November 24, 2017
Winter white aspens, Moreno Valley, northern New Mexico. We made a drive yesterday (Thanksgiving day) through the Moreno Valley, from Red River, through Bobcat Pass, Eagle Nest to Angel Fire and back home again to San Cristobal. A late picnic lunch of tuna and pickle sandwiches, chips, washed down with “Happy Camper”, a true New Mexico IPA, followed by Pami’s specialty, “pumkin crunch”. It was a good day out. The peace and tranquility was exceptional. The winter down-time beckoned, although the lanky, bone white aspens, sans leaves, stood blatantly assertive, defying winter, in the surrounding forest of pines. At home again, dinner consisted of green chile, chicken stew and more pumpkin crunch followed by a nightcap of whiskey. It was a good evening. Thanks for looking. G

Here’s a link to the same grove a few years ago. Wow … seven years ago actually.