Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Search Results for: ute – Page 4

Ute Mountain Emerges

Ute Mountain emerges from the clouds after last weekend’s snow storm. Ute Mountain is north of Taos on the road to Colorado and often appears protruding, fin like, moving through the clouds. It also creates it’s own weather system. I’ve often seen rain and snow falling solely on the dome of this extinct volcano, a major geological feature in the Taos Volcanic Field/Plateau. Here’s another image of Ute.

Ute mountain emerges from the clouds

Adobe Route, Free Climbing Pigeons

Adobe Route, Free Climbing Pigeons. “I got this… I got this!” at the St. Francis Church Ranchos de Taos, NM. I’m guessing here… perhaps they were eating seeds they discovered in the mud or bits of gravel for their crop. One thing I’m certain about, as I watched them work their way up the building, flying would have been the easier route to take. Thanks for looking. G

Adobe route pigeons on adobe buttress saint francis church ranchos de taos

Ute Mountain Clouds

ute mountain cloud
Ute Mountain, is a free standing extinct volcano in northern New Mexico rising 3000 feet above the valley floor on the Colorado border. It’s distinctive shape looms on the plateau and can be seen from many miles in any direction. It is a focal point landmark in the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument. In this image it is shrouded in cloud and can often be seen celebrating its own weather system.

Hawk Nest And Ute Mountain

After numerous years, the tree and Swainson’s Hawk’s nest near Ute Mountain on the plateau has finally succumbed to the elements. The nest, were it not for the fact that it is now three feet above the ground and within reach of predators, would have lasted for many more generations of raptors. The structure of the nest is bound together with an armature of barbed and bailing wire. I expect to see the tree disintegrate around it while the nest remains a reminder of what once was.

Storms Bringing Fabulous Rain. 07-17-24.

Greetings from San Cristobal, (Taos), NM. This week storms brought fabulous rain to our neck of the woods. The southern end of our rocky mountains looked like the first image on several occasions this week.

The monsoons continue. They began earlier this year. Some systems are specific, pouring on one side of the valleys and plateau while missing other areas entirely, I think the picture below indicates that is the case as a storm drops much-needed rain on the mountains and valleys.

Storms over our Taos Mountains
Storms move through the Taos Mountains.

Only two photos this week. I just finished working on the image below from a couple of months ago, taken from my favorite spot on the rim of the Rio Grande Gorge with the river and Ute Mountain. You know the one.

Storms over Ute Mountain with the Rio Grande, NM
Ute Mountain with the Rio Grande, NM.

As always, thank you for looking and all the wonderful comments and compliments. Have a great week. G

Swallowtail Butterfly, And A Rainbow. 06-26-2024

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week a beautiful swallowtail butterfly and the business end of a rainbow across the valley. Sometimes it seems that the world presents itself at my doorstep. It reminds me of a favorite quote:

“You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait, be quiet, still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.” Franz Kafka

The swallowtail butterfly has a routine it follows. Shortly after my morning ablutions the butterfly arrives and proceeds with its morning route around the garden. Same plants every day. A creature of habit.

Swallowtail Butterfly
Swallowtail Butterfly.

This pine shoot caught my eye on the trail, spotlighted in the morning sunshine.

Pine shoot Italianos Trail Hondo Canyon, NM
Pine shoot, Italianos Canyon Trail, NM.

Without leaving my room, without leaving my chair, this presented itself over the ridge, across the valley. I did get up and go out for the shot.

Rainbow cloud, San Cristobal, NM
Rainbow Cloud, San Cristobal, NM.

A closer observation with a 400mm lens.

Close up Rainbow cloud, San Cristobal, NM
Close-up of the Rainbow Cloud, San Cristobal, NM.

Does anyone have a precise identification of this bird? It showed up on the feeder about a week ago and I haven’t seen it since. Thanks in advance for the help. Thanks to my friend Larry for his offerings.

Mystery bird
Mystery bird.

As always, thank you for looking, and a big thank you for all the comments and compliments on last week’s post on “Random Abstraction”. I appreciate it very much. Have a great week where you are. G

PS: The bird ID app Merlin suggests it is a Juvenile European Starling.

“Stocky and dark overall with short tail and triangular wings. A close look reveals beautiful plumage: in breeding season, look for purple and green iridescence and a yellow bill. In winter, shows extensive white and buffy spots over the entire body. Juveniles are plain grayish-brown; note bill shape. Native to Eurasia; introduced extensively across the globe. Often abundant, gathering in large flocks in open agricultural areas and towns and cities. Makes a variety of squeaky vocalizations, and often mimics other species.”

Guadalupe Mountain, NM Hike. 05-22-2024

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM, and beyond. This week a hike up Guadalupe Mountain in the Wild Rivers area of the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument. Last week we went down to the river. This week we hiked up to a vantage point that gave us views of the gorge and the Blanca massif in Colorado, a great view to accompany lunch. Unfortunately a smoky haze somewhat obscured the distant 14,000 + ft peaks. So instead we looked down, watching where we stepped for the morning emergence of rattlesnakes and bouquets of wildflowers.

Wild Rivers overlook, Guadalupe Mountain Trail NM
Guadalupe Mountain, Wild Rivers Overlook, and Ute Mountain.

Indian Paintbrush were in abundance at the trailhead, individuals, and clusters.

Indian Paintbrush
Indian Paintbrush.

Indian Paintbrush, cluster
Indian Paintbrush, cluster.

At about 8500 ft above sea level the Indian Canyon Fleabane took over the nooks and crannies in the boulder fields to the summit overlook.

Indian Canyon Fleabane
Indian Canyon Fleabane.

That was yesterday. Today I took a quick jaunt up a watery trail in the Hondo Canyon to check out the creek crossings. I didn’t get far. I left my hiking poles in the car. Below is a solitary wild Columbine. There were many more. I liked this single bloom glowing against the rock.

Wild columbine, Italianos trail Taos Ski Valley
Wild Columbine, Italianos trail, Hondo Canyon.

A leafy green plant, Rowan I think, of which there were many.

Leafy green plant, Italianos trail Taos Ski Valley
Rowan plant on the Italianos Trail.

A spot on the creek running alongside the trail, not one of the crossing points, but a picturesque little falls.

Italianos trail Taos Ski Valley
Italianos Creek.

Lastly the Cottonwood in Arroyo Hondo, you know the one, in a sleet and hail storm last week. I got pelted and had to dive back into the car.

Arroyo Hondo Cottonwood, NM
Cottonwood and Acequia (irrigation ditch), Arroyo Hondo, NM.

As always. Thank you for looking. Have a great week. G

On The Petaca Point Trail. 05-01-2024

Greetings from San Cristobal NM. This week on the Petaca Point Trail, southwest of Taos.

When the only camera you have is a cellphone you make do. These few shots were taken on a hike last week. We’re going back on the Petaca trail tomorrow for what I’m hoping will be a Claret Cup Cactus superbloom. I’m taking a Sony camera on tomorrow’s hike. If you’re interested in this hike on the Petaca Point Trail it’s mostly flat with many expansive views of the mountains and river gorge.

Claret Cup Cactus, Petaca Point Trail Carson, NM
Claret Cup Cactus.

The iPhone does a good job of the details. Here is some info on this cactus.

Cactus, Carson, NM
AKA, a Hedgehog Cactus.
Also know as hedgehog cactus
Claret Cup Cactus.

Also know as hedgehog cactus
Looks like a creature with beady eyes.

Claret Cup Cactus on the Petaca Point Trail.

I went to Pueblo, Colorado for a film festival last weekend. It was fun, and something different for me. On the way home I stopped at this favorite spot for this shot of the passing storm with Ute Mountain.

Ute Mountain Storm, NM
Ute Mountain with passing storm, NM.

Lastly, my book Rio Grande del Norte: An Intimate Portrait won an American Legacy Book Award. Best in Photography.

American Legacy Book Awards Winner Photography 2024
American Legacy Book Awards Winner Photography 2024.

As always, thanks for looking. Have a great week. G

April 17 From The Archives. 04-17-2024

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week features the day of April 17th from ten years of my archives.

I hope everyone had a good week. April has been beautiful in northern New Mexico,,, so far. I know I said I wouldn’t say anymore regarding my feet but I’m averaging 2-3 miles a day and getting 4-6 mile hikes in. I’m so happy with my two new feet.

Over the last month, my friend, David, and I have been hiking stretches of the road through the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument that traverses the gorge rim and skirts around the base of Ute Mountain. We have hiked a different section each week with the mountain always present, beckoning. All being well, this summer will culminate in an accent of Ute Mountain.

Back to the present that began in the past, here are pictures from April 17th taken from my photo of the day archive from 2006 to 2016.

Beginning in 2016 and working back to 2006. This day we had snow and I made this image. It makes a beautiful print. A couple of hours after taking this photo, the snow was all gone.

Willow tree, Arroyo Seco, April 2016
Willow tree lane, Arroyo Seco, April 2016.

A roadside Descanso, San Ildefonso, 2015. The internet says “Descansos are deeply rooted in Southwestern Hispanic culture. The word means “resting place” and is believed to refer to the days when coffins were transported by horse and cart or carried by hand over many miles for burial in a camposanto.”

Roadside marker, San Ildefonso, NM
Roadside Descanso, San Ildefonso, NM.

Some vistas around Taos have since been transformed… developed. 2014

Taos Mountain from El Prado, NM
Taos Mountain from El Prado, NM.

Here’s a shot of mine and Pami’s shadow in Arroyo Hondo on the drive home from Taos back in 2013.

Arroyo Hondo evening shadows
Arroyo Hondo evening shadows, 2013.

Here’s a former living plant that grew out of a crack in a rock in the Orilla Verde Recreation Area of the now Rio Grande del Norte National Monument, 2012.

Rock plant, Orilla Verde, NM
Rock brush, Orilla Verde, NM, 2012.

A ubiquitous Taos Raven. They are known to perch in ones or twos. This raven was probably calling for or waiting on its better half. 2011

Raven in a bare tree, Taos
Raven in a bare tree, Taos, 2011.

I’m still searching for the original high resolution file of this picture of Garetto Rivas, so I’ve added a higher resolution second image from the same day below this one. I’ve forgotten the name of his gorgeous blond horse. The second horse in tow and in training is named “Beauty”.

Garetto Rivas, Taos Cowboy
Garetto Rivas, a Taos Cowboy, 2010.

Garetto Rivas, Taos Cowboy
Garetto Rivas, Taos Cowboy, 2010.

The image below was scanned from a Kodachrome 64, transparency shot in the mid 1990’s and published on my website’s photo of the day archive on April 17, 2009.

Indian paintbrush 2009
Indian paintbrush, 2009.

Just around the corner from my former gallery in Arroyo Seco was a yoga studio festooned in Tibetan prayer flags. I recall shooting this one out of my car window in 2008.

Prayer flags in Arroyo Seco, NM, 2008
Prayer flags in Arroyo Seco, NM. 2008.

I shot the image below in 1990 and published it on my website in 2007. It has since been published in a couple of local magazines.

Saint Francis church reflecting in my 1958 Volkswagen Beetle
Saint Francis church reflecting in my 1958 Volkswagen Beetle wing mirror, 2007.

On April 17, 2006 I paid a visit to the National Cemetery in Santa Fe NM. It’s the only time I’ve been there. Since then I usually post this image on social media on Memorial Day.

The National Cemetery, Santa Fe NM. 2006
The National Cemetery in Santa Fe, NM. 2006

As always, thank you for looking. I hope you enjoyed the trip down memory lane. You can see more from my photo of the day archive here.

Have a great week. G