Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Venus, Jupiter, Jemez Mountains


Venus, Jupiter, Jemez Mountains, and the Valle Caldera. Pulled over here this evening to watch the light fade with Venus and Jupiter setting in our trademarked blue, New Mexico sky. Look southwest tomorrow at dusk for another glimpse of this pair before Jupiter drops out of view as it gets closer to the setting sun. Also keep an eye out for a gorgeous young crescent moon. Thanks for looking. G

Venus, Jupiter, Jemez Mountains

Red Willow Cottonwood, Arroyo Hondo


Red Willow, Cottonwood, Arroyo Hondo. On a snowy New Mexico afternoon we took a drive around the neighborhood. The red willows were glowing warm along an acequia (irrigation ditch) that runs through the valley. The day was shrouded mostly in shades of grey, until we came across this scene. I love where we live. We get to drive through scenery like this on our commute. Thanks for looking. G

Red Willow Cottonwood, Arroyo Hondo

Iron Gate, Rust, Abandoned Homestead


Iron gate and rust at an abandoned homestead in the San Luis Valley. Every day the decay and deterioration by the elements continues. Derelict structures throughout the valley are bombarded by the sand borne winds. These same winds which helped create the Great Sand Dunes at a northerly corner of the valley. I’m playing with found rusted steel siding again and incorporating it into an image of a gate, that leads to one of the abandoned homes. Perhaps the steel had originally come from this home. Thanks for looking. G

Iron gate, rust, at an abandoned homestead in the San Luis Valley

Shrine, San Luis, Colorado


Shrine, San Luis, Colorado. The Shrine of the Stations of the Cross, looks out over the town of San Luis, and beyond to the southern Rocky Mountains. The building has many angles for photography but on this day the light was less than perfect. An hour later we were photographing farms scattered with abandoned homesteads and barns. Set on the ground amidst one of the ruins was a sheet of rusting tin with a blue wash. A sheet of siding perhaps, carted off by the wind and deposited at will. The next images I made, following the ones at the shrine were of the patina on this tin panel. Upon review, they seemed to go together well so I digitally composited them and this is the effect I got. The image offers a glimpse of decay, the continuing decomposition and condition of things under the high desert sun. It also embellishes the blue of the sky on this occasion. Thanks for looking. G

Shrine of the Stations of the Cross.

Monte Vista NWR, CO, Bosque Del Apache, NWR, NM

Monte Vista NWR, CO, Bosque Del Apache, NWR, NM.

Monte Vista NWR, CO, Bosque Del Apache, NWR, NM. The Sandhill Cranes head south from the northwest corner of the San Luis Valley, Colorado into New Mexico. Following the Rio Grande, as it winds it’s way through canyons, ancient pueblos and thick cottonwood bosques (woods), they pass through the states largest city Albuquerque.  Navigating this way as they have for thousands of years they arrive at the nations premier wildlife refuge. At the Bosque del Apache they settle in for the long winter. The first photo is at Monte Vista, Colorado, in the afternoon. The second photo is from early morning at the Bosque del Apache, New Mexico. Thanks for looking. G



Ladder To The Moon, Ode To Georgia O’Keeffe


“Ladder to the Moon” ode to Georgia O’Keeffe for her birthday today. Born: Georgia Totto O’Keeffe, Nov 15, 1887, Town of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, U.S. Died: Mar 6, 1986, Santa Fe, New Mexico, U.S. She would be 122. It seems like she is ever present in these parts still. I composited this from three images. Thanks for looking. G

"Ladder to the Moon"