Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Tag: Rio Grande

Scenes From Winter Past. 02-26-2025

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week a few scenes from winter past. It was 64º F (17.5º C) yesterday. Tee shirt weather, almost. It got me thinking about the winters we’ve had in the past.

I pulled a few images I found while submitting 40 images for the New Mexico Treasures 2026 Calendar. I believe this year’s 2025 calendar has sold out.

The first image was shot in December 2005. The snow came and went, came and went again frequently that winter. It was a cold day but not cold enough to freeze the river. This image is one of my best sellers and one of the first digital vertical stitched panoramas I’ve made.

December from winter past
December on the Rio Hondo from winter past.

The next image was shot in February 2008, a good year for snow. Here’s the same location in summer.

Rio Grande in snow, from the Taos Juncrion bridge
Rio Grande in snow from the Taos Junction bridge.

Winter Past in the Ranchos Valley was also shot in 2008 looking north to Taos Pueblo Mountain.

Winter Past in the Ranchos Valley also shot in 2008
Ranchos Valley fields with Taos Pueblo Mountain.

This piñon pine tree stands out against the sky on the ridge descending from Bobcat Pass elevation 9820 feet (2,990 meters).

Tree on ridge at Bobcat Pass
Tree on the ridge at Bobcat Pass.

Out the kitchen window in December 2013.

Blowing snow, San Cristobal NM
Blowing snow, San Cristobal, NM.

Just a few miles downstream from the Taos Junction Bridge in the Orilla Verde Recreation Area of the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument is this scene, shot in December 2014. Sunny but very cold.

December 2014 Orilla verde recreation area
Orilla Verde Recreation Area.

A flock of Red-winged Blackbirds was shot in January 2016 in Arroyo Hondo across from the liquor store and market. This year we’ve had many larger flocks in our cottonwood and elm trees.

Red winged Blackbirds, Arroyo Hondo NM
Red-winged Blackbirds, Arroyo Hondo NM.

Finally, the image below is not from a past winter but from May 1, 2016. It sure looked and felt like winter. Of course, the sun came out the next day and it vanished leaving muddy dirt roads and trails in its wake.

Snow in Arroyo Hondo, in May
Arroyo Hondo Valley

As always, thanks for looking. Have a great week. G.

Rio Grande Gorge, Summer Gorgeousness. 07-31-2024

Greetings from San Cristobal (Taos), NM. This week the Rio Grande Gorge in its summer finery and gorgeousness.

My hard drives frequently spin as I search for images to print or supply to art directors and clients. This week was no exception. I came up with a few select photos depicting the gorge that divides the plateau between east and west, with views from the rim and canyon, and the expansive vistas that capture the imagination and stir the soul.

If you miss this view below then you are probably asleep and should wake up or you’re driving at night.

Highway 68 and the gorge view
Highway 68 and the Gorge view.

If you prefer to take a detour off the main route you will see the following two locations.

Orilla Verde Rec Area
The Rio Grande in Orilla Verde Recreation Area.

As you ascend a steep dirt road you will encounter this grand view looking south. Remember to engage the parking break.

Gorgeous Sky over the Rio Grande Gorge
Gorgeous Sky.

A short distance on the climb out of the canyon is the Vista Verde Trail. It will take you on a very pleasant hike through lava boulder fields and rocks adorned with indigenous petroglyph art.

Vista Verde Trail
Vista Verde Trail.

… to a bench with an overlook of the Rio Grande.

River View
River view from a nice resting spot.

The west rim trail takes you in a northerly direction on mostly level ground for about 10 miles. You’ll feel the cool breeze as it glances off the canyon walls and catch fabulous 360º sunsets.

West Rim Trail
West Rim Trail.

Driving the 10 miles, if preferred, will bring you to the high bridge where US Highway 64 crosses the Rio Grande Gorge.

Walking across the bridge looking to the north or south you’ll get wonderful views of the river. Looking east toward the mountains is pretty nice too!

Summer light on the gorge bridge
Summer light on the gorge bridge. Straight as an arrow to the mountains.

On the same evening from the bridge, this happened.

Lightning sky over the gorge
Lightning over the gorge.

On another occasion a rainbow over the chasm.

Rainbow and storm, over the gorge
Rainbow and storm over the gorge.

There have been many times I’ve traversed the bridge. It shakes a lot especially when semi-trucks cross it hauling full loads of gravel. Don’t let it prevent you from crossing it yourself, but don’t bother with a tripod. I didn’t.

Lastly, one of my favorite and most popular images was taken on a summer evening from the high bridge in 2009. A horizontal crop is on the cover of my book.

Summer Light, on the Rio Grande Gorge
Summer evening from the high bridge.

I hope you enjoyed the mini travelog this week. Join me on a photo tour/workshop and I’ll show you around these locations.

Last week I made it to the summit of Gold Hill on my two new feet. 9.8 miles round trip and 3263 elevation gain to 12703′ at the summit. My knees were complaining but I wasn’t. We’ll do Wheeler Peak the highest point in NM (13163′) in a couple of weeks for something a little easier.

Gold Hill Summit

As always, thank you for looking. I hope you have a good week. G

Storms Bringing Fabulous Rain. 07-17-24.

Greetings from San Cristobal, (Taos), NM. This week storms brought fabulous rain to our neck of the woods. The southern end of our rocky mountains looked like the first image on several occasions this week.

The monsoons continue. They began earlier this year. Some systems are specific, pouring on one side of the valleys and plateau while missing other areas entirely, I think the picture below indicates that is the case as a storm drops much-needed rain on the mountains and valleys.

Storms over our Taos Mountains
Storms move through the Taos Mountains.

Only two photos this week. I just finished working on the image below from a couple of months ago, taken from my favorite spot on the rim of the Rio Grande Gorge with the river and Ute Mountain. You know the one.

Storms over Ute Mountain with the Rio Grande, NM
Ute Mountain with the Rio Grande, NM.

As always, thank you for looking and all the wonderful comments and compliments. Have a great week. G

Milky Way, Lobatos Bridge, Colorado. 09-28-22

Greetings from San Cristobal and beyond. Last weekend, we had a fabulous, showing of work at the Stables Gallery in Taos. I want to thank everyone who came out and for your support in comments, compliments, and purchases. Many new works found homes. Thank you!

It’s Milky Way season! My friend, photographer, and filmmaker John Williams visited us from Boulder during the weekend. We took the opportunity to make a drive out to the Lobatos Bridge that crosses the Rio Grande in southern Colorado to capture the milky way. It was very dark on the edge of the cliffs, but we managed to pull off a decent image when an old truck crossed over, filling the area with light and fumes. One more vehicle drove over a little later, and that was it, just us, the river, the bridge, and the stars in a pristine, clear sky.

The Milky Way at the Lobatos Bridge, Colorado
The Milky Way is seen at the Lobatos Bridge, Colorado.

The bridge with the ghostly figure of John in the middle.

Lobatos Bridge, Colorado
Lobatos Bridge, Colorado.

Fast approaching is my solo exhibit at Bareiss Gallery here in Taos. I look forward to seeing those who can make it. The opening reception will be on October 7, from 3 – 6 pm (maybe it will last longer). The gallery will be open 9 – 2 pm on weekdays. I’ll be there on the weekends and by appointment. Come and visit. It will be great to meet you.

Geraint Smith Exhibit at the Bareiss Galley Taos
Bareiss Gallery Exhibit.

As always thanks for looking. Have a great week. G

Taos Mountain, Orilla Verde, Clouds, July 27, 2022

Taos Mountain beckoned across the meadows yesterday on my drive home. It always does! The lighting was intensely bright on the rocky outcroppings and peaks. It looked like snow had accumulated or, perhaps, hail.

Earlier, my son, Dylan, and I drove late afternoon along the Rio Grande south of Taos. The elusive wildlife was probably due to the number of paddlers on that stretch of the river. There were many areas of washouts along the roadside, evidenced in the very muddy river. Dylan spotted a Great Blue Heron who wasn’t having much luck fishing in the brown waters.

We drove on to the Taos Junction Bridge, where I shot the last image, in this post, of the headland that divides the confluence of the Rio Pueblo and the Rio Grande.

I’m beginning this blog at the end and winding up at the beginning.

I hope everyone is staying as hydrated and cool as possible where you are. If you enjoy the cool mountain air and a trip here appeals to you, join me on a photo tour/workshop in the high desert of northern New Mexico.

Taos Mountain storm in Black and white
Taos Mountain storm in black and white.

… and in color. I’m partial to the black and white myself.

Taos Mountain storm in color
Taos Mountain storm in color.

I shot the image below in the Orilla Verde Recreation Area The storm clouds were building. I suspect it looked like this yesterday before the deluge that washed out parts of the roads in the area. I exposed the image for the lighter areas of the clouds and picked up the little highlight on the green grasses of the bench. I lightened the shadow to bring out the other green hues on the hillsides and the rock faces. Moody, just like I experienced the scene.

Sky and Mesa, Orilla Verde, NM
The sky over, Orilla Verde Recreation Area, NM.

If you are interested in seeing more images of Taos Mountain or the Orilla Verde Recreation Area you can put these search terms in the search bar on the website.

As always, thank you for looking. Have a great week. G

Starry Night, Satellite, Rio Grande, Pilar, New Mexico

Starry night in the Rio Grande Gorge, Pilar, New Mexico. I was setting up a composition for the milky way over the gorge and river when I spotted a satellite in one frame, so I quickly kept exposing shots and made a composite of Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites cruising across the skies here in NM. Personally, I think there is enough junk in space, plus, Mr. Musk plans to add some 80,000 satellites to the junk already up there. It’s quite a controversy among astronomers. Almost every frame that night had some man made object coursing across the sky. Thanks for looking. G

Starry night in the Rio Grande Gorge, Pilar, New Mexico.

Canada Geese, Rio Grande, Pilar, NM

Canada Geese, setting up a nesting spot on an island in the middle of the Rio Grande, Pilar, NM. They’ll be hatching a brood of goslings soon. A beautiful day in a beautiful location and a lovely spot to raise a family. Thanks for looking. G

Canada Geese, Rio Grande, Pilar, NM

River, Clouds, Blue, Sky, Colorado

River, clouds, blue, sky, Colorado. Another bridge crossing the Rio Grande about sixty miles north of where yesterday’s image was taken. Right now the river is looking full and wide as we pass on Highway 142. The spring snow melt should be good this year. One of my favorite places out here. Thanks for looking. G

River, clouds, blue, sky, Colorado.

Rio Grande Gorge, Northern New Mexico

Rio Grande Gorge, northern New Mexico, a view from the high bridge crossing the river looking north towards Colorado. It was twilight and not the best light, but I like to document the area depicting it’s very many moods. It was the last stop on a photo tour returning from Abiquiu a couple of years ago. Thanks for looking. G

Rio Grande Gorge, northern New Mexico

Rio Grande, Blanca Peak, Colorado

Rio Grande, Blanca Peak, Colorado. Crossing over the Rio Grande this evening on the Lobatos Bridge, afforded us this beautiful view of the river north to the Blanca Massif. It was great to get out on the dirt back roads and not have to negotiate snow and mud. Thanks for looking. G

Rio Grande, Blanca Peak, Colorado.