Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument


Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument, New Mexico. On a photo tour/workshop today, we dropped into the Orilla Verde Recreation Area of the Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument. What started out with overcast skies and grey clouds, turned out really well. Image making is the objective. Perseverance is the key. Thanks for looking. G

Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument

Bunker View, White House, San Luis Valley


Bunker view, of the white house in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. Winter in the valley is a special time of year. Peace, silence and solitude prevail. A perfect place to perfect the craft of photography. This is one of many potato storage bunkers, (root cellars) around the vast San Luis Valley. Thanks for looking. G

Bunker View, White House, San Luis Valley

Arroyo Hondo Pond, Horses, Moon Set


Arroyo Hondo, and horses with this morning’s moon set reflecting in the pond. A beautiful dawn to behold in northern New Mexico. The moon doesn’t know what day, month, year, decades or millennium it is. It surely doesn’t know that this is the last full moon of the decade reflecting in the pond in Arroyo Hondo. I feel sure it’s as impervious to this fact as the horses in the pasture. I’ll say “good night… good morning moon” for a long time to come. Life goes on. Thanks for looking. G

Arroyo Hondo Pond, Horses. Moon Set

Long Shot, Moon Over The Ridge


Long shot, moon over the ridge. Lives intersect! Characters, families, relatives. Time is immaterial. D.H. Lawrence spent a couple of years at the ranch, six miles up the road from here. There’s a poem from D.H. below. Thanks for looking. G

Long Shot, Moon Over The Ridge

And who has seen the moon, who has not seen
Her rise from out the chamber of the deep,
Flushed and grand and naked, as from the chamber
Of finished bridegroom, seen her rise and throw
Confession of delight upon the wave,
Littering the waves with her own superscription
Of bliss, till all her lambent beauty shakes towards us
Spread out and known at last, and we are sure
That beauty is a thing beyond the grave,
That perfect, bright experience never falls
To nothingness, and time will dim the moon
Sooner than our full consummation here
In this odd life will tarnish or pass away.
D. H. Lawrence – 1885-1930

Roadside Lunch, Red-Tailed Hawk


Roadside lunch, Red-tailed Hawk in the Ranchos de Taos valley today. We whipped past this magnificent raptor catching a glimpse of it out of the car window. We wheeled around and pulled over to watch. Thinking it would take off, I got a couple of images in camera then realigned the car for a better angle. It had no thoughts of leaving the carcass. It just kept on tearing bits of flesh from the bones, leaving me with a number of images. As the hawk feasted on it’s lunch we sat in awe feasting on this sight. Thanks for looking. G

Roadside lunch, Red-tailed Hawk in the Ranchos valley.

Illumination Bus, Taos, New Mexico


Illumination bus, Taos, New Mexico. Years ago this bus pulled into town. I have no idea who they are or what they represent. I liked the layer of snow on top and the cascading window fringes, the color scheme and the smiling, happy figures. I think the cross just happened to be there and these folks in the bus landed the from another planet. Thanks for looking. G

Illumination Bus, Taos, New Mexico

Taos Mountain, Sunset Clouds, Daily Commute


Taos Mountain, sunset clouds, on our daily commute in northern New Mexico. We live in a most beautiful place. I know there are many beautiful places on the planet. This is our beauty spot. There’s a twelve thousand foot mountain in those clouds. It will likely be covered in more snow tomorrow. Thanks for looking. G

Taos Mountain, sunset clouds, daily commute.