Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Mountain Bluebird, Sangre De Cristo Pines


Mountain Bluebird, in the Sangre De Cristo Mountain pines. Blue flashes of wings blast out of the trees, through meadow grasses to alight again on the top of another pine tree. Taunting me to the max as I approach which feels more like playful glee to me. I’m smiling all the while. Here’s everything you need to know about Mountain Bluebirds. Thanks for looking. G

Mountain Bluebird, Sangre De Cristo pines.

Tres Amigos, Comanche Point, Valle Vidal


Tres Amigos, Comanche Point, at the confluence of Comanche Creek and Costilla Creek in the Valle Vidal. From our photo trek this week up in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. It was a good day, beautiful weather, full of photo ops and camaraderie. Join me on a photo trek to the high country. Thanks for looking. G

Tres Amigos, Comanche Point, Valle Vidal

Chicks. Juvenile Red-Tailed Hawk Nest


Chicks. Two very curious juvenile Red-tailed Hawks on the Nest in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. I’ve been watching this nest and another for some time. The other nest appeared to be recently abandoned but these two chicks at this nest site are thriving very well. By July/August they will be practicing flying lessons. I’ll keep an eye on them and fill you in on their progress. Thanks for looking. G

Chicks, Juvenile Red-Tailed Hawk Nest

Costilla Creek, Rio Costilla Park, New Mexico


Costilla Creek, Rio Costilla Park, northern New Mexico. A beautiful day in the high country with two photographers. Morning in the San Luis Valley and an afternoon along Costilla Creek with rushing waters, alpine meadows of wild iris, mountain lakes and great company. Here’s a cell phone photo of Costilla Creek as it rushes headlong from the mountains, and into the Rio Grande. Thanks for looking. G

Costilla Creek, Rio Costilla Park

Blooming Yucca, Rio Grande Gorge Rim


Blooming Yucca in Wild Rivers Recreation Area on the Rio Grande Gorge Rim. That Yucca plant from a couple of weeks ago is finally blooming. Those few cold nights and days slowed things down but now this part of the state is in a super bloom. Yuccas and Indian Paintbrush go so well together. I hope you can take the time to get outside. Or… join me on a tour, I’ll show you the beautiful locations in this corner of the state. Thanks for looking. G

Blooming Yucca on the Rio Grande Gorge Rim

“Perky Sue” East Rim, Rio Grande Gorge


“Perky Sue” East Rim, Rio Grande Gorge at the Wild Rivers Recreation Area. Yes they are perky, indiscriminate and glowing in the morning light. It’s an appropriate name for these, “Perky Sue” in this particular arid climate. Not sure I’d be so perky. Thanks for looking. G

"Perky Sue" East Rim, Rio Grande Gorge