Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Tag: Mountains

Little Birds, Happy Neighborhood. 03-22-23

Greetings from the San Cristobal Valley, NM. This week a series of images of some of the little birds that frequent our area of the planet, more precisely, our valley.

I hope you enjoy the following gallery of little birds.

Mountain Bluebird, a little bird that frequents our valley
Eastern Bluebird, a little bird that frequents our valley.
Juvenile white crowned sparrow
Juvenile White-crowned Sparrow.
Pine Siskin
Pine Siskin.

A Cassin’s Finch so I was told. It could be a glorious house finch.

Cassin's Finch little bird
Cassin’s Finch.
White Breasted Nuthatch
White Breasted Nuthatch.
Brewers Blackbird
Brewer’s Blackbird.
Northern Flicker
Northern Flicker.
Brown Headed Cowbird
Brown-headed Cowbird.

For the last few years, we’ve had a solitary Canyon Towhee in our garden. This shot was taken in a canyon, no less.

Canyon Towhee
Canyon Towhee.
American Robins
American Robins.

Woodhouse’s or Western Scrub-Jay?

Woodhouse's Western Scrub-Jay
Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay, I think!

This is a Pinyon Jay, that I’m sure of. They have arrived in large flocks in the valley over the last two years, groups of a hundred to a few thousand.

Pinyon Jay
Pinyon Jay.
Song Sparrow
Song Sparrow.
Spotted Towhee
Spotted Towhee.
Townsend's Solitaire
Townsend’s Solitaire.
Rock Wren
Rock Wren.
Mountain Chickadee
Mountain Chickadee.
Western Tanager
Western Tanager.
Bullocks Oriole with Hummingbirds
Bullocks Oriole with Hummingbirds.

The Red-winged Blackbirds nest in the cattails. Right about now there is a frenzy of activity and nest-building. The males are kept on their guard protecting the nesting spot.

Red-winged Blackbird
Red-winged Blackbird.

The Magpie is every dog’s nemesis. They taunt our dogs and of course, our dogs take the bait.


This Evening Grosbeak was stunned following a window strike. I put it on the fence to recover. It did. Ten minutes later, it flew up into the crabapple tree.

Evening Grosbeak
Evening Grosbeak.
Western Meadowlark
Western Meadowlark.

This Northern Pygmy Owl would fit into a teacup and is smaller than most of the birds above.

Northern Pygmy Owl one of the little birds
Northern Pygmy Owl.

Not one of the truly little birds but not large either. It’s about the size of an American Crow.

Greater Roadrunner
Greater Roadrunner.
American Crow
American Crow.

Finally one of the rare visitors to the valley. I only spotted one Lewis’s Woodpecker this last year. Two years ago there were three at one time in the Ash tree.

Lewis's Woodpecker
Lewis’s Woodpecker

Little birds rock the valley, my heart and soul.

Happy Spring.

As always, thank you for looking, and for all the comments, compliments, and well wishes. G

Northern New Mexico, Archive Selections. 03-15-2023

Greetings from San Cristobal in the beautiful mountains of northern New Mexico.

I threw virtual darts at the archives this week, and the following images popped up. Northern New Mexico has continued to excite me for forty years. Here’s to many more.

The first two shots were taken during drives around the extended neighborhood, with the first on an evening photo shoot with friends from Kansas City.

Reflections in a large snow melt puddle Arroyo Seco, Northern New Mexico
Reflections in a large snow melt puddle, Arroyo Seco, New Mexico.

Nearby is a more expansive view across the meadow to the mountains with winter colors.

Des Montes and Taos mountains
Des Montes and the mountains of Taos.

I did a one-day shoot for AAA New Mexico Journeys Magazine eight years ago in Bandelier National Monument. The Alcove House pictured was accessible with an exciting climb up numerous, 30′ ladders. It was well worth the ascent with a backpack and tripod.

Alcove House Bandelier National Monument NM
Alcove House, Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico.

The Quarai Ruins at the Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument yielded this image on my third visit to the site. I created this image with three shots stitched vertically, in effect, a vertical panorama. This location isn’t technically northern New Mexico, more like central NM but I like it.

Quarai Salinas Pueblo Missions
Quarai Ruins, Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument.

Refrain from stacking stones in Chaco Culture National Historical Park. I heard the Park Service tore it down shortly after I shot it. I know it wasn’t there on my next visit.

Cairn, Chaco Culture National Historical Park, Northern New Mexico
Cairn, Chaco Culture National Historical Park, NM.

I enjoy a nice glass of wine when reading a book. Reading “House of Rain”, in the landscape it depicts was a perfect pairing. Thanks to Craig Childs for the many virtual adventures.

House of Rain, Craig Childs
Reading “House of Rain” by Craig Childs, and drinking wine.

One of the first panoramic shots I made of our mountains has been hanging in the waiting room at our local hospital ever since.

Taos Mountains of northern New Mexico
Taos Mountains sunset shot from across the plateau.

Below is the full moon shot in the Rio Grande Gorge. I love that I can stand on top of the highest point (Wheeler Peak) in New Mexico in the morning and spend the evening deep in the Rio Grande Gorge, watching the full moon grace the ridge cradled by a bare piñon tree.

Moon rise over the Rio Grande Gorge Pilar, NM
Moonrise over the Rio Grande Gorge in Pilar, New Mexico.

As I become more mobile I’m looking forward to working with a number of new and repeat photographer/clients. Join me this spring, summer, and fall on a photo trek around some of the best photo locations northern New Mexico has to offer.

Photography tour workshops
On location in…

As always, thank you for looking. Enjoy your week. G

Iconic Ute Mountain, The Plateau, New Mexico. 03-09-2023

Greetings from San Cristobal. This week some views of Ute Mountain.

Ute Mountain is a free-standing, Dacitic, extinct Pliocene volcanic cone”. That’s a mouthful. Besides being one of my revered peaks, it is also set in one of my favorite areas, the Taos Plateau Volcanic Field and the San Luis Valley. The mountain also lies within the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument.

The images below encompass a span of almost twenty years.

On the home front, I feel the surgery on my foot will make my photo treks much more enjoyable for years to come.

Ute Mountain clouds
A localized weather pattern over Ute Mountain.

Road to Ute mountain
Road to the mountain.

Old sheep corral with Ute Mountain
Old sheep corral out on the plateau.

Ute Mountain on the Taos Plateau
A view from Guadalupe Mountain across the Taos Plateau.

Rio Grande del Norte National Monument
Rio Grande del Norte National Monument. Do you recognize the peak back there?

The image below is the one that initiated my fascination with this iconic landmark. Often, I will take a drive north, a pilgrimage of sorts, to visit the mountain. Click here if you want to see more images.

Near Costilla NM
Near Costilla, New Mexico.

Lastly, a couple of shots from closer to home.

Moon rise, San Cristobal
The moon rise this week from the deck in San Cristobal, NM.

And a view across the plateau and beyond to Cerro Pedernal (not a volcano but very much resembles one), “flint peak” near Abiquiu, NM. Immortalized by the artist Georgia O’Keeffe it can be seen from a vantage point behind our home. In the photo, Cerro Pedernal is probably 65-70 miles as the crow flies. The views out west extend a hundred miles or more on clear days. The vistas open like nowhere else, and the skies go on forever.

Cerro Pedernal shot from Taos, NM
Cerro Pedernal shot from Taos, NM.

As always thank you for looking and visiting. And thank you for all the continued well wishes, comments, and compliments.

If you want the name of a wonderful foot and ankle specialist I can give you a recommendation! G

Snow Moon, Taos Mountains. 02-08-2023.

Greetings from San Cristobal. This week the Snow Moon is rising over the mountains of Taos.

In the first image, I watched the moon rise behind the peak of Vallecito Mountain. It’s a favorite location of mine, as you may have seen from past posts. The sun was setting as the moon rose. The light on the landscape was balanced nicely, with the moon perfectly exposed.

Snow moon rising over Vallecito Mountain
Snow moon rising over Vallecito Mountain.

Fifteen minutes later the sun had set leaving the mountain and sky with a soft lighted glow.

Snow moon rising over Vallecito Mountain
After sunset, the moon rises higher over Vallecito Mountain.

Three miles south and much closer to Pueblo Peak (Taos Mountain) I was able to catch the moon in a good poistion.

Pueblo peak, Taos mountain
Pueblo peak, Taos mountain Snow Moon rise.

Generally speaking, on an outing to photograph the moon rise, I begin looking for a view point further west and then drive east, getting closer to the mountains, stopping to make more images as the moon emegeres from behind the different parks. If you want to join me on a full-moon photography adventure, please get in touch, it will be a lot of fun!

Bird of the week, the tenacious Rock Wren in the Rio Grande Gorge, Pilar, NM.

Rock Wren, Rio Grande Gorge

As always thank you for looking. G

Mountain Snow, Vallecito Mountain. 01-25-2023

Greetings from San Cristobal. This week, mountain snow in the highcountry of New Mexico. Snow fell on the mountain peaks, accompanied by soft winter light. It was enough to find the clouds lifting and a single moment of this pink light on the mountains. Sometimes all it takes to make my day is a simple “ah!” moment like this. The same magenta glow infused the landscape and air around me.

In this area, the Rockies are called the Sangre de Cristos. This wasn’t quite a full-on Sangre sunset color but rather more of a rosé blush. Click here to see what I’m referring to.

Mountain Snow, Taos, NM
Mountain Snow, Taos NM

Here is a close-up of my favorite mountain in this range of peaks, Vallecito Mountain. After a brief moment of this light, it was gone. Then home to Pami, a nice single malt, and a warm fire. Some days it just doesn’t get any better.

Vallecito Mountain Snow, Taos New Mexico
Fresh snowfall on Vallecito Mountain, Taos New Mexico.

Flashback. An image I shot on a Saturday morning at the Taos farmer’s market in August 2008. Enjoy.

Little Taos Farmer's Market shopper
A little shopper at Taos farmer’s market.

As always, thank you for looking, and for all the comments, and compliments. G

San Cristobal Valley, Winter, Ranchos de Taos. 01-18-2023

Greetings from San Cristobal Valley. Winter is beginning to settle in, with temperatures dropping to single digits and a decent amount of snow. Not at all the amount we are used to, but we’ll take it.

Last week, on my way home, I just had to pull over to watch the shadows move through our valley. Ten years ago, I shot this same scene. It became the centerpiece in our galley and home and has been a best seller since then. I don’t think I could ever top it though I keep trying. As you can see, the foreground is overgrown, with the meadow obscured.

San Cristobal valley cottonwoods
San Cristobal Valley.

Here is the same view, one of my iconic images from ten years ago. Here is the same location in fall 2020.

San Cristobal valley cottonwoods, and aspens
San Cristobal Valley cottonwoods, and aspens

That cottonwood and willows in Arroyo Hondo, I can’t seem to pass this spot without making an image.

Arroyo Hondo cottonwood, willows.
Arroyo Hondo cottonwood and willows.

Early one morning this week I went south to the adobe mission church of Saint Francis in Ranchos de Taos. This iconic building always looks good with accents of snow and a dramatic sky. One important feature of this image… I arrived in time to get a photo before the parking area filled with cars.

Saint Francis church, Ranchos de Taos, NM
Saint Francis church, Ranchos de Taos, NM.

Below is an image from December 2010 on the road that connects the villages of Arroyo Hondo and Arroyo Seco. When I had my gallery in Arroyo Seco I drove this route most days. It’s a sweet country road with close-up views of the surrounding mountains. It is an especially beautiful, and magical drive when the hoar frost covers the trees and landscape.

Hondo, Seco Road, New Mexico
Arroyo Hondo, Arroyo Seco Road, New Mexico

If you plan to visit New Mexico this year and have a desire to improve your photographic skills, and see locations off the beaten track, look me up and consider a photography tour/workshop. I’ll look forward to meeting and working with you in some of my favorite places in the area.

As always, thank you for looking. G

Powerful Wolf Moon Rising, Colorado. 01-11-2023

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM.

Last week, on January 5, 2023, was the 99 percent full wolf moon. I spent a fabulous full-day photo tour with Richard. When we departed Taos, we had high expectations of catching the January “wolf moon” rising over the peaks of the Sangre de Cristo mountains in southern Colorado. We did not expect the vast cloud cover that occurred midday.

As is often the case in the west, the weather changes rapidly and dramatically. There is a saying, ‘if you don’t like the weather wait five minutes”. On this day, following six hours of intermittent cloud cover everywhere except the mountains, where the sky remained full of clouds, they finally dissipated to reveal the Sangres in all their glory! Click on images to enlarge.

Wolf Moon rising over the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Colorado
Wolf Moon rising over the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Colorado.

In the images below, you can see what the rest of the day brought for us. The first is the Rio Grande looking north upstream to Blanca Peak.

Rio Grande ice with Blanca Peak, Colorado
Ice on the Rio Grande with the Blanca Peak Massif.

Standing on the Lobatos Bridge bridge to get this image, we could hear the ice cracking around the bridge pillars and along the cliffs. Some of the sounds were like thunderclaps deep down below. Other sounds were like the far of moaning of a person in pain.

I’m not usually one to show both versions of a shot, but I like both equally for different reasons. The black-and-white image has a more dramatic impact. The color of the grasses sprouting up amongst the volcanic rocks in the second version is pleasing and captures the softness of nature and light I experienced there.

Lobatos bridge with Blanca Peak and the Rio Grande Colorado, black and white
Lobatos bridge in black and white.
Lobatos bridge with Blanca Peak and the Rio Grande
Lobatos bridge with Blanca Peak and the Rio Grande.
Rio Grande Ice, Colorado
Rio Grande Ice, Colorado

Below, the cactus thrives in this lava rock environment.

Cactus, lava rocks rio grande gorge, colorado
Cactus, lava rocks Rio Grande, Colorado.

General Store, San Luis, Colorado
General Store, San Luis, Colorado.

I first saw the Eastdale post office many years ago when the plaque with the zip code and roof was intact. Alas, things change, and vandals continue to pilfer whatever and from wherever they can.

Eastdale, Colorado Post Office
Eastdale, Colorado US Post Office.

A few days earlier in San Cristobal, the waxing moon rose, followed by the sunset on our local peaks in the Columbine Hondo Wilderness.

Moon rise, San Cristobal, NM
Moon rise, from San Cristobal, NM.

Sunset, mountains from San Cristobal, NM
Sunset, the last light on the mountains from San Cristobal, NM.

Greetings to all my friends in California. Stay safe!

As always, thanks for looking. G

San Luis Valley, Horses, Birds, Sunset, 01-04-2023

Greetings from San Cristobal. I had a lovely time shooting in the San Luis Valley, Colorado, which always makes me smile, followed by some random images around the area this holiday season. You may recognize this scene. I visit it often on photo tours and workshops in southern Colorado.

Blanca peak and wild horses san luis valley, Colorado
Blanca Peak with wild horses in the San Luis Valley, Colorado.

Wild Horses, San Luis Valley
Wild Horses and crows.

Corraled by the creek, and then the escape. I opened the car door to get out, and the horses, surprised, jumped the fence. I missed that! The payoff came in the following two images.

Wild Horses running through fields in Colorado
Wild horses running through fields in Colorado.

Wild Horses running, San Luis Valley
Wild horses, southern Colorado.

One mild morning last week, my son Dylan and I walked through the Fred Baca Park Wetlands and Rio Fernando Park. There wasn’t a lot going on, which was very nice. I did take a camera and caught a shot of a Townsend’s Solitaire being solitary in a bare tree. A peaceful walk surrounded the muted colors of winter.

Townsend's Solitaire, Fred Baca Park Wetlands, Taos
Townsend Solitaire, Fred Baca Park Wetlands, Taos.

One afternoon a Woodhouse’s Scrub Jay and Northern Flicker, settled in our old cottonwood tree in San Cristobal.

Northern Flicker, and Western Scrub Jay San Cristobal
Woodhouse’s Scrub Jay and Northern Flicker.

Seeing out the New Year, we were watching a sunset cloud from the deck.

Sunset Cloud San Cristobal
Sunset Cloud over Taos Mountain, from San Cristobal.

Lastly, a flashback to Spring 1987, on a trip I made with four friends, Martin, Frank, Ken, and Dave. Frank and I got set up each morning and evening at our primitive campsite to capture the sunrise, or in this instance, waiting on the sunset. I took this shot of our two Rollei’s, Franks Deerdorf, and my Nikon F3.

Monument Valley cameras
Cameras set up at the Mittens, Monument Valley.

As always, Thank you for looking. Happy New Year. G

Taos Mountain: In a different light. 11-30-22

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM

Taos Mountain (Pueblo Peak) has many moods. I’ve had the honor and the great pleasure of being a witness to some of the best of the mountain’s moments. Moments that thrill us all in this place we call home.

Take a look at the many moods of Taos Mountain. Click to enlarge.

Taos Valley with the Sangre de Cristo mountains
Taos Valley with sunset on .the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.

The Wright Contemporary – Taos

Join me this Friday December 2, 2022 – Opening at The Wright Contemporary Gallery.

“Photography in B&W”

Cerro Shadows, Cerro NM
Cerro Shadows, Cerro NM – 6.5″ x 6.5″ framed, one of ten images in the show.

December 2, 2022–January 15, 2022

Opening Friday 5-7pm at Wright Contemporary Taos, I’ll be participating in a group show titled “Photography in B&W”

The Wright Contemporary is located at 627 Paseo del Pueblo Sur Taos, NM 87571 575-224-0530

I look forward to seeing you there.


I’m booking dates from now through the end of next year for private one to one photo tours and workshops. Join me here in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado and beyond. I look for to showing you around this corner of our beautiful planet.

Photographers on location in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado.


Geraint Smith Photography Gift Certificates

Gift certificates can be applied to photo tour/workshops, prints, and editing tuition.


I just received a new shipment of my book, Rio Grande del Norte: An Intimate Portrait. It makes a great gift for family and friends who love northern New Mexico.

Rio Grande Del Norte Book

As always, thanks for visiting and looking.


Monument Valley, Taos, and San Luis Valleys. 11-16-2022

Greetings from San Cristobal and beyond to Mounument Valley Navajo Tribal Park.

This week I was digging in the archive, searching for stock images and a selection for a local photography exhibition. I got distracted and went down the rabbit hole.
An image of the shadow event in Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park last spring drew me deeper down the hole. Revisiting a photo, I tend to reminisce and then often edit it to represent more of what I felt than what I initially saw.

Click on an image to enlarge.

Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park, Utah
Shadow event last spring in Mounument Valley Navajo Tribal Park.

Monument Valley and southeast Utah are one of my all-time favorite areas. I’ve been there many, many times since my first trip in 1985. It did me a world of good to revisit there, although virtually this week.

Secondly, a picture of Taos Mountain from a few years ago, bathed in the last light before the sun set. I wanted to edit it again, bringing out the details in the little creek in the foreground.

Pueblo Peak/Taos Mountain
Pueblo Peak/Taos Mountain winter.

A few days ago, Pami and I made a short drive to a favorite spot in the San Luis Valley, you know which one. First, we enjoyed the scene of hay trucks hauling half-ton bales down the narrow roads to one of the many pole barns scattered throughout the valley. A lot of the fields, and some equipment, were put to bed for winter. The pivot irrigator languished on its side wheels up, either for repair or ready to be dismantled and stored. It reminded me of a turtle on its back with legs in the air.

Pivot irrigator, San Luis Valley, CO
Pivot irrigator, San Luis Valley, CO.
Roadside tree with hay bales
Roadside tree with hay bales, San Luis, Valley CO.

The tree above is home to nesting raptors. I’ve often photographed them in this tree in this area. Of course, no trip to the valley would be complete without a visit to the old homestead.

Old homestead, San Luis Valley, Colorado
Old homestead in snow, San Luis Valley, Colorado

As always, thank you for looking. G