Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Indian Paintbrush Valle Vidal


Indian Paintbrush and approaching storm in the Valle Vidal, NM. Got down on the ground for this one. The iPhone works well for that and reviewing images on the larger screen for composition and framing on photo tours. It has been a month of trips in the mountains where it has been so lush, green and sparkling with wildflowers. There are no signs of it changing soon. Want to go to the mountains? Thanks for looking. G

Indian Paintbrush in the Valle Vidal, NM.

Driftwood, Inland Beach, San Luis Valley


Driftwood, inland beach, San Luis Valley. Eastdale Lake (reservoir) is a body of water in the San Luis Valley attracting wild life, water fowl, birds and photographers. I got an invite from the land owner to visit this area. It has been fascinating and a privilege to watch the lake fill up with water this spring and summer and observe the creatures it attracts. So far I’ve seen Canada and snow geese, sandhill cranes, deer, wild horses, blackbirds, killdeer, heron, hawks and seagulls. Oh!… and driftwood from a previous high water mark. Life in the valley continues. Stay tuned and thanks for looking. G

Driftwood, inland beach, San Luis Valley. Eastdale Lake

Sun Star, Canyon De Chelly, Arizona


Sun star, bursts over the rim of Canyon De Chelly, and White House Ruin. Got to get back there again soon to this magical place in Arizona. Stay tuned for more images as I process more from this spring’s trip to the four corners. Here’s a cell phone shot of the canyon wall I posted on that visit just before the sun appeared on the scene. Thanks for looking. G

Sun star, Canyon De Chelly, White House Ruin Arizona

Penitente Morada Sky, Abiquiu NM


Penitente Morada and sky, in Abiquiu NM. I never tire of this beautiful, iconic landmark and architectural gem in New Mexico. It sits perfectly on a bluff, above everything, overlooking Abiquiu and the Chama River Valley. I’ve found my peace in this location and many other locations like it in New Mexico. Here’s a photo I made on my first trip here in 1984. Thanks for looking. G

Penitente Morada Sky Abiquiu NM

Sky Bird Summer Storm


Sky bird, summer storm. It intrigues me the way birds in flight always seem to be on a mission. I wonder where they are going, when will they get there and what is it that’s waiting for them. Then I see them dumpster diving at the Taco Bell and my romantic notion is shattered. Thanks for looking. G

Sky Bird Summer Storm

Apache Plume, Plaza Blanca


Apache Plume, Plaza Blanca, Georgia O’Keeffe’s “white place”. The apache plume, a native plant, is behaving a lot like an invasive species this year. I hope it takes over the terrain of invasive plants and continues to propagate and populate our landscape. Although there were other, more flamboyant and abundant apache plume bushes, I think this particular plant shows tenacity and hardiness ensconced, as it is, in a rock. Thanks for looking. G

Apache Plume, Plaza Blanca