Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Wild Horses, Spring Time, Colorado


Wild Horses, spring time, in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. The stallion broke away from the two dozen other horses to chase down this mare across the fields. He was frisky… she wasn’t playing too hard to catch. There were three foals in this particular band of wild horses. I’m guessing there’ll be one more soon. Thanks for looking. G

Wild Horses, Spring Time, Colorado

Cerro Chiflo Cliffs, Wild Rivers, NM


Cerro Chiflo Cliffs, Wild Rivers Recreation Area, NM. just over my shoulder at Sheep’s Crossing in the image from a couple of days ago. I always tell myself, “remember to look over your shoulder”. The Cerro Chiflo cliffs flank the Rio Grande in this northern New Mexico National Monument. Thanks for looking and taking the time to enjoy my work. Geraint

Cerro Chiflo Cliffs, Wild Rivers Recreation Area, NM.

Nesting Red-Tailed Hawk


Nesting Red-tailed Hawk in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. It’s that time of year again and all the usual nest locations are occupied, except one. The pair that raised two chicks in that particular nest last year, are now nesting in another tree close by. It’s a privilege getting to observe these families of raptors in their environment. Not wanting to disturb this bird we made a few images and moved on. Thanks for looking. G

Nesting Red-Tailed Hawk

Sheep’s Crossing, Rio Grande, Ute Mountain


Sheep’s Crossing on the Rio Grande, is below me to the left, with Ute Mountain straight ahead, in the Wild Rivers Recreation Area of the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument. It’s beautiful out here on the rim of the gorge watching the early morning light reach down into the canyon. The snow melt in the high country is making for great runoff and the subsequent river rafting season. Join me on a photo tour/workshop. Thanks for looking. G

Sheep's Crossing on the Rio Grande, with Ute Mountain.

Comanche Point, Valle Vidal, NM


Comanche Point, Valle Vidal, NM. On a photo tour today in the Valle Vidal (Valley of Life) at Comanche Point where the Rio Costilla and Comanche Creek meet. The temps were in the low 30’s F. and the windchill ten degrees colder. Flocks of Cowbirds, Mountain Bluebirds, and Robins were in abundance, impervious to the snow and cold. By noon the snow was gone. The wind eased up by mid afternoon as we photographed hawks, wild horses and old homesteads in the San Luis Valley. By the end of day 6oº F felt positively tropical. Thanks for looking. G

Comanche Point, Valle Vidal, NM

Page, Arizona. View From The Road


Page, Arizona, a view from the road. Antelope Canyon Navajo Tribal Park, NGS – Navajo Generating Station at Lake Powell, and a pony. As we flew by on the road, the scene grabbed me and called me back. Antelope Canyon guides were loading up tourists. The power plant was cranking out the gigawatts. The pony seemed oblivious to all, including us! Thanks for looking. G

Page, Arizona, a view from the road.

Cottonwood Tree, Abiquiu


Cottonwood Tree, Abiquiu. In a wash in a “white place” on the Rio Chama in Abiquiu, NM. This is a beautiful cottonwood tree featured as a hanging tree in the movie “Hostiles” starring Christian Bale, Rosamund Pike and Wes Studi. Check it out on Netflix or Join me on a tour in Abiquiu and the Rio Chama Valley. Thanks for looking. G

Cottonwood Tree, Abiquiu, NM