May 15, 2017
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Rio Grande del Norte National Monument at the Taos Junction Bridge in the Orilla Verde Recreation Area section. I’ve used this image as a photo of the day previously but if the proverbial you know what hits the fan we could loose some 27 National Monuments.
The status of 27 U.S. national monuments is being reconsidered. Leading nature photographers have created a free ebook to show you the beauty that’s at risk. See this spectacular land. Then raise your voice to save it.
I am one of the featured photographers. Check it out and thank you for looking
Land Almost Lost features the work of Tom Algire, Kevin Ebi, Michael Frye, Rick Kattelmann, Jerry Monkman, William Neill, Geraint Smith, Tom Till, Larry Ulrich and Matt Witt. All images are copyrighted work of the respective photographers.

[wp_cart:Rio Grande At Taos Junction 1603:price:[Available Sizes|8.5×11 inches $95,95|13×19 inches $155,155|17×22 inches $235,235|24×36 inches $475,475]:end]