Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Evening Grosbeaks, In The Garden, San Cristobal

Evening Grosbeaks, in the garden, San Cristobal. The variety of birds were in abundance last week. We had Robins, Magpies, Juncos, and Chickadees. Townsend Solitaires, Downy Woodpeckers, Northern Flickers, Crows, and a few straggler House Finches rounded out the thirsty bird species. When the ever vigilant Evening Grosbeaks showed up in their droves, the thirsty drinkers had to back off, all but the brave Robin back there. Thanks for looking. G

Evening Grosbeaks, In the Garden

8 thoughts on “Evening Grosbeaks, In The Garden, San Cristobal”

  1. We received your prints in perfect condition, they are beautiful. Do you have images of Magpies and Ravens? To me, they are difficult to capture. Ravens don’t seem to show shining blues and greens like other black birds? I’m resigned to enjoying ravens rather than chasing them with the camera.

    • I’m so glad to hear it, Larry. Magpies are tough and take work to capture their iridescence. I do have pictures of Ravens and they have a lot to say don’t you know. Thanks, Larry. G


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