Not a hugely appropriate new year’s day photo upon first look. The building’s apparent abandonment, broken window panes, and the happy, glowing, brightness of the scene shining through is what made me smile.
Driving past this scene in El Prado I spotted the potential for an image. I made a u-turn and found that I could line up the Red-tailed Hawk in front of the brighter cloud giving it the back lighting. The hawk has a penchant for Starlings. Timing is everything. Thanks for looking.
Ute Mountain, is a free standing extinct volcano in northern New Mexico rising 3000 feet above the valley floor on the Colorado border. It’s distinctive shape looms on the plateau and can be seen from many miles in any direction. It is a focal point landmark in the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument. In this image it is shrouded in cloud and can often be seen celebrating its own weather system.