Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Cattail, Monte Vista, NWR, Colorado


Cattail, Monte Vista, NWR, Colorado. A quick trip to the Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge and all I get is a cattail along flooded marshes. There are, of course, thousands of cattails giving sustenance and shelter to wildlife. I chose to single out this particular specimen, a tiny slice of life along the marshes in southern Colorado. Thanks for looking. G

Cattail, Monte Vista NWR, Colorado

Rio Grande, Lobatos Bridge, Southern Colorado


Rio Grande at the Lobatos bridge crossing in southern Colorado. I spent today with an enthusiastic, talented, and accomplished photographer. I’m honored that I get to share the sites and locations of this enchanted land with many visiting photographers in this place I call home. I love my job. Thanks for looking. G

Rio Grande, Lobatos Bridge, Southern Colorado

Supermoon, Crow Moon, Sangre de Cristo Mountains 


Supermoon, Crow Moon, rising over the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico. Also known as the Worm moon, Sap moon, Crust moon, or Maple Sugar moon! This was yesterday evening from the deck. It was so bright it kept me awake for about thirty minutes! Then some clouds drew the drapes on the night and I was out like a light. Below is the moon setting over the plateau, early this morning from the deck. Thanks for looking. G

Super Moon, Crow Moon, Sangre de Cristo Mountains

Supermoon, Crow Moon,

Red Barn, Revisiting, Under Rain Clouds


Red Barn. Revisiting this favorite old barn in the San Luis Valley to continue documenting it’s demise, this time under threatening rain clouds. It rained heavily, shortly after this shot, which sent me ducking quickly back into the car. It then snowed for a while on the way home. Not too bad a day, though, despite the weather on the road in southern Colorado. Thanks for looking. G

red barn colorado A7R 2979 7547632

Eagle Rock Lake, Moonrise, Questa


Eagle Rock Lake, Moonrise, Questa, New Mexico. This beautiful location is just up the street from our house, so on my way home last night I popped in and made a few shots. That’s the last of the ice in center screen, although it maybe around for a little while yet. Stay warm and well. Thanks for looking. G

Eagle Rock Lake, Moonrise, Questa, New Mexico.


Horned Lark, Capulin, Colorado.


Horned Lark, on a fence post in the village of Capulin, Colorado. I did get a close up of this little fellow, but I prefer this image which is how he looked when I first caught a glimpse as we drove past. Here’s a close up of a Horned Lark from last year in the snow. They usually flock in the thousands, foraging around the roadsides and fields. This one was on it’s own and he didn’t seem to mind. Thanks for looking. G

Horned Lark, Capulin, Colorado.

Highway 522, Northern New Mexico


Highway 522, northern New Mexico. Can’t beat the ride home with epic views and skies. On a clear day we can see the snow covered, fourteen thousand foot peaks of southern Colorado. The mountain ahead, is San Antonio Mountain, an extinct volcano and largest free standing mountain in the lower 48 states, not a part of any mountain chain, at least that’s what I’ve be told. I like being able to look out and see forever. There’s a song title there, I think you know it. Thanks for looking. G

Highway 522, northern New Mexico.

Adobe Shed, Cloud, Llano de San Juan, NM


Adobe shed and cloud in Llano de San Juan, NM. Along the High Road to Taos and many other areas of New Mexico, there are many of these random buildings. The new doors signify, perhaps, a restoration project. Next door to this building is the former Llano Post Office, zip code, 87543. That’s another post on another day. Thanks for looking. G

Adobe shed and cloud in Llano de San Juan, NM.