Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week’s images depict the nature of March. The wind-swept madness of March came in like a lamb, and never mind the analogy of a lion, it morphed into a rhinoceros in an English tearoom. Haboob-like dust storms occurred earlier in the month, and again yesterday, they delayed flights and closed interstates with winds fanning the flames of wildfires.
The pictures of the Lunar Eclipse I’d planned to post this week didn’t occur due to the crazy March weather here. Thick clouds, freezing rain, and snow made sure of that.
That said, here are some images of the gentler side of March.
Spring Weather, Taos, NMChama River Road, NMArroyo Hondo, NMBighorn Sheep, NMBighorn Sheep, NMBighorn Sheep, NMCoyote, Rio Pueblo, NMGreat Sand Dunes NP, COGreat Sand Dunes NP, COEnchanted Circle Drive, NMGhost Ranch, NMGhost Ranch, NMGreat Sand Dunes NP, COMonument Valley March, 2022Monte Vista NWR, CO.Moonrise, Vallecito Peak.Latir Peaks SunsetTaos Mountain Storm.Raven, CORed Barn, snow San Luis Valley, CORio Chama Abiquiu, NMRio Grande near San Luis, CORoadside Puddle ReflectionsSandhill Cranes, Monte Vista, COSandhill Cranes, Monte VistaSangre de Cristos MoonriseSan Luis ValleyShiprock, NMSpider Rock, Canyon de Chelly, AZSun Star, Chaco Canyon, NMSunset Clouds, San Cristobal, NMPueblo Peak, Taos MountainTaos Mountain Clouds,Last Years Cornfield, Taos, NMUte Mountain, NMAspens, Tres Ritos, NMZapata Falls Ice Cave, CO
Greetings from San Cristobal, NM, and beyond. This week, a road shot of Blanca Peak, the whole massif in color and black and white, followed by a shot of the sandhill cranes, soon to arrive at the Monte Vista NWR, flying over a herd of elk as they make their way north.
Blanca Peak, Colorado
I’m rather partial to the black and white.
Blanca Massif, Colorado, Black, and White.
The cranes return every year in mid-March to the Monte Vista NWR. Let’s go!
Sandhill cranes and elk at the Monte Vista NWR, Colorado.
Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week, in the aspens. It’s leaf-peeping time in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. I hope you’re able to get out there. I’ll have six days on the road with wonderful friends and great clients.
Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week my favorite abandoned San Luis Valley homestead. I think you know the one!
On a photo tour/workshop last Monday we visited the high country around Hopewell Lake, the Chama and Antonito depots on the Cumbres and Toltec Railroad, and a few favorite locations in the San Luis Valley.
It rained most of the day but we were tenacious and worked between raindrops. The colors are beginning to turn and are vibrant from the rain under an overcast sky.
San Luis Valley homestead.
We worked in this location and I’m looking forward to seeing what my client Larry came up with.
San Luis Valley homestead through the fence.
Next, I’m heading out on a three-day trip, we’ll see what each day reveals.
I had a great show last weekend. Thanks to all who came out and for all the support, purchases, and many new collectors.
As always, thanks for looking. Have a great week. G
Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week a gallery of random abstraction in and around the block. I have many more of these taken on personal trips, photo tours, and neighborhood walks so future posts may occur. Mostly shot on an iPhone, I am constantly reminded of what a wonderful and spontaneous piece of equipment it is.
Click on an image to expand and click off it to go back. Enjoy!
As always, Thank you for looking. My thoughts are with friends experiencing the wildfires in New Mexico and California. Have a great week where you are. G
Greetings from San Cristobal and beyond. This week a two-day photo tour around northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. Nature and the elements gave up some wonderful photo opportunities, beginning with Taos Mountain and the iconic grove of cottonwoods.
On a photo tour of Taos and northern New Mexico.
The next stop on the photo tour was in Questa at an old house off the highway set back amongst some trees. I checked with a friend who said he would try and find me some information on this charming building and quiet setting.
House in Questa, NM.
Following a couple of stops en route, to photograph some wild horses, we wound up at this lake in the San Luis Valley. Moody and brooding skies were the order of the day.
Lake Tree, San Luis Valley, Colorado.
Speaking of the skies. Highway 142 crosses the Rio Grande in Colorado between the old town of San Luis and Heading west to Manassa home of Jack Dempsey, the “Manassa Mauler”.
The sky over Highway 142, Colorado.
Continuing the photo tour, there is also a stark view of a very subdued Rio Grande from the road bridge as it crosses the river.
The Rio Grande from Highway 142, Colorado.
I came across some of last year’s milkweed pods enduring against the elements. Did I mention the frigid cold winds? My guests were admirably brave, and filled with enthusiasm for whatever conditions confronted us.
On the second day, we encountered a troupe of young Bighorn Sheep in the Orilla Verde area of the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument walking on the road ahead of us.
Bighorn Sheep Orilla Verde, NM.
We parked the car and followed uphill and enjoyed watching and photographing them in their prime, natural environment. I can’t help but think that the one in the middle is telling them to “gather round” and show us their best side!
Bighorn Sheep gathering Orilla Verde, NM.
There were many more picture opportunities. I had to stop at some point. If you are planning to be in the area this year, join me on a photo tour/workshop and I’ll show you around.
As always, thank you for looking. Have a great week. G
Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week the Zapata Falls in winter with a lot of ice. I heard someone was ice-climbing in here a week ago, and some wild horses on the road home. I love it out here.
As you can see from the lack of photos, I didn’t make it to Chaco. I’ve camped at high altitudes in winter and never feared the cold or snow, however, I preferred to cancel this time and make a couple of local trips.
The Zapata Falls freeze heavily in winter, which makes for a slot canyon/ice cave experience. You’ll need microspikes if you go in winter or check out the falls in summer wearing your boat shoes! I was here two years ago with my friend, John, and his dog, Kiki. A dog in the shot gave scale to the place. Kiki is also on notecards at Cids, a local store.
Zapata Falls, Colorado.
Zapata Falls in Winter.
As you can see in the entrance there is a dog who happily showed up to give the scene scale. Grateful for fortuitous moments.
Entrance and exit to the Zapata Falls with a dog for scale.
After checking out the ice falls we stopped in at the Great Sand Dunes National Park, but the wind was blowing sand and it didn’t look like this, so we left and went home to our dog and a warm fire.
On the way home, we spotted several bands of the somewhat elusive wild horses. Only one band was conveniently placed with the Blanca Massif as a background. This band remained static against the ferocious west wind gusts that carried my hat out into the sage brush.
Wild or feral horses, Colorado.
We also visited two of my favorite locations in the San Luis Valley, the old homestead, and the red barn. I’ve added two images from previous shoots. The buildings are a litle more decrepit, with bits missing, but still enduring.
Old abandoned homestead and a fence ghost, San Luis Valley, Colorado.
Red Barn in black and white, San Luis Valley, Colorado.
It’s Milky Way season. Here’s one from San Cristobal a few years ago. I’ll be out watching again from the deck this season.
Milky Way and Tipi, San Cristobal, NM
As always, thank you for looking. Have a greta week. G
Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week, last week’s Wolf Moon rising over the Sangre de Cristo foothills, Truchas, the red barn, and snow horses.
As I mentioned last week, I was heading out to capture the wolf moon rising. The moon’s appearance lasted about ten minutes between the fast-moving clouds. I made several images during that time, and the scene below was fleeting as the sun came and went behind the clouds. I got lucky. I came away with three pictures where the elements came together. I’ll take what I can get from what presents itself.
Wolf Moon rising, Arroyo Seco, NM
And a close-up of when I first spotted the moon from the highway heading home.
I reworked this image for note cards and publication. Ansel Adams shot this scene in the 1950’s. A couple of months ago it was lit up with Xmas lights. You can still see some in this shat nailed to the crosses. It’s nice to its longevity at this location and longer still before Ansel made his iconic image.
Truchas, NM.
You know how attached I am to this location with the red barn. Every time I visit I see more dilapidation with new spaces for the wind to pass through. It’s beginning to corkscrew but I’m confident that the gaps will prevent the building from acting like a sail on the plain!
Red barn in black and white.
Red barn in color.
One more image I reworked this week for note cards, prints, and publication. This image has graced many a page in local magazines. Apples are the key to getting horses to come running.
Horses on the High Road to Taos.
As always, thanks for looking. Have a great week. G
Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week a white homestead in Colorado, a mountain peak, some old shutters, and a hiking trail I look forward to being on in a couple of weeks.
I love this stand alone scene near the Great Sandunes in southern Colorado. Join me on a photo tour/workshop and I’ll take you there. Winter or any other seeson here doesn’t disappoint.
Vallecito Mountain is a favorite peak in the southern Rocky Mountains of New Mexico. I shot this on a drive into Taos yesterday. I can’t complain about the commute or the scenery. There’s a nearly full (98%) moon tonight. If the clouds lift I’m going to head out and get some shots of the Wolf Moon rising above this peak. I hope you get to see it where you are.
Vallecito Mountain Light.
I came across this image below by chance. It’s from many years ago. I’m certain they are gone now but I will look next time that I’m in Ranchos de Taos. I shot them even longer ago in the 1980’s. After living in one place for so long, I get to see, and often document the changes. My earlier original image was shot on Kodachrome in 1989.
Wooden Shutters, Ranchos de Taos.
In about two weeks, snow and mud permitting, I’ll be hiking up here above our village. The mountain in the distance, with snow, is Taos Mountain, and the views to the west are perfect for watching a sunset. The area burned in May 1996. You can see that regrowth is slow. Scrub oak is resilient and prolific so these hills turn many shades of rust in the autumn.
The ridge road in San Cristobal.
As always thank you for looking, and for all the well wishes for my right foot. It has healed faster that the left one did, for that I am grateful. I promise to shut up about it from now on and only post pictures from my hikes and trips with my two new feet. Best wishes. G