Last Saturday was a most beautiful day for a photo workshop around Taos and along the Rio Grande. Here are some pictures from that day with my photographer client and new friend Harry. You can check out his website here.
We had a cold start to the day at the Saint Francis Church in Ranchos de Taos where I’d pre-arranged to meet Harry at 6:30 am.

After thirty minutes at the church we headed south to catch the sunrise behind the Taos tipis and the Sangre de Cristo foothills.

Taking old road 570 that used to be the main road to Carson, NM we come to a dead end and a parking area for the Slide Trail. A massive landslide closed the road twenty years or so ago. Now there is a nice hiking trail and an overlook with a view of the Rio Pueblo Canyon.

From there, as we warmed up in our cars, we made a plan to head further south to the village of Pilar on the Rio Grande. The river was placid and reflections were abundant.

The ice along the river’s edge made for crazy imagery. What do you see?

We headed upstream in search of eagles and bighorn sheep. We found more ice and water.

We checked all the usual spots for eagles and bighorn sheep. Today they eluded us. We did spot a Kestrel, numerous Golden-eyes and Bufflehead ducks. Fly fishermen were plentyful, probably one reason for the lack of other wildlife.

Then it was on to the high bridge spanning the Rio Grande Gorge, 600 feet above the river below.

Moving right along. After high winds on the bridge, we headed towards the town of Taos and stopped to check out the old trucks in El Prado (the meadows). It’s a favorite spot with this GMC truck, nicely juxtaposed with Taos Mountain. As we were leaving, wind and dust devils were to be our nemesis, so we headed back to the Saint Francis Church via some back roads around Taos.

Back at the church where we will end our day the air had significantly warmed from the frigid temps in the morning hours. We found a number of different compositions and some new ones in the snow melt puddles around the building.

All these shots were taken with my iPhone 11. I hope you enjoyed the trip. Taos and Rio Grande is a fun day out!
As always, thank you for looking. I’ll see you next week. G
30 thoughts on “Taos and Rio Grande”
A really nice group of images! Thanks for sharing…
Thank you, Chris. It was great to visit last weekend. G
Wow!! What a great post. We are so fortunate to live in such a rich visual place—filled with talent that can catch it. Thanks.
Thank you so much, Robbie. I’m glad you were able to migrate over to the ‘photo of the week’. Thanks for following along all these years. I hope you are well and continue to enjoy my work. The prints are very comfy in the large print file I got from you. Best to you. G
Good Lord…with your iPhone…I am blown away yet again by the images you seek & find….thanks Geraint you are an inspiration in the best sense of the word….John
I’ll see you this week. We’ll see if my influence rubs off. Thank you, John. G
I recognized most places. My favorites are Sunrise at St Francis, tipi silhouettes, and ice pattens (wow!). Thanks for sharing your day’s adventures.
I got first Covid vaccine today. New president and VP… there’s hope!
Hi Denise, thank you. I feel sure you recognize a lot of the locations. I’ve been enjoying your work on FB. Thank you. G
Really nice images. I keep seeing a feather in the spring shot. My favorites are the early AM shots of St Francis. Thanks.
Thank you, Bob. Thank you for the compliments, and for your book. G
Hi Geraint.
Yes an inspiration great shots . I especially liked the church with its reflection in the puddle. Could see a little star dancing in the ice. Great those vistas Thankyou.
Got your book great for my coffee table liked the rainbow in the mountain. Memories of your mum and dad very special people.
Wow, that was quick. I am so glad you are enjoying it. Thank you, and thank you for being such a good friend to mom and dad, Alison. G
Hey it was a two way thing I had the privilege to know them and share their friendship . Me and Les used to pick them up and head out to moors dales and of course the east coast of Yorkshire
Stopping along the way for your dad to take photos.
The spine tingling moment when reading the bit in your book by your dad but until I got to the name at the bottom I haven’t realised who had penned it. Miss all three of them especially this year. In a time of no hugs great to remember them. Alison
Thank you Alison for sharing. It’s a piece he wrote after his last trip here in 2001, although I’m sure it’s composed of his thoughts from other visits they made. Hang in there. Alison. G
This is a very nice addition to your site and a great overview of a day with you. Well done!
I really appreciate that, Ron. It was good to catch up the other day, … yapping with you!!! G
Really great shots! Thanks so much for sharing. Love ice shots ~
… and there’s plenty of ice out there right now. Thank you, Elaine. G
Such beauty! Thank you for sharing, and I love your new format!
Thank you so much, Barb. I appreciate you letting me know. G
What a wonderful jaunt! Beauty is everywhere; I’m glad you shared it with us. Thanks. Jo
I appreciate that, Jo. Thank you so much. G
Your ohotos are all so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing with us. ?
I appreciate you looking in. Thank you, Carol. G
Saw these places. Except cross eyes
. All picks beautiful !
Thank you so much, Patricia. G
As always, thank you for bringing these into my life.
I appreciate that Anne. Thank you. G
We are so fortunate to have cameras!!! From the work of Edward Curtis and Ansel Adams, Bresson, and many others, you’re right up there with them, an eye and heart for nature, the moments and details you capture in a season are impressive on my own creativity! Thank you for sharing. ?
Thank you so much, Mary. That means a lot. Thank you. G