Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Navajo Elder, Annie, Arizona, 2011


Navajo Elder, Annie, Arizona, 2011. Back in May 2011, I visited a Navajo elder named Annie. I worked with a writer on a story, telling of the plight of the Navajos elders living on their land within the Hopi reservation. That’s another story for another time. In this instance, Annie told the story of the freezing cold night she spent with her horse in the creek when it got lodged in the mud embankment. She and her horse were pulled to safety the next morning by neighbors. At the time Annie was already 100 years old. This picture was taken a year later. Annie illustrated her ordeal by drawing on the sand in the horse and sheep corral. I added a photo below. When I visited, Annie and her horse (it’s name eludes me now), were both doing well. Thanks for looking. G

Navajo Elder, Annie, Arizona, 2011.

Navajo Elder, Annie, Arizona, 2011.

Taos Pueblo, Taos Mountain, Snow


Taos Pueblo, Taos Mountain, Snow. A beautiful day at the Taos Pueblo today. The light was pristine, illuminating the adobe, multi story, buildings of the North House. The ever present Taos Mountain emerges from the clouds. I hope your day was a good one. Standing in the plaza at Taos Pueblo made mine quite awesome and peaceful. Thanks for looking. G

Taos Pueblo, Taos Mountain, Snow

Bosque del Apache, National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio, NM


Bosque del Apache, National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio, NM. Marsh grasses abound in one of the greatest wildlife refuges in the country. Look it up. You will find the Bosque del Apache is the number one place to see Sandhill Cranes and Snow Geese in their winter playground in south central New Mexico. Thanks for looking. G

Bosque del Apache marsh plants

Lake District Painting By My Mom


Please indulge me while I pay tribute to my lovely Mom who passed suddenly today. This is her painting in the English Lake District from a little book she and my Dad put together some years ago, with her paintings and his poems.
“A gentle breeze sends a shiver of delight across the waters of the lake and the hills around rejoice.”

Thanks for looking. G

English Lake District

And a picture of my mom the last time we visited on a trip to Castlerigg stone circle in the English Lakes. My Mom, my rock!

Castlerigg stone circle in the English Lake

Conjunction, Venus, Jupiter, Valle Caldera


Conjunction, Venus and Jupiter, (not the closest conjunction this week), southwest over the Valle Caldera in the Jemez Mountains. It’s a beautiful sight across the plateau. This evening, Jupiter has descended below Venus, and is cruising to the horizon and million of miles beyond. The scale of things are mind blowing, yet simple. It doesn’t take much to impress me. In the middle of the pasture, clear skies overhead, standing in awe of things, I wonder… I wonder that there can be anything greater than this. Thanks for looking. G

Conjunction, Venus and Jupiter

Waning Crescent Moon Rising


Waning (4%) crescent moon rising over the Sangre de Cristo Mountains bright and early this morning. I was surprised to see it as there were those clouds. While I was setting up the the tripod in the driveway, the clouds moved aside revealing this sliver of the moon. It disappeared back into the clouds for another ten minutes, emerging above the linear clouds. Thanks for looking. G

Waning Crescent Moon Rising

Waning Crescent moon rising San Cristobal, NM

You can just make out a little “earthshine” on the moons surface.