Big Birds, Happy Healthy World. 03-29-23
Greetings from the San Cristobal, NM. This week a series of images of some of the big birds that frequent our area.
I hope you enjoy the following gallery of big birds.
Some of the largest birds in the area are the Sandhill Cranes that pass through on their migratory route. I photographed the two below in the Bosque del Apache.
The Turkey Vulture below is about to return to our area. They are known as the harbingers of Spring. If you are interested, you can read more here.
I chose these images below out of a collection of photos that showed up when I searched my hard drives for large birds. It was hard to decide which to include, so I picked the ones I distinctly remember taking the shot. I went for feeling more than anything. I hope you like them. Click on an image to enlarge it.

Always remember the birds at the zoo like this Flamingo. I had a stunning picture of a captive eagle in the Albuquerque Zoo published in Raptors of New Mexico.
As always, thank you for looking. Keep looking up you may be surprised by what’s above and around you. G