Not a lot of words are needed here. Suffice to say I’m playing around with my new Sony 100-400mm lens, and what better place than the garden. The birds are willing accomplices and help me put the lens through its paces. I really like this lens a lot.

Thanks for looking. See you next week. G
18 thoughts on “In the Garden with Buddha, the Birds and a Moth”
Each of your photographs remind me of the gentle touch of my grandmother, comforting.
Carole Ann Kaplan
That’s a really nice sentiment and a compliment. Thank you, Carole. G
Have you had any Bullock’s Orioles this year? We had them at our house in Arroyo Seco for about 3 days last week. The Grosbeaks reminded me of them.
We had one Bullock’s Oriole last week. He feeds on the hummingbird feeder. I didn’t get a shot this time but here’s one from a few years ago with the hummingbirds. Thanks for looking, Gary. G
Nice! They seem to have a sweet tooth and an innate ability to tip the feeders. Thanks Geraint!
They sure do, and I also got the female managers yesterday spilling the nectar all about. Thanks, Gary. G
What great shots, each one is a gem, thank you.
I really enjoyed our day in the San Luis Valley and your shots you’ve sent. Thank you, Larry. Send more! G
Hi Buddha looks content in the garden and the birds are all splendid . The moth and flower really captures the moment Thankyou.
Thank you, Alison. I hope you are well and I’m glad you liked the shot of the moth. They are much like hummingbirds. G
You’re welcome, Ron. Thanks for checking in each week. I appreciate it. G
Just WOW! I am captivated by the Buddha and seashell combination, but they are all so gracious in their capture of our grateful lives in Taos County! Thank you!
I’ve had the Buddha in one garden or another since 2008. Pami added the seashells. Its head fell off in a freeze one time but has stayed put with liquid nails since. Thanks, Susan. G
Wonderful pix. Great Sphinx moth. Always value seeing your work. We have been working on our website. Here is a gallery link with pix you helped us make in winter of 2019. Hope to get back soon.
Michael and Mary
Hi Kenneth. Thank you for sharing your website. I hope others here on my post enjoy visiting too. You have a great collection. I thoroughly enjoyed your work. Thank you. G
I like your new lens too. Great photos. Love all the birds this month of May.
It’s been spectacular and the birds are ravenous. Thank you, Jo. I hope you’re enjoying it. G