Ice designs along the roadside. I stepped out of the car, looked down and these designs were staring up at me. Sometimes something is right under my nose or in this case my feet.
Winter in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. What impressed me when I came across this scene was the skinny wedge created by the fence and distant brush pointing to the tree and the house. The abandoned adobe building on the left added balance to the scene. The simplicity of these elements set in the snow with the massive nothingness of the sky is indicative of much of the wide open space and vastness of the San Luis Valley. It is a favorite place to visit and make images. Check out the workshops I conduct in the area HERE
Sometimes something catches your eye and you just have to pull over and make a picture. They still have christmas lights hanging on the marquee. Which year they were last illuminated … well, your guess is as good as mine.
Great Blue Heron. The sun rises and spotlights the Heron already ensconced in its pre-established fishing hole. The bird remained in this position for what seemed like in perpetuity until, without any warning, it became intent on stalking its prey. Steady poise, deliberate delicate steps, and nature delivered up a sumptuous breakfast. It turned out that rat was on the menu this particular morning.
Northern Pintail ducks in the Bosque del Apache (Woods of the Apache) NWR, Socorro, NM. It’s not difficult to make a good image in the National Wildlife Refuge. These Northern Pintail ducks came out of the reeds and marsh grasses in tandem. Observing them through the lens I had a feeling they knew where they were going. I had no clue what they were about. I got to watch and enjoy the moment and create a few compositions of the scene. Reviewing the image later, I recalled if nothing else, the peacefulness of the moment when I saw the emerge from the reeds and Marsh grasses.
Morning in the cold and frosty valley with the sun beginning to break through the heavy fog. It would be a while before things cleared. In the meantime we get to watch the horse stir itself and mosey along nudging clumps of snow for any fodder.