The Nature of March. 03-19-2025

Exciting, March 2025 Lunar Eclipse. 03-12-2025.

Mountain Clouds, Storm Clearing. 03-05-2025

Scenes From Winter Past. 02-26-2025

Blanca Peak, Monte Vista. 02-19-2025

Found In The San Luis Valley. 02-12-2025

Crescent Moon, Venus, Sunset. 02-05-2025

Chair Work. New Work, 01-29-2025

The Stunning Great Blue Heron. 01-22-2025

Out The Window This Week. 01-15-2025

The Low Road To Taos, Dixon, NM. 01-08-2024

Happy New Year, 01-01-2025

Taos Pueblo, Las Trampas, Mountains. 12-25-2024

El Salto, The Rocks. 12-18-2024

Something Warm, Old, And Cold. 12-11-2024

Rio Chama, Orilla Verde. 12-04-2024

Snow Geese, And Two Turkeys. 11-27-2024

Leaves, Lots Of Them. 11-20-2024

Winter Weather, Snow, Book Covers. 11-13-24

Pond Ripples, The Second Coming. 11-06-24

Red Barn, Awesome Comet, Snow. 10-30-2024.

Powerful Bighorn Sheep, A Petroglyph, And More. 10-23-2024

Falling Leaves In The Forest, 10-16-2024

On The Taos Plateau, 10-09-2024

In the Aspens, Fall In New Mexico. 10-01-2024

Ute Mountain, Taos Mountain, Mountain Biking. 09-25-2024

San Luis Valley Homestead. 09-16-2024

Taos Artist Combo 3, Taos Art Shows. 09-11-2024

New Mexico Treasures 2025 Calendar. 09-04-2024

Ranchos de Taos, Morning. 08-28-2024

Super Blue Moonrise, San Cristobal, NM. 08-21-2024

September Show, Stables Gallery, Taos. 08-14-2024

Sunset Moonrise, Taos Mountain.08-07-2024.

Rio Grande Gorge, Summer Gorgeousness. 07-31-2024

High Road To Taos, Black And White. 07-24-2024.

Storms Bringing Fabulous Rain. 07-17-24.

Across The Taos Plateau Volcanic Field. 07-10-2024.

Daily Daylilies In The Neighborhood. 07-03-2024

Swallowtail Butterfly, And A Rainbow. 06-26-2024

Random Abstraction, Around The Block. 06-19-2024.

Williams Lake, Hummingbirds, Doves, Flycatcher. 06-12-2024.

Bighorn, Birds, Ute Mountain, Gorge. 06-05-2024

Western Tanagers In The Garden. 05-29-2024.

Guadalupe Mountain, NM Hike. 05-22-2024

Big Arsenic Trail, Wild Rivers, NM. 05-15-2024

Glenfinnan Viaduct, A Flashback, And More. 05-08-2024

On The Petaca Point Trail. 05-01-2024

Spring Has Sprung Around Taos. 04-24-2024

April 17 From The Archives. 04-17-2024