Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Tufted Titmouse, San Cristobal


Tufted Titmouse, San Cristobal, nesting in the studio wall with a blown out, knot hole entrance. I’ve been hearing the excited chatter in the studio for a couple of days now. Especially when the parents return with a beak full of bugs. I stood in the sun for awhile watching both the parents fervently, coming and going. It was hot today. It’s a perfect little nesting site but it concerns me that they are nesting in a wall filled with fiberglass insulation. I’ll plug up the hole when they are fledged. For the time being, I’m glad these two ragamuffins and the family were in a nice, cool spot in the shade. Thanks for looking. G

Tufted Titmouse, San Cristobal

Tufted Titmouse, San Cristobal