Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Sliver, Crescent Moon, Sangre De Cristos, NM


Sliver, of a crescent moon, rising over the Sangre De Cristo foothills, this morning in San Cristobal, NM. The moon rose shortly before the sun rose, so it was fairly difficult to see… until I under exposed the bright area of sky, then low and behold, this was what presented itself. Temps were around 20ºF at 6:55am, so as much as I enjoyed the moment, I was happy to retreat to the kitchen for a hot cuppa tea! Thanks for looking. G.

Sliver, Crescent Moon, Sangre De Cristos, NM

Soaring, Snow Geese, Bosque Del Apache


Soaring with Snow Geese in the Bosque Del Apache, National Wildlife Refuge NM. Last one from the refuge for a while. Sometimes I come across an image from the archives that intrigues me, like the two previous images of the heron. The snow geese, lit by morning sunlight, against a quintessential blue, New Mexico sky, brought me directly back to the moment when I made this image. I’ll keep returning to the Bosque del Apache in actuality and memory. Thanks for looking. G

Soaring with Snow Geese in the Bosque Del Apache, NWR.

Up Close, Personal, Great Blue Heron


Up close and personal Great Blue Heron in the Bosque del Apache, NWR, New Mexico. While we’re on the topic, I thought I would share an image of this different, more mature, Blue Heron. I have lots of images of these magnificent creatures. I’ll  share more at some point in a later posts. The light source for this bird is the sun immediately after breaking over the horizon, the best kind spotlight. Thanks for looking. G

Up Close and Personal Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron, Bosque del Apache, NWR


Great Blue Heron, in the Bosque del Apache, National Wildlfe Refuge, New Mexico. These birds have their own territories at the Bosque del Apache, so much so, that one can find them in the same spot from one year to the next. I swear I know this Great Blue Heron intimately after all my trips. Thanks for looking. G

Great Blue Heron, Bosque del Apache, NWR

Wild Mustang, Wild Horse Mesa, Colorado


Wild Mustang, on the Wild Horse Mesa, in southern Colorado. There are many bands of these wonderful creatures roaming high up on the mesa with fourteen thousand foot peaks as a backdrop. To the west, there are many more wild horses on the volcanic plateau. Let me know if you are interested in photographing wild mustang and I’ll arrange it. Thanks for looking. G

Wild Mustang, Wild Horse Mesa, Colorado.

Snow Storm, Village Of Cerro, New Mexico


Snow storm, in the Village of Cerro, northern New Mexico. On the road to the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument one passes through the village, or hamlet, of Cerro. The road meanders through fields, passing homes, farms, a sweet little church and a local cafe. I thought I’d post an image of things to come, in the region, weather wise, over the next few days. Thanks for looking. G

Snow storm, in the Village of Cerro, northern New Mexico.