Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Satellites, Comet, Sky, Volcano, Stars, NM


Satellites, Comet, Sky, Volcano, Stars, northern New Mexico. It’s supposed to be clear up tonight, so I’m heading out. We’ll see what transpires. There’s a lot of space junk cluttering up the skies. The satellites in the second photo are composited from seven images taken over an 8 minute time frame. I’m sure that I use plenty of the technology they provide, so I’ll take it. It’s only a flick of the cloning tool away from eliminated in Photoshop® should I so choose. Thanks for looking. G

Comet, Sky, Volcano, Stars, NM

Satellites, Sky, Volcano, Stars, NM

Arroyo Hondo, Lightning, High Desert, Green Pastures


Arroyo Hondo, lightning, in the high desert and green pastures. As Monty Python would say, “and now for something completely different!” Today we had a good downpour, although I would have liked it to have continued for a couple more hours at least. Always on the look out for a rainbow, I settled for a lightning strike instead. This is one of my favorite times of year, especially when my dry sinuses along with the landscape moisten, clear up and we both begin to breathe easier. The scent of wet sage on the air is a sensation to die for. Ask any New Mexican. Thanks for looking. G

Arroyo Hondo, lightning, in the high desert and green pastures.

Comet/2020 F3 NEOWISE, Taos Plateau


Comet/2020 F3 NEOWISE, northwest of Taos over the Volcanic Field/Plateau. When you see it, it’s hard to un see, until that is, when it vanishes into the clouds. Yesterday evening the fully overcast skies cleared a little, so I drove a few miles up into the hills behind the house for this view. The second image is when it emerged from the clouds setting over Cerro Chiflo, an old volcano. Thanks for looking. G

Comet/2020 F3 NEOWISE, Taos Plateau

Comet/2020 F3 NEOWISE,