Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Tag: Sunset

Sky, Black Ladder, Sunset, San Cristobal

Sky, Black Ladder, Sunset, San Cristobal. Nothing better to do today than play with apps on my phone. I hope everyone is keeping well and staying safe. Thanks for looking… up! G

Sky, Black Ladder, Sunset, San Cristobal.

Sunset Cloud, Taos Mountain

Sunset cloud, Taos Mountain. So, here’s the image that followed yesterday’s picture, ending that day. Had I thought about it I could have added them sequentially. But… I was diving in too deep when I should have been paddling around the edge of the pool. It’s a subtle image, I know, that is what I like about our mountain, it has many personas determined by the light, and as you know, we have the light here in New Mexico. Stay well, and I’ll see you tomorrow from somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Thanks for looking. G

Sunset Cloud, Taos Mountain

Taos Mountain, Sunset, Trees

Taos Mountain sunset, through the trees in El Prado, NM. Well.. it’s fun digging further into the archives only to find an image taken shortly after the image I just posted on April 10, two days ago. Stay tuned and I’ll post the final image from that evening shoot tomorrow. Thanks for looking. G

Taos Mountain, Sunset, Trees

Highway 522, Northern New Mexico

Highway 522, northern New Mexico. Can’t beat the ride home with epic views and skies. On a clear day we can see the snow covered, fourteen thousand foot peaks of southern Colorado. The mountain ahead, is San Antonio Mountain, an extinct volcano and largest free standing mountain in the lower 48 states, not a part of any mountain chain, at least that’s what I’ve be told. I like being able to look out and see forever. There’s a song title there, I think you know it. Thanks for looking. G

Highway 522, northern New Mexico.

Crescent Moon Waxing, Earth Shine, Plateau.

Crescent Moon waxing with “earth shine” just now, setting over the plateau. Stunning beauty. The moon is reflecting light from the earth! Makes sense “earth shine”. I just got in after it set through the reddish, orange haze. Then it got cold. Now for a roast chicken dinner! Thanks for looking. G

Crescent Moon waxing with "earth shine"

Sky Watching, Taos Volcanic Field, Plateau

Sky watching across the Taos Volcanic Field and Plateau. Just a couple of city blocks from the house in San Cristobal there is a turn out that serves as a bit of an overlook. Not a bad spot for an overlook for that matter. Thanks for looking. G

Sky Watching, Taos Volcanic Field, Plateau

Jemez Mountains, Sunset, Lenticular Clouds

Jemez Mountains, sunset, shark fin lenticular clouds. I saw the fins in the clouds after I loaded the image in Photoshop®. I like the way the clouds settled over the distant volcano and caldera. I shot this from the Arroyo Hondo mesa before the Moon and Venus revealed themselves after sunset. Thanks for looking. G

Jemez Mountains, Sunset, Lenticular Clouds

Crescent Moon, Venus, Sunset Sky

Crescent Moon, Venus, sunset sky across the volcanic plateau this evening. I took a drive out south to sit and watch the Moon and Venus set. I did a about an hour sitting and watching from different locations, and of course, a few minutes photographing. Thanks for looking. G

Crescent Moon, Venus, Sunset Sky

Icicle Drop, Sunset, San Cristobal, NM

Icicle drop, against the setting sun through the trees, San Cristobal NM. The last icicle drop to form but not fall on the last day of the year and decade. Thank you for joining me here. Many, many best wishes for the coming year. Plans made, many others to fulfill. I look forward to seeing what transpires. Happy New Year. Geraint

Icicle drop, San Cristobal NM

Taos Mountain, Sunset Clouds, Daily Commute

Taos Mountain, sunset clouds, on our daily commute in northern New Mexico. We live in a most beautiful place. I know there are many beautiful places on the planet. This is our beauty spot. There’s a twelve thousand foot mountain in those clouds. It will likely be covered in more snow tomorrow. Thanks for looking. G

Taos Mountain, sunset clouds, daily commute.