Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Tag: Taos

Horses, Favorite Photos This Week. 04-05-2023

Greetings from the San Cristobal, NM. This week some of my favorite images of horses.

It was fun to revisit the extensive folder of horse photos dating back to the first shot below, which I made on a 6-megapixel Canon Rebel in 2005.

I hope you enjoy the following gallery of horse pictures as much as I do.

Two horses
Yin Yang

As it is spring, why not include a couple of images of foals. This mare and her foal were on the road to Chaco Canyon.

Chaco horses
Chaco horses, a mare and her foal.
Foal, spring ing the Moreno Valley, NM.

Shots like the next two, fascinate me. I have quite a collection of this type of image.

Horse Back
Horse back.
Horse Back
Pinto and mountains.

I titled this image, “Old Blue Eye”. He had one blue eye. He made the cover of a local visitors guide, magazine.

Blue eye
Blue eye.

The guy smelled bad but his friend was classy looking. Too much time on his hooves roaming in the wild.

Dreadlocks and his fancy friend.

This sweet mare stood motionless in the snow storm only blinking occassionally at a snowflake.

Horse in snow
Snow horse.

These three came running as fast as you can say apple. My friend always carried apples for the horses should we find them out there.

Snow horses
In the high country.

The Ranchos Valley has some high vantage points. There are many fields with horses to photograph.

Winter willows
Winter willows in the Ranchos valley.

This image was taken on a photo workshop in the San Luis Valley. I usually post it in black and white.

Band of Wild horses
Band in the San Luis Valley.

My friend Dwain, who passed too soon was happy around horses, dogs, and kids. He was a hiker, camper, fisherman, and a fabulous sculptor.

Dwains shadow
Dwains shadow.

I posted the photo below on Facebook. It found a few homes with collectors. Click here if you are interested in a print.

Galley walls

Some fun facts about horses on Wikipedia.

I want to thank everyone for all the well wishes. I’m out of my big restrictive boot and into a comfortable pair of “Hoka” walking shoes. I had no idea how comfortable these shoes were. Lucky me.

As always thank you for looking. Have a good week. G

Big Birds, Happy Healthy World. 03-29-23

Greetings from the San Cristobal, NM. This week a series of images of some of the big birds that frequent our area.

I hope you enjoy the following gallery of big birds.

Some of the largest birds in the area are the Sandhill Cranes that pass through on their migratory route. I photographed the two below in the Bosque del Apache.

Sandhill Cranes big birds in flight
Sandhill Cranes, the big birds.

The Turkey Vulture below is about to return to our area. They are known as the harbingers of Spring. If you are interested, you can read more here.

Turkey Vulture
Turkey Vulture.

I chose these images below out of a collection of photos that showed up when I searched my hard drives for large birds. It was hard to decide which to include, so I picked the ones I distinctly remember taking the shot. I went for feeling more than anything. I hope you like them. Click on an image to enlarge it.

Sandhill Cranes
Sandhill Cranes, ritual dance.

Always remember the birds at the zoo like this Flamingo. I had a stunning picture of a captive eagle in the Albuquerque Zoo published in Raptors of New Mexico.


As always, thank you for looking. Keep looking up you may be surprised by what’s above and around you. G

Little Birds, Happy Neighborhood. 03-22-23

Greetings from the San Cristobal Valley, NM. This week a series of images of some of the little birds that frequent our area of the planet, more precisely, our valley.

I hope you enjoy the following gallery of little birds.

Mountain Bluebird, a little bird that frequents our valley
Eastern Bluebird, a little bird that frequents our valley.
Juvenile white crowned sparrow
Juvenile White-crowned Sparrow.
Pine Siskin
Pine Siskin.

A Cassin’s Finch so I was told. It could be a glorious house finch.

Cassin's Finch little bird
Cassin’s Finch.
White Breasted Nuthatch
White Breasted Nuthatch.
Brewers Blackbird
Brewer’s Blackbird.
Northern Flicker
Northern Flicker.
Brown Headed Cowbird
Brown-headed Cowbird.

For the last few years, we’ve had a solitary Canyon Towhee in our garden. This shot was taken in a canyon, no less.

Canyon Towhee
Canyon Towhee.
American Robins
American Robins.

Woodhouse’s or Western Scrub-Jay?

Woodhouse's Western Scrub-Jay
Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay, I think!

This is a Pinyon Jay, that I’m sure of. They have arrived in large flocks in the valley over the last two years, groups of a hundred to a few thousand.

Pinyon Jay
Pinyon Jay.
Song Sparrow
Song Sparrow.
Spotted Towhee
Spotted Towhee.
Townsend's Solitaire
Townsend’s Solitaire.
Rock Wren
Rock Wren.
Mountain Chickadee
Mountain Chickadee.
Western Tanager
Western Tanager.
Bullocks Oriole with Hummingbirds
Bullocks Oriole with Hummingbirds.

The Red-winged Blackbirds nest in the cattails. Right about now there is a frenzy of activity and nest-building. The males are kept on their guard protecting the nesting spot.

Red-winged Blackbird
Red-winged Blackbird.

The Magpie is every dog’s nemesis. They taunt our dogs and of course, our dogs take the bait.


This Evening Grosbeak was stunned following a window strike. I put it on the fence to recover. It did. Ten minutes later, it flew up into the crabapple tree.

Evening Grosbeak
Evening Grosbeak.
Western Meadowlark
Western Meadowlark.

This Northern Pygmy Owl would fit into a teacup and is smaller than most of the birds above.

Northern Pygmy Owl one of the little birds
Northern Pygmy Owl.

Not one of the truly little birds but not large either. It’s about the size of an American Crow.

Greater Roadrunner
Greater Roadrunner.
American Crow
American Crow.

Finally one of the rare visitors to the valley. I only spotted one Lewis’s Woodpecker this last year. Two years ago there were three at one time in the Ash tree.

Lewis's Woodpecker
Lewis’s Woodpecker

Little birds rock the valley, my heart and soul.

Happy Spring.

As always, thank you for looking, and for all the comments, compliments, and well wishes. G

Rio Grande, Bridge, Canyon, Tree. 02-22-2023

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week the Rio Grande and surrounding views.

I’m sitting here with my foot elevated, looking out the window on our valley. The snow is blowing in high winds and chilling the air dramatically. The wind is breaching the gaps wherever it can.

Things are healing nicely with the surgery on my foot. Thank you for all the well wishes. They are welcomed and greatly appreciated.

Throwing a virtual dart at the archives this week, I came across the first image of the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge shrouded in a rare, early morning fog. I decided to pull a few more pictures from that folder and add them below.

I won’t be going very far for the next few weeks. I hope to make it to the Monte Vista NWR for the return of the sandhill cranes in mid-march. Until then, I hope you’ll enjoy my revisiting the archives with me.

The Rio Grande Gorge Bridge carries US Highway 64 across the canyon and river 600 feet below. Highway 64, the other mother road, has one terminus in the Outer Banks, NC and the other at Teec Nos Pos, Arizona. I’ve driven this section of the road, many times, to its western terminus. It passes through scenic areas with many opportunities for image making. In my humble opinion, unless you like abandoned motels, gas stations, and 1960’s era neon signs (all great subjects in their own right), on Route 66, take US 64 for the more scenic route.

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge
Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, in morning fog.
Gorge fog, Taos New Mexico
Morning fog rolls over the canyon walls.
Rio Grande morning fog
Morning fog on the river.
Gorge Bridge canyon cell phone view
Gorge bridge shadow and canyon view.
Orilla Verde Tree, Pilar NM
Snow and an iconic tree in Orilla Verde RA, Pilar NM.

Lastly, a view acros the gorge to Taos mountain. A gorge bush!

Gorge bush
Gorge bush.

As always, thank you for looking, and thank you again for all the well wishes. G

Snow Moon, Taos Mountains. 02-08-2023.

Greetings from San Cristobal. This week the Snow Moon is rising over the mountains of Taos.

In the first image, I watched the moon rise behind the peak of Vallecito Mountain. It’s a favorite location of mine, as you may have seen from past posts. The sun was setting as the moon rose. The light on the landscape was balanced nicely, with the moon perfectly exposed.

Snow moon rising over Vallecito Mountain
Snow moon rising over Vallecito Mountain.

Fifteen minutes later the sun had set leaving the mountain and sky with a soft lighted glow.

Snow moon rising over Vallecito Mountain
After sunset, the moon rises higher over Vallecito Mountain.

Three miles south and much closer to Pueblo Peak (Taos Mountain) I was able to catch the moon in a good poistion.

Pueblo peak, Taos mountain
Pueblo peak, Taos mountain Snow Moon rise.

Generally speaking, on an outing to photograph the moon rise, I begin looking for a view point further west and then drive east, getting closer to the mountains, stopping to make more images as the moon emegeres from behind the different parks. If you want to join me on a full-moon photography adventure, please get in touch, it will be a lot of fun!

Bird of the week, the tenacious Rock Wren in the Rio Grande Gorge, Pilar, NM.

Rock Wren, Rio Grande Gorge

As always thank you for looking. G

Mountain Snow, Vallecito Mountain. 01-25-2023

Greetings from San Cristobal. This week, mountain snow in the highcountry of New Mexico. Snow fell on the mountain peaks, accompanied by soft winter light. It was enough to find the clouds lifting and a single moment of this pink light on the mountains. Sometimes all it takes to make my day is a simple “ah!” moment like this. The same magenta glow infused the landscape and air around me.

In this area, the Rockies are called the Sangre de Cristos. This wasn’t quite a full-on Sangre sunset color but rather more of a rosé blush. Click here to see what I’m referring to.

Mountain Snow, Taos, NM
Mountain Snow, Taos NM

Here is a close-up of my favorite mountain in this range of peaks, Vallecito Mountain. After a brief moment of this light, it was gone. Then home to Pami, a nice single malt, and a warm fire. Some days it just doesn’t get any better.

Vallecito Mountain Snow, Taos New Mexico
Fresh snowfall on Vallecito Mountain, Taos New Mexico.

Flashback. An image I shot on a Saturday morning at the Taos farmer’s market in August 2008. Enjoy.

Little Taos Farmer's Market shopper
A little shopper at Taos farmer’s market.

As always, thank you for looking, and for all the comments, and compliments. G

San Cristobal Valley, Winter, Ranchos de Taos. 01-18-2023

Greetings from San Cristobal Valley. Winter is beginning to settle in, with temperatures dropping to single digits and a decent amount of snow. Not at all the amount we are used to, but we’ll take it.

Last week, on my way home, I just had to pull over to watch the shadows move through our valley. Ten years ago, I shot this same scene. It became the centerpiece in our galley and home and has been a best seller since then. I don’t think I could ever top it though I keep trying. As you can see, the foreground is overgrown, with the meadow obscured.

San Cristobal valley cottonwoods
San Cristobal Valley.

Here is the same view, one of my iconic images from ten years ago. Here is the same location in fall 2020.

San Cristobal valley cottonwoods, and aspens
San Cristobal Valley cottonwoods, and aspens

That cottonwood and willows in Arroyo Hondo, I can’t seem to pass this spot without making an image.

Arroyo Hondo cottonwood, willows.
Arroyo Hondo cottonwood and willows.

Early one morning this week I went south to the adobe mission church of Saint Francis in Ranchos de Taos. This iconic building always looks good with accents of snow and a dramatic sky. One important feature of this image… I arrived in time to get a photo before the parking area filled with cars.

Saint Francis church, Ranchos de Taos, NM
Saint Francis church, Ranchos de Taos, NM.

Below is an image from December 2010 on the road that connects the villages of Arroyo Hondo and Arroyo Seco. When I had my gallery in Arroyo Seco I drove this route most days. It’s a sweet country road with close-up views of the surrounding mountains. It is an especially beautiful, and magical drive when the hoar frost covers the trees and landscape.

Hondo, Seco Road, New Mexico
Arroyo Hondo, Arroyo Seco Road, New Mexico

If you plan to visit New Mexico this year and have a desire to improve your photographic skills, and see locations off the beaten track, look me up and consider a photography tour/workshop. I’ll look forward to meeting and working with you in some of my favorite places in the area.

As always, thank you for looking. G

La Luna, Las Vegas Window, Taos Gallery Show. 12-07-22

Greetings from stormy San Cristobal. I was looking forward to seeing la luna’s occultation of mars tonight. It will happen, although I doubt it will be visible in this neck of the woods with all the clouds and the chance of snow. My fingers are crossed that there will be a thinning out of the clouds at just the right time. Here’s a photo I shot in the early morning hours two years ago. If you would like to read more about this event click here. In the meantime, here’s a picture of la luna on a night when the sky was crystal clear.

La Luna, Full moon Taos New Mexico
La Luna.

Before Covid 19 I made a few trips to Las Vegas, New Mexico. Las Vegas is a fun town to spend time wandering around, loitering on park benches, visiting antique stores, and eating at some of the fun restaurants. One of my favorite things to do is window stalking with a camera.

Damascus sewing machine Las Vegas NM
Damascus Sewing Machine, Las Vegas, NM

The group show “Photography in B&W” at The Wright Contemporary in Taos continues. There was a successful and well-attended opening reception last Friday. If you happen to be in Taos, stop in and take a look.

The Wright Contemporary is located at 627 Paseo del Pueblo Sur Taos, NM 87571 575-224-0530

Below are a few more images featured in this group show.

Walking hay sticks
Walking haystack sticks.
Mohave Gas turbines
Mohave Gas, and wind turbines.
Kachinas, Monument Valley Trading Post
Kachinas, Monument Valley Trading Post, AZ
Wall sculpture Railyard Santa Fe
Wall sculpture Railyard Santa Fe, NM

As always. Thanks so much for looking. Stay well. G

Taos Mountain: In a different light. 11-30-22

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM

Taos Mountain (Pueblo Peak) has many moods. I’ve had the honor and the great pleasure of being a witness to some of the best of the mountain’s moments. Moments that thrill us all in this place we call home.

Take a look at the many moods of Taos Mountain. Click to enlarge.

Taos Valley with the Sangre de Cristo mountains
Taos Valley with sunset on .the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.

The Wright Contemporary – Taos

Join me this Friday December 2, 2022 – Opening at The Wright Contemporary Gallery.

“Photography in B&W”

Cerro Shadows, Cerro NM
Cerro Shadows, Cerro NM – 6.5″ x 6.5″ framed, one of ten images in the show.

December 2, 2022–January 15, 2022

Opening Friday 5-7pm at Wright Contemporary Taos, I’ll be participating in a group show titled “Photography in B&W”

The Wright Contemporary is located at 627 Paseo del Pueblo Sur Taos, NM 87571 575-224-0530

I look forward to seeing you there.


I’m booking dates from now through the end of next year for private one to one photo tours and workshops. Join me here in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado and beyond. I look for to showing you around this corner of our beautiful planet.

Photographers on location in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado.


Geraint Smith Photography Gift Certificates

Gift certificates can be applied to photo tour/workshops, prints, and editing tuition.


I just received a new shipment of my book, Rio Grande del Norte: An Intimate Portrait. It makes a great gift for family and friends who love northern New Mexico.

Rio Grande Del Norte Book

As always, thanks for visiting and looking.


Lunar Eclipse, Taos Mountains, Snow. 11-09-22

Greetings from San Cristobal and beyond. This week I got up to watch the lunar eclipse. I hadn’t intended to photograph it. I’ve shot it so many times before. When I looked out the window I couldn’t resist. The sky was crystal clear, and the stars were genuinely twinkling. The “cold-hearted orb” wasn’t. It warmed up the night sky and I felt it. I got the camera set up in the front doorway, out of the cold and wind, and began shooting. The most significant impact it had on Pami and me was how three-dimensional it appeared suspended amongst the stars. It was another wonderful, lunar eclipse-watching night. I can honestly say that I will continue to get up to watch future eclipses from now on.

Click on images to enlarge and view individually.

Total lunar eclipse moon
Lunar eclipse, totality, from our front door, San Cristobal, NM

The day before the eclipse our moon rose unblemished in clear skies, visible out the dining room window, although I did go outside for this shot.

Almost full moon rising, San Cristobal
Almost full moon rising, San Cristobal.

New snow in our mountains last week.

Significant snowfall on Taos Mountains
Snowfall on Pueblo Peak, Taos Mountain in El Prado, Taos, NM
Snowfall on Pueblo Peak, Taos Mountain in El Prado
Snowfall on Pueblo Peak, Taos Mountain shot on iPhone 13 Pro Max

I had originally considered driving south to the Taos tipis for a shot. I thought of a composite instead. This is what I came up with. Here’s the image with the tipis and lunar eclipse from April 2015

Tipi and moon
Tipi and moon.

As always, thank you for looking. G