New Mexicana In Questa

Fine Art Images from the American Southwest
Snow Moon and lenticular clouds over Taos Mountain. Always a sight to behold!… the pristine moon rising over the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of northern New Mexico. The waxing, almost full, moon was enhanced by the lenticular clouds we’ve been having of late. Thanks for looking. G
Big sky big sunset sky over the homestead and most of northern New Mexico yesterday evening…. and to think it’s all out the back door. Most of what I photograph is in my own back yard or in the vicinity there of. Thanks for looking. G
Lenticular Clouds. I made plenty of images of this scene yesterday evening from the garden. I liked the spectacular reds, oranges and yellows of course. However, I actually prefer this exposure after the sun went down, when the light levels were much lower, and the colors more subtle with soft lavender hues. Here’s and image I made on January 22nd 2015 in Pojoaque, NM
Crescent moon trees. This evening through the elm tree. Over the next few days the crescent Moon and Venus will be close together along with Mars Click here to see an image from 2009 and here you can see the crescent Moon and crescent Venus plus an airplane. Thanks for looking. G
Alley Door Graffiti in downtown Taos. Not sure it’s actually graffiti, more like paint covering up graffiti on this old steel door. Thanks for looking. G
Came across this gentle creature in the Ranchitos Valley this evening. The light was soft and the animal’s nature seemed giving and loving. It came toward me, it wanted to get closer. I wanted to get closer. The barbed wire fence and an ice pond between us created a boundary for any further physical contact. The horse turned to it’s right, as if to show me its best side, and declared, “here I am!” In that moment, as I activated the camera’s shutter, a connection occurred, where all I could do was sigh in awe and disbelief as two souls cross the barriers in between.