Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Mitten, Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park, Arizona

Mitten, Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park, Arizona. Still digging in the archives, this one from last year on a ten day trip around the four corners. The last minute flash of light on the buttes, in particular the left mitten, with the dancing cloud, a nice added bonus. Thanks for looking. G

Mitten, Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park, Arizona

8 thoughts on “Mitten, Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park, Arizona”

    • No rain on this day. Plenty a couple of days later. Plus I shot it from the balcony of my room at “The View Hotel”. No colors that’s why I shot black and white. Thanks Alison. G

    • I have a very good camera, you know it my friend, haha! It was fleeting light. Would love to get back there soon. Thanks Ron. G

  1. I would love to get there, period. But is it my imagination or is Africa dust messing up, or at least making unusual, unnatural, dawn and dusk photos these days? I’m going back to my roots, will photograph a watermelon today.

    • This was last spring. I feel sure there is Saharan dust this year. I hope you get there again soon my friend. Looking forward to your watermelon photos =;-). Thanks Larry. G


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