Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Tag: Rio Grande del Norte National Monument

Scenes From Winter Past. 02-26-2025

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week a few scenes from winter past. It was 64º F (17.5º C) yesterday. Tee shirt weather, almost. It got me thinking about the winters we’ve had in the past.

I pulled a few images I found while submitting 40 images for the New Mexico Treasures 2026 Calendar. I believe this year’s 2025 calendar has sold out.

The first image was shot in December 2005. The snow came and went, came and went again frequently that winter. It was a cold day but not cold enough to freeze the river. This image is one of my best sellers and one of the first digital vertical stitched panoramas I’ve made.

December from winter past
December on the Rio Hondo from winter past.

The next image was shot in February 2008, a good year for snow. Here’s the same location in summer.

Rio Grande in snow, from the Taos Juncrion bridge
Rio Grande in snow from the Taos Junction bridge.

Winter Past in the Ranchos Valley was also shot in 2008 looking north to Taos Pueblo Mountain.

Winter Past in the Ranchos Valley also shot in 2008
Ranchos Valley fields with Taos Pueblo Mountain.

This piñon pine tree stands out against the sky on the ridge descending from Bobcat Pass elevation 9820 feet (2,990 meters).

Tree on ridge at Bobcat Pass
Tree on the ridge at Bobcat Pass.

Out the kitchen window in December 2013.

Blowing snow, San Cristobal NM
Blowing snow, San Cristobal, NM.

Just a few miles downstream from the Taos Junction Bridge in the Orilla Verde Recreation Area of the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument is this scene, shot in December 2014. Sunny but very cold.

December 2014 Orilla verde recreation area
Orilla Verde Recreation Area.

A flock of Red-winged Blackbirds was shot in January 2016 in Arroyo Hondo across from the liquor store and market. This year we’ve had many larger flocks in our cottonwood and elm trees.

Red winged Blackbirds, Arroyo Hondo NM
Red-winged Blackbirds, Arroyo Hondo NM.

Finally, the image below is not from a past winter but from May 1, 2016. It sure looked and felt like winter. Of course, the sun came out the next day and it vanished leaving muddy dirt roads and trails in its wake.

Snow in Arroyo Hondo, in May
Arroyo Hondo Valley

As always, thanks for looking. Have a great week. G.

Rio Grande Gorge, Black, White, And Color. 02-08-2023

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week the Rio Grande Gorge, from its beginning to where it cuts deep into the canyon of the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument.

If you look closely, you can see the cliffs of the Rio Grande gorge uplifting left of center. I refer to this spot as where the river meets the rift. From this point, the river travels south, never leaving the Rio Grande Gorge. At the deepest point, the river is over eight hundred feet below the canyon rim.

The Rio Grande where the gorge begins, Colorado
The Rio Grande where the gorge begins, Colorado.

Below is a view of Ute Mountain with the Rio Grande as it makes its way through the Wild and Scenic Rivers Recreation Area of the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument. The sky and darkness in the canyon, with only the river and Ute Mountain, highlighted, made for a dramatic image. Click here for another view.

Ute Mountain with the Rio Grande gorge in the Wild Rivers Recreation Area
Ute Mountain with the Rio Grande Gorge.

Heading home on a photo tour with Scott last week, I couldn’t resist another picture of the red barn in the San Luis Valley. The barn, accompanied by a brooding sky, called for a black-and-white photo. I know the barn won’t be standing for much longer. It’s already losing its siding and beginning to corkscrew. With the high winds making direct hits and randomly carting off planks of wood across plains, more and more light gets through the building. In the background are a large field of potato plants and a center-pivot irrigation machine.

Red Barn, San Luis Valley, Colorado
Red Barn, San Luis Valley, Colorado.

As always, thank you for looking. Have a great week. G

Location Scouting, Rio Grande del Norte, National Monument, NM

It’s fun to hit the road or lack thereof, just for a day out. We made this day a fun day out with photography the secondary factor. I always have my camera on hand for when images present themselves when I least expect it. Then there is the other perspective of a preconceived image. Ansel Adams referred to it as pre-visualization. The former is how I mostly find subjects by allowing the day to unfold and present itself to me. I guess one would call it being open to the moment. I’ll settle for that. On this day we were out with our friends, Chris and Carla. Company is a good thing when going off the highway on muddy, rutted roads. The Rio Grande del Norte National Monument is a place where you are pretty much as far away from civilization as you can get in this part of New Mexico. Speaking of location scouting, I found several locations worthy of different weather conditions with dramatic lighting pre-visualized for future trips. Thanks for looking. G

San Antonio Mountain
San Antonio Mountain from the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument.

Road through the Monument
The road through the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument.

Rocky field with Cerro Chiflo
A rocky field with Cerro Chiflo in the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument.

I’ve added a few images below from previous trips’ location scouting in the National Monument. Enjoy!

Ground cover on the Volcanic Plateau
Ground cover on the Volcanic Plateau in the RGdN National Monument.

Lone tree on the plateau
Lone tree on the Volcanic Plateau.

Elk herd in the Rio Grande del Norte
Elk herd in the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument looking east to near where we live.

Pronghorn in the Rio Grande del Norte
Pronghorn in the National Monument looking to the east and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.

Rain on the plateau in the National Monument
Rain on the plateau in the RGdN National Monument.

ute mtn rocks 0115 0121
On the east rim of the Rio Grande Gorge with Ute Mountain.

You can read more on the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument here.

Apricot Tree, Winter, Orilla Verde, Rio Grande Gorge, NM

Apricot tree, winter colors, Orilla Verde RA, Rio Grande del Norte National Monument, NM. It’s beautiful and colorful along the Rio Grande, and a perfect time for a drive through the area. The red willows add warmth, contrasting with the snow on the branches. A splendid winter day in snowy northern New Mexico. Thanks for looking. G

Apricot Tree, Winter, Orilla Verde, Rio Grande Gorge, NM

Orilla Verde, Rio Grande, Fall Colors

Orilla Verde Recreation Area in the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument. Fall colors were evident yesterday evening during the sunset before the stars came out. I was on my way to photograph the Milky Way with the river and reflections. Things didn’t turn out as planned but the lead up and time spent out under the New Mexico skies made it all worthwhile. Thanks for looking. G

Orilla Verde, Rio Grande, Fall Colors


Big Dipper, Ute Mountain, Wild Rivers, Moonlight

Big Dipper with Ute Mountain in the Wild Rivers Recreation Area in the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument. The scene is lit by the moon that rose earlier tethered to Mars in the eastern sky. I’ve added a photo below. It was very peaceful after all the people looking for campsites left the area as the campgrounds are shut due to the Covid-19 health order.  Thanks for looking. G

Big Dipper, Ute Mountain, Wild Rivers, Moonlight


Moon and Mars rising

Rock Wren, Rocks, Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument, NM

Rock Wren on the rocks in the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument, New Mexico. From the vast landscapes to the smallest creatures that inhabit them, when I show up and paying attention these sights present themselves, without question and without fail, every time. Thanks for looking. G

Rock Wren, Rocks, Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument, NM

Lone Tree, Wild Rivers, Rio Grande Del Norte

Lone Tree, in the Wild Rivers area of the Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument. I can’t pass up a lone tree, especially a bare lone tree. Here is today’s tree. You can’t tell from the photo, but the sage was wet from an afternoon downpour. The aroma was heady. Thanks for looking. G

Lone Tree, Wild Rivers, Rio Grande Del Norte

Green Willows, Orilla Verde, NM

Green willows and a few cottonwood trees, Orilla Verde in the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument. Watching the seasons and colors change along the banks of the river and living here, surrounded by all this beauty, does this soul good. Thanks for looking. G

Green, Willows, Orilla Verde

Tree, Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument

Tree in the Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument an area within the Taos Plateau volcanic field. It is an exceptional area and perfect right now if you want to roam alone. From here you can see a hundred miles north to the snow capped peaks of the Rocky mountains in Colorado. If you prefer solitude to crowds this is the place to be. As you may have gathered distancing here is easy. Check out this link for more info on this area. Thanks for looking. G

Tree, Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument