Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Sunrise, Sangre De Cristo Mountains, NM


Sunrise, Sangre De Cristo Mountains, NM. I’m rarely up for a sunrise. In fact I’m hardly ever up for a sunrise. I can usually see it from the bedroom window! I photographed this sunrise because I’d got up to “shoot” the Moon that morning with Mars. This occurred shortly after Mars emerged from behind the Moon. As I was already up I grab this little scene. As always, thanks for looking. G

Sunrise, Sangre De Cristo Mountains, NM.

Interstate 25, Diversions, New Mexico


Interstate 25, diversions, on frontage roads in New Mexico. We pulled off the Interstate onto frontage roads for access to icons from bygone days. This structure south of Raton, NM was surrounded by retired mobile homes. Nearby was a campground with a large mural of Guadalupe. I think the bars on these windows are more for decoration. The building itself looks like it could be opened with a can opener. Thanks for looking. G

Interstate 25, Sights, New Mexico

Fajada Butte, Chaco Canyon, NM


Fajada Butte, Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico. I revisit images from time to time. Sometimes they speak to me differently than they first did. I shot this image ten years ago for a story on the celestial alignments that occur in Chaco Canyon. Looking at it now, I am reminded of the many nights I’ve spent in the canyon gazing on this scene in silence, solitude and gratitude. Making this image I was the only soul present except for, perhaps, the ancient spirits. Thanks for looking. G

Fajada Butte, Chaco Canyon, NM

Mars, Crescent Lunar Occultation 02-18-2020


Mars with Lunar occultation (covered), 02-18-2020. Mars crept out from behind the Moon and appeared through the clouds this morning. Shortly after I made this image at 5:57am the clouds dispersed. Had I stirred from my sleep a couple of hours earlier I would have been able to observe Mars get swallowed up by the bright crescent. Thanks for looking. G

Mars with Lunar occultation, 02-18-2020.

Taos Mountain, Arroyo Hondo, Cottonwood


Taos Mountain, cottonwood, red willows in the Arroyo Hondo valley. I’ve said it before, some times it’s just about what’s there in front of you. This scene presents itself often. So, while the cottonwood is front and center, with scattered homes on the hill sides, it’s not so bad a feast for the eyes. All capped off by Taos Mountain. (Pueblo Peak). Thanks for looking. G

Taos Mountain, Arroyo Hondo, cottonwood

Outdoor Living, New Mexico Style


Outdoor living, “New Mexico Style” in Arroyo Blanco, Abiquiu. Following another photo shoot in the area, we happened upon this junk deposited in a dry arroyo. There is an abundance of trash dumped here by lazy people. It’s a serious issue, a blight on the otherwise stunning landscape. The only thing missing..? an empty bottle of Bud Light, the beer of choice for low lives! There’s a truckload of bud bottles in another arroyo close bye. We tried to make light of it all with this set up.  Thanks for looking. G

Outdoor Living, New Mexico Style