Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Tag: Storms

Storms Bringing Fabulous Rain. 07-17-24.

Greetings from San Cristobal, (Taos), NM. This week storms brought fabulous rain to our neck of the woods. The southern end of our rocky mountains looked like the first image on several occasions this week.

The monsoons continue. They began earlier this year. Some systems are specific, pouring on one side of the valleys and plateau while missing other areas entirely, I think the picture below indicates that is the case as a storm drops much-needed rain on the mountains and valleys.

Storms over our Taos Mountains
Storms move through the Taos Mountains.

Only two photos this week. I just finished working on the image below from a couple of months ago, taken from my favorite spot on the rim of the Rio Grande Gorge with the river and Ute Mountain. You know the one.

Storms over Ute Mountain with the Rio Grande, NM
Ute Mountain with the Rio Grande, NM.

As always, thank you for looking and all the wonderful comments and compliments. Have a great week. G

Blanca Peak Massif, Colorado

Road trip to Alamosa for covid shots. No matter the reason for the trip, there’s always something to see. On this occasion a very large storm cell moving through the Central San Luis Valley carrying spitting kernels of snow. Standing up in the bed of the truck was stinging but exhilarating, to say the least. It didn’t stop me. We stopped into other locations as well for the black and white below. There are 14,000 ft peaks in this range behind those clouds.

Blanca Peak Massif, highway 160 Colorado
Storm cell, Blanca Peak Massif, and Highway 160, Colorado.

Storm cell San Luis Valley, Colorado
Storm cell over Blanca Peak, San Luis Valley, Colorado.

Following are a few pictures from one of the five photo tours/workshops during the last month. I’m booking tours/workshops from June through the rest of the year and beyond. Let me know if you want to join me on the road in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado.

Rust Paint Patina
Rust, Paint, Patina on a farm tractor in Jaroso, Colorado.

Combination mail boxes, Jaroso
Combination mail boxes with Eagle in the Jaroso, post office, Colorado.

Garcia Colorado photo tour/workshop
Working the ruins in Garcia, Colorado on a photo tour/workshop.

Thanks for looking. Stay healthy. See you next week. G

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge. Highway 64, New Mexico

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, Highway 64, New Mexico. The bridge spans the canyon and river, a meer 600 feet below, carrying Highway 64 with one terminus in the Outer Banks, NC and the other at Teec Nos Pos, Arizona. The storms move through here fast and with deliberate intention. I’m finding some fun images throwing virtual darts at the archives most of today. Stay tuned for another image from New Mexico in Chaco Canyon tomorrow. Thanks for looking. G

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge. Highway 64, New Mexico

San Antonio Mountain, Taos Plateau, Volcanic Field, Storm

San Antonio Mountain, Taos Plateau, Volcanic Field, Storm. Going back a couple of weeks to my drive around the big, two hundred and fifty mile block, I ended the day feasting my eyes and training my lens on this sight. Thanks for looking. G

San Antonio Mountain, Taos Plateau, Volcanic Field, Storm.

Taos Mountain Meadows, Storm Clouds

Taos Mountain meadows, storm clouds clearing, and summer greening up. These meadows have been added to the list of other conservation easements in Taos County. They are now protected from future development. As a photographer, I welcome as much open space as possible, that affords us views like this. Thanks for looking. G

Taos Mountain meadow, storm clouds clearing

Rainbow, Taos Mountains

Rainbow, Taos Mountains. On the road home the storm recedes leaving the landscape bathed in the special light New Mexico is known for and the prerequisite rainbow. I’ll post the full rainbow on tomorrows photo of the day. Thanks for looking. G

Rainbow, Taos Mountains

[wp_cart: Rainbow, Taos Mountains – 1245:price:[Available Sizes|8×14 inches $95,95|10.5×18 inches $155,155|14.5×25 inches $235,235]:end]

Monsoon, San Cristobal Valley

Monsoon, San Cristobal Valley. Before the unleashing and the lightning strike that made my hair stand on end. It was quite a downpour that followed and there is a large waterfall in the Rio Grande Gorge in this same spot where I shot this image in 2008. Monsoon season has been on again off again, but todays storm made up for it. Thanks for looking. G

Monsoon, San Cristobal Valley

Barns, Storms, Capulin, Colorado

Barns and approaching storm, on the road in Capulin, Colorado. Here’s an image from a number of years ago at this location in winter.  Whenever I’m in the area, I stop at this place. In fact, I’ve had the opportunity to make multiple visits to this and many other of my favorite locations over the years. I’m grateful that I get to do this often in my travels and career. Ultimately the quote below, of Franz Kafka, sums up the emotions I feel when I’m in the field. It’s as if the location I’m visiting is “the room”.  The world is my room; my room, “the location” is my world. Thanks for looking.

“You need not leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. You need not even listen, simply wait, just learn to become quiet, and still, and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked. It has no choice; it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.”
Franz Kafka

Thanks for looking. G

Barns, Storms, Capulin, Colorado

Little House On The Plains

Little house on the plains, Capulin, NM. This little house out there in the field, befriended by a few ravens, sits alone under a brooding sky. At the time I was on our annual photo trek with my good friend Ron. We descended the plateau and spotted this place. The light was eerily beautiful although foreboding. It hailed heavily after I made this image. When the hail storm passed, a rainbow followed arcing over the Capulin Volcano. Stay tuned and thanks for looking. G

Little house on the plains, Capulin, NM.

Storm On The Plains Highway 72 NM

Storm on the plains on a photo tour along NM 72 and beyond. Plenty of opportunities for images of dramatic weather moving through the region last weekend. Thanks for looking. G

Storm On The Plains Highway 72 NM