Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Tag: Birds

Dark-Eyed Junco, San Cristobal, NM

Dark-eyed Junco, in the garden in San Cristobal, NM. This little guy survived my boot as I walked across the deck. I spotted one Dark-eyed Junco on the ground after hitting a window on the house. I picked it up and almost stepped on this bird which flew up on to the patio chair and stayed there. This bird may have hit a window also. It stayed here while and I made some images. The bird I had picked up, was now resting on a fence post in the sun where I left it. The incident concluded with both birds flying off, hopefully not too worse for ware. I’ll be adding decals to the windows to warn these little creatures. Thanks for looking. G

Dark-eyed Junco, San Cristobal, NM.


Snow Geese, Flashback 2009, Bosque Del Apache, NWR

Snow Geese and moon, flashback to 2009 in the Bosque Del Apache, NWR. There were so many snow geese flying overhead, so I had a lot of opportunities to catch them in front of the moon as it was rising. I’m looking forward to making a number of trips to the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge again this winter. As always thanks for looking. G

Snow Geese, moon, flashback 2009 Bosque Del Apache, NWR

Ravens, Enchanted Circle, NM

Ravens on the Enchanted Circle, a scenic byway drive in northern New Mexico. This picture doesn’t do their size justice. They were very large and posed for a few images before taking off. Thanks for looking. G

Ravens, Enchanted Circle, NM

Canyon Towhee, In The Garden San Cristobal

Canyon Towhee, in the garden, San Cristobal, NM. This Canyon Towhee shows up in the garden every spring. I don’t know where it goes to in the winter but just like clockwork it returns in late spring each year. It is the only one of the species I see here. On another note, there is a Townsend Solitaire who just returned to the garden this fall and calls out early every morning. We greet each other daily and it’s become a tradition. Thanks for looking. G

Canyon Towhee, in the garden San Cristobal, NM


Tufted Titmouse, San Cristobal

Tufted Titmouse, San Cristobal, nesting in the studio wall with a blown out, knot hole entrance. I’ve been hearing the excited chatter in the studio for a couple of days now. Especially when the parents return with a beak full of bugs. I stood in the sun for awhile watching both the parents fervently, coming and going. It was hot today. It’s a perfect little nesting site but it concerns me that they are nesting in a wall filled with fiberglass insulation. I’ll plug up the hole when they are fledged. For the time being, I’m glad these two ragamuffins and the family were in a nice, cool spot in the shade. Thanks for looking. G

Tufted Titmouse, San Cristobal

Tufted Titmouse, San Cristobal

Sky Bird Summer Storm

Sky bird, summer storm. It intrigues me the way birds in flight always seem to be on a mission. I wonder where they are going, when will they get there and what is it that’s waiting for them. Then I see them dumpster diving at the Taco Bell and my romantic notion is shattered. Thanks for looking. G

Sky Bird Summer Storm

Adobe Home, Magpie Nest, San Cristobal

Adobe home, magpie nest, San Cristobal. This incredible, intricately constructed nest is now a garden curio. The magpies will, no doubt, recycle the materials in to a new nest/adobe home construction next year. At least I hope so. Thanks for looking. G

Magpie nest, San Cristobal

Mountain Bluebird, Mesita, Colorado

Mountain Bluebird, Mesita, Colorado. Pretty sure this is a juvenile Mountain Bluebird. The bird emerged from one of the windows of an abandoned homestead we were photographing. It alighted on this bit of scrub nearby. The bluebirds are in abundance this year with ample opportunities for images. Thanks for looking. G

Mountain Bluebird, Mesita, Colorado


Pinyon Jay, Arroyo Hondo, NM

Pinyon Jay, Arroyo Hondo, NM. On the road last week a large flock of Pinyon Jays exploded out of the sage. This one hung out for a few shots and then peeled off the post in a flash and headed west after the rest of the flock. Thanks for looking. G

Pinyon Jay, Arroyo Hondo, NM