Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Search Results for: san cristobal – Page 2

Northern Flicker, Evening Light, Cottonwood Tree, San Cristobal

Northern Flicker in the evening light on top of the cottonwood tree, San Cristobal. I know for sure it saw the moon and planets at the same time I did. It had a slightly more elevated view over the rooftops but no closer to the cosmic events. Thanks for looking. G


Saturn, Jupiter, Trees, San Cristobal, NM

Saturn, Jupiter, through the veil of trees off the deck in San Cristobal, NM. The planets are moving closer together, at least from our perspective on this planet. In actuality, they are millions of miles apart. If you have clear skies take a look outside over the next couple of weeks as this great conjunction comes closest on December 22, 2020. Thanks for looking. G

Saturn, Jupiter, Trees, San Cristobal, NM

Magpie, Morning, Cottonwood Tree, San Cristobal

Magpie, morning in the old cottonwood tree, San Cristobal. We pretty much have the same view each morning as the birds who warm up and come to life. They have the sun and I have my tea. They can blast off in a hurry and me…? Just one more cup. Thanks for looking. G

Magpie, morning, cottonwood tree, San Cristobal

Evening Grosbeaks, In The Garden, San Cristobal

Evening Grosbeaks, in the garden, San Cristobal. The variety of birds were in abundance last week. We had Robins, Magpies, Juncos, and Chickadees. Townsend Solitaires, Downy Woodpeckers, Northern Flickers, Crows, and a few straggler House Finches rounded out the thirsty bird species. When the ever vigilant Evening Grosbeaks showed up in their droves, the thirsty drinkers had to back off, all but the brave Robin back there. Thanks for looking. G

Evening Grosbeaks, In the Garden

Mule Deer Family Visit, San Cristobal Valley

Mule Deer family visit the San Cristobal Valley. The dishes get put on hold. Light envelops the valley and surrounds the mule deer family as they graze their way across the meadow. Everything stands still, and we watch. I hope it’s as wondrous where you are. Thanks for looking. G

Mule Deer family visit the San Cristobal Valley.

Moonrise, Sangre De Cristos, San Cristobal

Moonrise this evening over the Sangre De Cristo Mountains, San Cristobal, NM. I got this quick shot out of the dining room window as the waxing moon was served up in a gorgeous pink sky. I served up a pot of green chile chicken stew, a perfect accompaniment to a cold fall evening. Thanks for looking. G

Moon Rise, Sangre De Cristo Mountains, San Cristobal, NM.

Fall Color, San Cristobal Valley, New Mexico

Fall Color in the San Cristobal Valley, northern New Mexico. This is the valley where we live and a scene we look at every time we go south to town. On this occasion, I squeezed over on the shoulder to get this photo, dodging disturbing the powdery rabbitbrush that makes me sneeze. I just had a sneezing fit looking at this photo. I hope you don’t get an allergic reaction when looking. Thanks for checking in. G

Fall Color,San C ristobal Valley, New Mexico.

Mars, Moon, Night And Day, San Cristobal

Mars, Moon night and day from the deck in San Cristobal New Mexico. This morning I looked out the window, decided I liked what I saw, so I got up and walked across the deck to get this shot of the red planet Mars and our Moon to the west. Below is the scene in the eastern sky yesterday evening. Thanks for looking. G

Mars, Moon night and day San Cristobal

Moon Mars San Cristobal, NM

Evening Grosbeak, Crabapple Tree, San Cristobal, NM

Evening Grosbeak, in one of our crabapple trees, San Cristobal, NM. Besides colorful hillsides and mountains, fall brings an abundance of food and birds to eat it. This week the Evening Grosbeaks arrived in flocks to indulge themselves of the crabapples. Great individual shots picked out of the thirty or so birds camoflaged by the branches and leaves. Thanks for looking. G

Evening Grosbeak, Crabapple Tree, San Cristobal, NM

Sunflower, San Cristobal Valley, New Mexico

Sunflowers in the San Cristobal Valley signifying the end of summer and start of fall. It’s beginning in the high desert of northern New Mexico. An arctic blast is heading our way tomorrow and Wednesday. Snow is also forecast where we live. Nothing new here or out of the ordinary. Snow can be expected, and often is expected, any time after labor day. Snow on the sunflowers should make for some nice images. Thanks for looking. G

Sunflower, San Cristobal Valley, New Mexico