Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Tag: Flowers

Daily Daylilies In The Neighborhood. 07-03-2024

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week the Daylilies are blooming everywhere in the garden and the neighborhood. I started a daily post on Facebook of the daily daylily as they opened. Now they are coming on thick and fast it’s hard to keep up but I’m endeavoring to. I hope you’ll enjoy the following series. It’s all shot on the iPhone 13 Pro Max. Prints are available. Do you have a favorite? It’s rained a lot recently hence the water droplets. Click on an image to enlarge and off the image to go back.

You’ll find information on Daylilies here.

As always, thanks for looking. Have a great week. G

In The Garden This Week. 06-07-2023

Greetings from San Cristobal. This week the garden.

The internet and phones have been down for the last three days after a contractor severed a fiber optic line in Taos. They still remain a bit dodgy. I could go into it further but I’d rather move quickly to get this week’s post online while I have a connection.

Instead of spending time on my phone, online, and on social media over the last few “down” days, I spent time amongst the flowers in our garden.

Here are some of the blooms and one orchid not in the garden. All shot on the iPhone 13 Pro Max. Prints available.


Iris in the garden
Iris with raindrops.
Marigold in the garden
Day Lillies
Day Lillies.

As always, thank you for looking. G

Sunflower, San Cristobal Valley, New Mexico

Sunflowers in the San Cristobal Valley signifying the end of summer and start of fall. It’s beginning in the high desert of northern New Mexico. An arctic blast is heading our way tomorrow and Wednesday. Snow is also forecast where we live. Nothing new here or out of the ordinary. Snow can be expected, and often is expected, any time after labor day. Snow on the sunflowers should make for some nice images. Thanks for looking. G

Sunflower, San Cristobal Valley, New Mexico

Cone Flower, (Retired), Taos, NM

Cone Flower, (retired), Taos, NM. Probably a Black-eyed Susan. From the vast dramatic landscape in yesterday’s image to the intimate details of nature in a decaying flower. Our world always amazes me and I stand staring in awe. Thanks for looking. G

Cone Flower, (retired), Taos, NM.


Blanket Flowers, San Antonio Mountain

Blanket flowers, San Antonio Mountain. These blanket flowers are growing beautifully wild in view from the car along highway 285 at San Antonio Mountain. They are easy to spot as we drive past, glowing, all happy looking in the morning light. Incidentally, San Antonio Mountain is reputed to be the largest free standing (not attached to any mountain range) mountain in the 48 States. Thanks for looking. G

Blanket Flowers, San Antonio Mountain

Hollyhock At The Saint Francis Church

Hollyhock at the Saint Francis Church, Ranchos de Taos. The hollyhocks are hanging on and still blooming. The seeds on some plants are ready to start collecting in numerous locations around town. I’m going to plant in the garden for next year. Thanks for looking. G

Hollyhock At The Saint Francis Church

Nature’s Fireworks In The Woods

Natures fireworks in the woods on the Gavilan Trail, Taos Ski Valley. The only kind of fireworks I want to see tonight in this very dry neighborhood. Happy Independence Day. Thanks for looking. G

Nature's Fireworks In The Woods

Yellow Poppy Pod, Crested Butte, Colorado

Yellow Poppy Pod, Crested Butte, Colorado. I liked the minimalism of this scene. The opened poppy and the unopened pod, a reflection of what is, what was, and what it is to become. Thanks for looking. G

Yellow Poppy Pod

Sunflower Sun Shower Sky

Sunflower sun shower and sky. Yesterday evening in San Cristobal, NM. A short stroll down the driveway, under the sunset, where all the volunteer sunflowers grow, and I give my attention to the moment. A slight rain, the flower, the sky, and this one is in the can. Print it! Thanks for joining me and for looking. G
