Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Tag: Rio Grande

Lobatos Steel Bridge, Frozen Rio Grande, Colorado

Lobatos steel bridge (circa 1890), crossing the frozen Rio Grande in southern Colorado. It’s cold, infact freezing cold out here. So cold the Lobatos bridge is locked in ridged, eerie silence, by the ice. We are alone under the late afternoon sky. Solitude prevails on this day, nothing exists, just us and the cold. Thanks for looking. G

Lobatos steel bridge, crossing the frozen Rio Grande

Rio Grande Gorge, Hwy 142 Colorado

Rio Grande Gorge, from the bridge on Hwy 142 Colorado, or as I like to call it, ‘where the Rio Grande Gorge begins’. The rock walls, here, begin to rise above the river, now frozen in the throes of winter. From this spot, I could hear the ice groaning, moaning and stretching against the rocks and bridge pylons, much as my joints feel on cold winter mornings. Thanks for looking. G

Rio Grande Gorge, from the bridge on Hwy 142 Colorado

Monte Vista NWR, CO, Bosque Del Apache, NWR, NM

Monte Vista NWR, CO, Bosque Del Apache, NWR, NM. The Sandhill Cranes head south from the northwest corner of the San Luis Valley, Colorado into New Mexico. Following the Rio Grande, as it winds it’s way through canyons, ancient pueblos and thick cottonwood bosques (woods), they pass through the states largest city Albuquerque.  Navigating this way as they have for thousands of years they arrive at the nations premier wildlife refuge. At the Bosque del Apache they settle in for the long winter. The first photo is at Monte Vista, Colorado, in the afternoon. The second photo is from early morning at the Bosque del Apache, New Mexico. Thanks for looking. G



Lobatos Bridge Crossing The Rio Grande

Lobatos Bridge shadows crossing the frozen solid Rio Grande in southern Colorado. The bridge is a favorite stopping point for making images looking upstream on the Rio Grande to the Blanca massif. The mountains are hidden in the clouds on this day. We made some shots of our shadows standing on the bridge instead. Down below in the snow drift on the ice we spotted elk and coyote tracks. Thanks for looking. G

Lobatos Bridge Crossing The Rio Grande

Turquoise, Security, El Guique, NM

Turquoise mobile home, artistically adorned security screens, backed up by ADT security service. El Guique, NM. That’s the beauty of New Mexico, safety first and second dressed up in the official state color. Thanks for looking. G

Turquoise Security, El Guique, NM

Estaca Chapel, New Mexico

Estaca Chapel, New Mexico. I made a little road trip today along the Rio Grande to Estaca, New Mexico. This little chapel was glowing in the afternoon winter sunshine. Traveling with my good friend and photographer R David Marks, I was inspired to make a black and white image at this place. It was another good day in good company. Thanks for looking. G

Estaca Chapel, New Mexico

Bald Eagles, Pilar New Mexico

Bald Eagles, on the Rio Grande in Pilar, New Mexico. Well… my heart always skips a beat when driving through the canyon, south of Pilar, and we spot a pair of eagles in a dead juniper. These two were on the west bank of the river. It was very special to see so many cars pull over and people get out and sit on the guardrail to watch in awe. Time out of one’s day well spent.  Here’s another shot of a Bald Eagle in the same vicinity a few years ago. Thanks for looking. G

Bald Eagles, Pilar New Mexico

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, US Highway 64, Taos New Mexico. Morning on the Gorge Rim with the first snow on the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and the bridge that gets you there, if you’re heading in that direction. Thanks for looking. G

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge

Canyon Of The Rio Grande

Canyon of the Rio Grande. The Rio Grande flows in a north south direction from Colorado, through New Mexico, Texas and Mexico where it finally reaches the Gulf of Mexico. Six hundred feet or so below the rim the river passes through what is known as the “box”, a steep sided canyon on the Taos Plateau, seen here from the Highway 64 high bridge. “Our Canyon” now part of the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument continues to amaze me and visitors alike. The views are very vast and one gets the sense of a place where earth meets sky and separation is intangible. “Our river” keeps on rolling. As it heads south the river gathers more stories to tell. It nourishes and replenishes the landscape, wildlife and people of the desert southwest. Thanks for looking. G

Canyon of the Rio Grande

Lobatos Bridge Crossing The Rio Grande

Lobatos Bridge, crossing the Rio Grande in southern Colorado. Over the river, under the blackening storm and into the light. Earth and sky and the way between. Thanks for looking. G

Lobatos Bridge, Across The Rio Grande