Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Monsoon, San Cristobal Valley


Monsoon, San Cristobal Valley. Before the unleashing and the lightning strike that made my hair stand on end. It was quite a downpour that followed and there is a large waterfall in the Rio Grande Gorge in this same spot where I shot this image in 2008. Monsoon season has been on again off again, but todays storm made up for it. Thanks for looking. G

Monsoon, San Cristobal Valley

Pronghorn “Where The Rockies Meet The Plains”


Pronghorn, Ocate, New Mexico, “Where The Rockies Meet The Plains”. Working through some images from yesterday I thought this was a real sweet picture with soft diffuse lighting adding to the gentle look of this Pronghorn. Can’t say I’d like to stand in it’s way when it decides to bolt! It is the fastest land animal in North America, with sustained speeds of 45 mph and top speed just over 60 mph. I know a couple of photographers who can attest to this fact, Paul Malinowski and Linda Duffy. Remember the lone Pronghorn racing the car? Thanks for looking. G

Pronghorn "Where The Rockies Meet The Plains"

Bison Cow And Calf Colfax, NM


Bison cow and calf, today in Colfax, NM. Traffic stops are frequent and annoying but when you spot a Bison and her calf being rounded up and corralled by a cowboy on an ATV, you don’t mind the waiting until the way is clear. It was one of the highlights on today’s photo tour “Where The Rockies Meet The Plains”. We also saw and photographed, American White Pelicans, Horses, Prairie Dogs behaving with reckless abandon, Pronghorn, Raptors, Geese, Cowbirds, Bluebirds, Kingbirds, Great Pyrenees Sheep Dogs, Western Meadowlarks, Turkey Vultures everywhere, tidying up, a Golden Eagle, the biggest Raven I have ever seen, Bighorn Sheep and… four Camels!!! All of the above against a backdrop of the plains, the mountains and massive thunderstorm clouds. Not a bad day for image making. Thanks for looking. G

Bison Cow and Calf, Colfax, NM

Blanket Flowers, San Antonio Mountain


Blanket flowers, San Antonio Mountain. These blanket flowers are growing beautifully wild in view from the car along highway 285 at San Antonio Mountain. They are easy to spot as we drive past, glowing, all happy looking in the morning light. Incidentally, San Antonio Mountain is reputed to be the largest free standing (not attached to any mountain range) mountain in the 48 States. Thanks for looking. G

Blanket Flowers, San Antonio Mountain

Barns, Storms, Capulin, Colorado


Barns and approaching storm, on the road in Capulin, Colorado. Here’s an image from a number of years ago at this location in winter.  Whenever I’m in the area, I stop at this place. In fact, I’ve had the opportunity to make multiple visits to this and many other of my favorite locations over the years. I’m grateful that I get to do this often in my travels and career. Ultimately the quote below, of Franz Kafka, sums up the emotions I feel when I’m in the field. It’s as if the location I’m visiting is “the room”.  The world is my room; my room, “the location” is my world. Thanks for looking.

“You need not leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. You need not even listen, simply wait, just learn to become quiet, and still, and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked. It has no choice; it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.”
Franz Kafka

Thanks for looking. G

Barns, Storms, Capulin, Colorado

Osprey Chama Valley, New Mexico


Osprey brood Chama Valley, northern New Mexico. We made a trip to check on the Osprey family on the road to Chama, N.M.  This is mom endeavoring to get the kids out of the house. Dad was a hundred yards away sans fish. Mom flew down to a fresh mown hay filed and returned clutching the hay in her talons. I can hear the conversation now. “You aren’t getting anymore fish unless you get it for yourselves, so this hay is all you’re getting if you stay here.” Seriously, it was brilliant to watch as the young ones could see no response from dad and they also had a clear view of moms trips to and from to the hay field. Thanks for looking. G

Osprey Chama Valley New Mexico

Osprey family in the Chama Valley

Osprey family in the Chama Valley New Mexico

Osprey family in the Chama Valley