Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Giant Cottonwood Leaf, Taos, Wetlands


Giant cottonwood leaf we picked up where the cottonwoods grow in the Taos, wetlands. My son pointed it out. It is as big as my head, about the span of a dinner plate. The viens are such an intricate and beautiful design magnified by the leafs size. To me, it resembles an aerial view of the landscape somewhere in the Southwest. Thanks for looking. G

Giant Cottonwood Leaf, Taos, Wetlands

Giant Cottonwood Leaf, Taos, Wetlands

Evening Grosbeaks, In The Garden, San Cristobal


Evening Grosbeaks, in the garden, San Cristobal. The variety of birds were in abundance last week. We had Robins, Magpies, Juncos, and Chickadees. Townsend Solitaires, Downy Woodpeckers, Northern Flickers, Crows, and a few straggler House Finches rounded out the thirsty bird species. When the ever vigilant Evening Grosbeaks showed up in their droves, the thirsty drinkers had to back off, all but the brave Robin back there. Thanks for looking. G

Evening Grosbeaks, In the Garden

Raindrops, San Jose De Gracia De Las Trampas, NM


Raindrops, San Jose de Gracia de Las Trampas, NM. Through the looking glass, flashing back to a body of work I did in 2009. Spending more time this last week organizing my hard drives I came across this image I shot of the Las Trampas Mission Church on the High Road to Taos. An image of the St. Francis Mission Church made the exhibit in Taos back in 2010 but as I review my files this image grew on me. Thanks for looking. G

Raindrops, San Jose de Gracia de Las Trampas, NM.

Hunter’s Moon, Setting, Taos Plateau Volcanic Field


Hunter’s Moon setting, Taos Plateau Volcanic Field. It was such a beautiful moon this morning so I made a cup of tea and a snack and drove a half-mile just to watch. Well, I did take my camera and enjoyed the view with my tea in the hushed, predawn light. The full “Blue Moon” occurred about two hours after I made these images. The distortion is refraction through the earth’s atmosphere. Thanks for looking. G


Red Tailed Hawk, Ranchos De Taos, New Mexico


Red-tailed Hawk, Ranchos De Taos, New Mexico. I spent twenty minutes with this magnificent young raptor who spent the time primping and preening, grooming its feathers. I thought he was going to sit there all day. As I thought about driving off, he shook out his wings and tail feathers, had a quick poo, lifted off still pooing, and dropped out of sight. Thanks for looking. G

Red-tailed Hawk, Ranchos De Taos, New Mexico.

Arroyo Hondo Valley, Mountain Moonrise, NM


Arroyo Hondo Valley and a Mountain Moonrise, northern New Mexico. We went out to watch the moon rising and pick up some peach pie. On the way home, we stopped numerous times to photograph the moon and landscape. We pulled over in the Arroyo Hondo Valley with one of its residents enjoying a cool drink in the snowmelt and munching on some soft green shoots with the moon watching over it all. Remember the “blue moon” on Saturday, the second full moon of October. Thanks for looking. G

Arroyo Hondo Valley and a Mountain Moonrise, northern New Mexico.