsend Solitaires, Downy Woodpeckers, Northern Flickers, Crows, and a few straggler House Finches rounded out the thirsty bird species. When the ever vigilant Evening Grosbeaks showed up in their droves, the thirsty drinkers had to back off, all but the brave Robin back there. Thanks for looking. G

Evening Grosbeaks, In the Garden

Red Tailed Hawk, Ranchos De Taos, New Mexico

Red-tailed Hawk, Ranchos De Taos, New Mexico. I spent twenty minutes with this magnificent young raptor who spent the time primping and preening, grooming its feathers. I thought he was going to sit there all day. As I thought about driving off, he shook out his wings and tail feathers, had a quick poo, lifted off still pooing, and dropped out of sight. Thanks for looking. G

Red-tailed Hawk, Ranchos De Taos, New Mexico.

Sandhill Cranes, Formation Flying, Monte Vista NWR, Colorado

Sandhill Cranes, formation flying over the Monte Vista NWR in Colorado. Popped up here yesterday for a look-see. There are a few thousand Sandhill Cranes in the refuge. Though, after this initial bombardment, we didn’t see them much but we could hear them plenty. Thanks for looking. G

Sandhill Cranes, Formation Flying, Monte Vista NWR, Colorado

Evening Grosbeak, Crabapple Tree, San Cristobal, NM

Evening Grosbeak, in one of our crabapple trees, San Cristobal, NM. Besides colorful hillsides and mountains, fall brings an abundance of food and birds to eat it. This week the Evening Grosbeaks arrived in flocks to indulge themselves of the crabapples. Great individual shots picked out of the thirty or so birds camoflaged by the branches and leaves. Thanks for looking. G

Evening Grosbeak, Crabapple Tree, San Cristobal, NM

St. Anthony de Padua Church Flock, Dixon, NM

St. Anthony de Padua Church and the flock, Dixon, New Mexico, with one pigeon off on it’s own and I immediately thought of “Jonathan Livingston” Pigeon. Thanks for looking. G

St. Anthony de Padua Church and the flock, Dixon, New Mexico.

Rock Wren, Rocks, Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument, NM

Rock Wren on the rocks in the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument, New Mexico. From the vast landscapes to the smallest creatures that inhabit them, when I show up and paying attention these sights present themselves, without question and without fail, every time. Thanks for looking. G

Rock Wren, Rocks, Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument, NM

Osprey, First Flight, Chama, New Mexico

Osprey, first flight, along the highway power line nesting platform, Chama, New Mexico. A quick drive around the block today. It was very peaceful and delightful, watching these chicks and mom on the nest. Dad is gone, maybe fishing. We spent about an hour observing their behavior. Thanks for looking in. G

Osprey, first flight, Chama, New Mexico.
Who’s going first?


Osprey, first flight, Chama, New Mexico.
I’ll give it a shot!


Osprey, first flight, Chama, New Mexico.
Look Mama, I’m going for it.


Osprey, first flight, Chama, New Mexico.
Go, go, go!


Osprey, first flight, Chama, New Mexico.


Osprey, first flight, Chama, New Mexico.
About 30 minutes later, mom has left and is calling from a nearby tree. Sister is saying, “wow bro, look at you, that’s awesome.”


Song Sparrow, Sangre De Cristo Mountains

Song Sparrow along Comanche Creek (yesterday’s photo) in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New Mexico. Singing it loud and clear. He certainly got my attention, his song echoing off the canyon walls and hills, accompanied by the babbling brook. Thanks for looking. G

Song Sparrow, Sangre De Cristo Mountains.

Pine Siskin, Shuree Ponds, Valle Vidal, NM

Pine Siskin at the Shuree Ponds in the Valle Vidal, NM. A pleasant little bird and fun to watch during it’s foraging activities, hopping from tree to bush and back to tree again. It has a penchant for hanging upside down, feeding on thistle and fall sunflowers husks. Thanks for looking. G

Pine Siskin at the Shuree Ponds in the Valle Vidal, NM.

Hairy Woodpecker, San Cristobal, NM

Hairy Woodpecker, San Cristobal, NM. Apparently these fellow earth dwellers are destroyers of trees. They have stripped the bark off the limbs on an old growth Juniper tree, making short work of it. Today I noticed they’d enlisted the help of the kids to pitch in as well. Such little buggers. I have to believe there is method in their natural world. Thanks for looking. G

Hairy Woodpecker, San Cristobal, NM

Hairy Woodpecker, San Cristobal, NM.