Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Tag: Trees

Chair Work. New Work, 01-29-2025

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week, new chair work. It’s spring-like weather out there, including the cold wind. And as of 30 minutes ago snow. I’m gearing up for new projects this year, starting with the pieces below.

If you remember the images I posted from my show in October 2022 you’ll see where I’m going with my new pieces.

Below is a large print on paper or canvas, entitled “Twenty One Chairs'” photographed with a storm brewing, just north of Taos.

New Chair work pieces, twenty one chairs Wild River RA
New chair work, Twenty One Chairs. 38″ x 60″
Three chairs and a tree.
Three chairs and a tree. 40″ x 60″ paper or canvas
One Chair in the aspens.
One chair in the aspens. 32″ x 40″ paper or canvas
Two white chairs with aspens
Two white chairs in aspen grove. 26″ x 60″ paper or canvas

The image below is one taken in Ranchos de Taos twenty years ago. I like its simplicity and to look back on images that inspire my work today.

Chair and a shovel
Chair and a shovel.

I’m back at it sculpting new pieces and will post them and more of these large prints in a “new work” gallery on this website as they become available. Stay tuned.

As always. Thank you for looking. G

Out The Window This Week. 01-15-2025

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week “out the window”, the dining room, kitchen, and car window.

It’s cold outside, and because the view is there, and the indoor warmth kept me from venturing out, I thought, why not post the picture out the window, opportunity?

The first shot is from the kitchen window. When I open the window pane initially, a cold rush of air follows but I’m fast, and boom it’s done. This is our direct view when doing the dishes.

Columbine Hondo Wilderness, Out the window
Columbine Hondo Wilderness, out the kitchen window.

Then there’s the waxing moon rising out of the dining room window. Some months, it rises directly over the peak seen in the previous image. The full moon puts on quite a show from our vantage point in San Cristobal. The upside is that it’s like daylight in the house, so no nightlights are needed. The downside is that sleep can be elusive on such a night when it slaps you in the face shining through the transom windows and skylights.

Waxing moon, San Cristobal
Waxing moon, San Cristobal.

On a drive to town two days ago I had to pull over fast for this shot of Lucero Peak, peaking through the clouds anchored by the cottonwood trees in the meadows, (El Prado). I shot it out the car window. I had time to pull over and wind down the window before it was gone. So fleeting like most things in life. You have to grab the opportunities when they arise.

Lucero Peak, El Prado, NM out the window of the car
Lucero Peak, El Prado, NM

And back home that evening out the dining room window as the sunset on my neighbor’s tree, with the mountains of the Columbine Hondo Wilderness in the clouds.

Out the window, my neighbors tree at sunset
Out the window, my neighbor’s tree at sunset.

Here are the phases of the moon calendar I use. Sometimes I need to refer to it but mostly it’s on my phone occupying space on my screen along with some night sky apps.

As always. Thanks for looking and all the kind words, comments, and compliments. Our family is healthy and warm. I wish the same for all. G

The Low Road To Taos, Dixon, NM. 01-08-2024

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week, a scene along the Low Road to Taos was shot last week in the shade of the canyon walls on a warm winter day in New Mexico. If there’s a high road to Taos, there must be a low road.

There is, and it runs along the Rio Grande in the Gorge from Santa Fe to Taos.

Low road to Taos
Currently on the low road to Taos

Here’s a historical photograph taken in the same location.

I made a quick stop in Dixon on a half-day High Road to Taos photo tour, which included a return trip through the Rio Grande Gorge.

Dixon cross/shrine
Roadside cross/shrine, Dixon, NM.

Here’s a picture taken in 2006, the same cross but someone flipped it around in this photo. My goodness time flies. 18 years went by fast.

Driving approximately six miles further north on the low road to Taos we rise out of the canyon and encounter the majestic view of the Rio Grande Gorge.

I shot the view below in the winter of 2014. I have many more images from this iconic location always in a different light.

Rio Grande gorge overlook
Rio Grande Gorge Overlook.

… and in a freshly fallen snow in 2014.

Rio Grande gorge overlook in fresh snow
Rio Grande Gorge in fresh snow.

Lastly, something to warm the heart and soul, is a flashback to an image from Christmas 1985 at the Taos Pueblo Bonfires held on Christmas Eve.

Taos Pueblo xmas eve bonfires
Taos Pueblo Bonfires held on Christmas Eve.

As always. Thank you for looking. To all my friends in southern California, stay safe, our thoughts are with you. And to everyone. Be well. G

Something Warm, Old, And Cold. 12-11-2024

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week something warm, old, and cold. It’s as simple as that. I apologize for a short post this week. I’ve been busy shipping and delivering copies of my books, including archival paper prints, large archival canvas prints, and stock images. I still have a few signed copies of my book from this latest shipment, that can reach you by the holidays if ordered this week. They are also available from the Museum of New Mexico Press.

Something warm… although it was a cold morning when I made this image in the Bosque del Apache NWR.

Warm light on a cold morning, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Warm light on a cold morning, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.

Something old … not quite dead. The photo was taken of one of Pami’s floral arrangements shot a couple of years ago. I added the aged photo technique using a phone app and Photoshop.

sunflower in the throes of decay
Sunflower in the throes of decay.

Something cold … and also old … is one of the first pictures I shot on my first DSLR in March 2004, a Canon Rebel, 6 Mega-Pixel, prior to that I was still scanning 35mm slide film and black and white negatives and shooting digital on a 3.3 Mega-Pixel Nikon Coolpix.

El Prado snow fields
El Prado snow fields and horses.

As always thanks for looking. Have a great week. G

Leaves, Lots Of Them. 11-20-2024

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week, Leaves. There are so many. They make for fun photo opportunities and good earth.

Pond Leaves
Leaves floating on a pond.
Forest with raindrops
In the forest.
Garden San Cristobal
In the garden, San Cristobal.
Aspen Leaves
In the Aspen Grove.
Snow fall on maple
Snow on ornate maple.
Ice pond
Cottonwood on ice.

and on water in the rain.

Lastly a composite image, between seasons on Upper Ranchitos Road in Taos.

Mirror Image,Upper Ranchitos road
Between Seasons or when Seasons Collide.

As always, thank you for looking. Have a great week. G

Red Barn, Awesome Comet, Snow. 10-30-2024.

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week, the red barn and its neighbors, Comet Atlas, the Arroyo Hondo cottonwood tree, and an image from October 27, 2020, with the piles of snow we have unfortunately not received this year.

The red barn is deteriorating before my eyes. The siding might as well fall off while I’m standing there looking, and it’s also starting to twist from the prevailing winds.

Red barn with anthill and Ute Mountain San Luis Valley Colorado
Red barn with anthill and Ute Mountain, San Luis Valley Colorado.

If we ever get snow again the scene will look like this.

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (C/2023 A3) shot on an iPhone 13 Pro Max on October 13, 2024. I couldn’t resist the ease of what the iPhone can accomplish these days. The comet image is a little soft however, night mode on the phone is very good for handheld shots. It’s even better on a tripod.

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (C/2023 A3)
Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (C/2023 A3)

Arroyo Hondo cottonwood, October29, 2024
Arroyo Hondo Cottonwood, October 29, 2024.

The same scene on November 1, 2018.

This scene below is on our deck on October 27, 2020.

Snow cover on the deck, San Cristobal, October 27 2020
Snow cover San Cristobal, October 27, 2020

As always, thanks for looking. Have a great week where you are. G

Powerful Bighorn Sheep, A Petroglyph, And More. 10-23-2024

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week, Bighorn sheep in the Wild Rivers Recreation Area, along with some random mages from the last few weeks. Autumn colors have been stunning this year, and I’ve been busy on photo tours with great photographers/clients. Now it’s time to settle in, light the fires, and enjoy the remaining colors and exceptional light around us.

These bighorn sheep in the Wild Rivers Recreation Area were head-butting each other. When I pulled up they stopped. The dogs had never seen anything like it.

Bighorn Sheep, Wild and Scenic Rivers Recreation Area
Bighorn Sheep, Wild and Scenic Rivers Recreation Area, NM.

Avanyu. A water serpent petroglyph along the Rio Grande south of Taos.

Avanyu, water serpent petroglyph
Avanyu, water serpent petroglyph.

The fall colors keep on giving in the woods near Hopewell Lake where I spent seven days this month.

Aspen Leaf, Hopewell Lake
Aspen Leaf, Hopewell Lake.

That cottonwood tree in last weekend’s storm in Arroyo Hondo!

Cottonwood, Arroyo Hondo, NM
Cottonwood, Arroyo Hondo, NM.

I was surprised to see these hardy plants thriving in the colder temperatures. It was the only group of this plant, that I spotted on my two-mile walk with the dogs.

Blanket Flower, Wild and Scenic Rivers Recreation Area
Blanket Flower, Wild and Scenic Rivers Recreation Area.

I took a short drive on the night that nearly everyone in the northern hemisphere could see the aurora borealis. This was the view I had from the foothills behind our house. I used an iPhone and stitched six images together. The next evening I was prepared with a camera and tripod but the northern lights weren’t visible.

Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights.
Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights.

As always, thank you for looking. Have a great week where you are. G

In the Aspens, Fall In New Mexico. 10-01-2024

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week, in the aspens. It’s leaf-peeping time in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. I hope you’re able to get out there. I’ll have six days on the road with wonderful friends and great clients.

I did some intentional camera movement (ICM) in the first few shots. I’ve done it before, no two pictures are alike.

All were shot around Hopewell Lake along Highway 64 in NM.

Intentional camera movement-ICM
Intentional camera movement at Hopewell Lake, NM

Intentional camera movement-ICM
“The woods are lovely dark and deep…”

Intentional camera movement-ICM
… and very colorful.

A favorite spot.

Aspens and cloud Cumbres Pass, Colorado
Aspens and Cloud, Cumbres Pass, Colorado.

As always, thanks for looking. I hope it’s a beautiful Fall/Autumn where you are. G

Random Abstraction, Around The Block. 06-19-2024.

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week a gallery of random abstraction in and around the block. I have many more of these taken on personal trips, photo tours, and neighborhood walks so future posts may occur. Mostly shot on an iPhone, I am constantly reminded of what a wonderful and spontaneous piece of equipment it is.

Click on an image to expand and click off it to go back. Enjoy!

As always, Thank you for looking. My thoughts are with friends experiencing the wildfires in New Mexico and California. Have a great week where you are. G

April 17 From The Archives. 04-17-2024

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week features the day of April 17th from ten years of my archives.

I hope everyone had a good week. April has been beautiful in northern New Mexico,,, so far. I know I said I wouldn’t say anymore regarding my feet but I’m averaging 2-3 miles a day and getting 4-6 mile hikes in. I’m so happy with my two new feet.

Over the last month, my friend, David, and I have been hiking stretches of the road through the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument that traverses the gorge rim and skirts around the base of Ute Mountain. We have hiked a different section each week with the mountain always present, beckoning. All being well, this summer will culminate in an accent of Ute Mountain.

Back to the present that began in the past, here are pictures from April 17th taken from my photo of the day archive from 2006 to 2016.

Beginning in 2016 and working back to 2006. This day we had snow and I made this image. It makes a beautiful print. A couple of hours after taking this photo, the snow was all gone.

Willow tree, Arroyo Seco, April 2016
Willow tree lane, Arroyo Seco, April 2016.

A roadside Descanso, San Ildefonso, 2015. The internet says “Descansos are deeply rooted in Southwestern Hispanic culture. The word means “resting place” and is believed to refer to the days when coffins were transported by horse and cart or carried by hand over many miles for burial in a camposanto.”

Roadside marker, San Ildefonso, NM
Roadside Descanso, San Ildefonso, NM.

Some vistas around Taos have since been transformed… developed. 2014

Taos Mountain from El Prado, NM
Taos Mountain from El Prado, NM.

Here’s a shot of mine and Pami’s shadow in Arroyo Hondo on the drive home from Taos back in 2013.

Arroyo Hondo evening shadows
Arroyo Hondo evening shadows, 2013.

Here’s a former living plant that grew out of a crack in a rock in the Orilla Verde Recreation Area of the now Rio Grande del Norte National Monument, 2012.

Rock plant, Orilla Verde, NM
Rock brush, Orilla Verde, NM, 2012.

A ubiquitous Taos Raven. They are known to perch in ones or twos. This raven was probably calling for or waiting on its better half. 2011

Raven in a bare tree, Taos
Raven in a bare tree, Taos, 2011.

I’m still searching for the original high resolution file of this picture of Garetto Rivas, so I’ve added a higher resolution second image from the same day below this one. I’ve forgotten the name of his gorgeous blond horse. The second horse in tow and in training is named “Beauty”.

Garetto Rivas, Taos Cowboy
Garetto Rivas, a Taos Cowboy, 2010.

Garetto Rivas, Taos Cowboy
Garetto Rivas, Taos Cowboy, 2010.

The image below was scanned from a Kodachrome 64, transparency shot in the mid 1990’s and published on my website’s photo of the day archive on April 17, 2009.

Indian paintbrush 2009
Indian paintbrush, 2009.

Just around the corner from my former gallery in Arroyo Seco was a yoga studio festooned in Tibetan prayer flags. I recall shooting this one out of my car window in 2008.

Prayer flags in Arroyo Seco, NM, 2008
Prayer flags in Arroyo Seco, NM. 2008.

I shot the image below in 1990 and published it on my website in 2007. It has since been published in a couple of local magazines.

Saint Francis church reflecting in my 1958 Volkswagen Beetle
Saint Francis church reflecting in my 1958 Volkswagen Beetle wing mirror, 2007.

On April 17, 2006 I paid a visit to the National Cemetery in Santa Fe NM. It’s the only time I’ve been there. Since then I usually post this image on social media on Memorial Day.

The National Cemetery, Santa Fe NM. 2006
The National Cemetery in Santa Fe, NM. 2006

As always, thank you for looking. I hope you enjoyed the trip down memory lane. You can see more from my photo of the day archive here.

Have a great week. G