Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Lake Powell, Page, Arizona, Sunset


Lake Powell, Page, Arizona sunset. Back there, ever present is the Navajo Generating Station (updated the plant is now closed). Over the years I’ve documented many scenes, such as this, in the southwest landscape. Here’s the shot I posted last year. In this photo the bath tub ring is very prominent around Lake Powell and on some days the air quality was atrocious. In this case you can see the beautiful setting on a cleaner air day and the approaching sunset. Thanks for looking. G

Lake Powell, Page, Arizona sunset.

Saint Francis Church, Ranchos De Taos, NM


Saint Francis Church, Ranchos de Taos, NM. The San Francisco de Asis Church under a lavender, twilight sky. Soft shadows give this building a gentle look. From across the street you can also see one of the two belfry crosses. The two towers aren’t equal in height therefore only one cross is visible. Well they maybe equal, but the foundation slopes to the south making them uneven. Stay soft and gentle and be safe out there. Thanks for looking. G

Saint Francis Church, Ranchos de Taos, NM.

Summer Sunsets, Fiery Skies, Northern New Mexico


Summer sunsets and fiery skies, in northern New Mexico. Three photos today. One of the smokey sunset yesterday evening followed by the fiery ball of the sun setting shortly thereafter. The third image is one I came across from 2011 that I shot from my parking lot incorporating the left over rain puddle. Stay safe every one and as always, thank you for looking. G

Summer sunsets, fiery skies, in northern New Mexico.

Summer sunsets, fiery sun ball, in northern New Mexico.

Fiery sunset with parking lot puddle

Rock Wren, Rocks, Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument, NM


Rock Wren on the rocks in the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument, New Mexico. From the vast landscapes to the smallest creatures that inhabit them, when I show up and paying attention these sights present themselves, without question and without fail, every time. Thanks for looking. G

Rock Wren, Rocks, Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument, NM

Fajada Butte, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico


Fajada Butte sunset at the end of a hot summer day hiking in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Summer is a good time to visit Chaco Culture National Historical Park. Yes, it is hot, very hot, but very few people. Winter is great too, very few people. We’ll spend one more day in NM tomorrow and then who knows where we’ll wind up? Thanks for looking. G

Fajada Butte sunset in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico.

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge. Highway 64, New Mexico


Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, Highway 64, New Mexico. The bridge spans the canyon and river, a meer 600 feet below, carrying Highway 64 with one terminus in the Outer Banks, NC and the other at Teec Nos Pos, Arizona. The storms move through here fast and with deliberate intention. I’m finding some fun images throwing virtual darts at the archives most of today. Stay tuned for another image from New Mexico in Chaco Canyon tomorrow. Thanks for looking. G

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge. Highway 64, New Mexico

Paradise Divide, Crested Butte, Colorado


Paradise Divide, Crested Butte, Colorado. On the way to Paradise Divide the road climbs steeply with drop offs to afford spectacular views that open up across the valleys. Mountain rains and breaks in the clouds added to the atmosphere in this picture. It’s very refreshing for me to look at during the excessive heat we’ve experienced lately. Back to New Mexico in tomorrow’s photo. Thanks for looking and all the comments and compliments on my work. G

Paradise Divide, Crested Butte, Colorado.