Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Sandhill Cranes, Bosque del Apache

Out with the old and in with the new! After 15 years and 3 months of posting a photo of the day, I’m going to start a photo of the week with an occasional post from the road. If you are already signed up you can look forward to a photo in your email every Wednesday evening. It’s time for changes and it feels like the perfect moment in time to change. I’m looking forward to moving on and have you share in the new developments. The archive pages have been updated for you to continue enjoying your favorite photos. The purchase print pages will be updated more often with new images added in easy to view categories. Photo tours are still on the agenda for 2021, with safe travel between locations in separate vehicles and socially distanced shooting on-site, not too difficult to achieve out here in the west. I hope you’ll enjoy the improvements and I look forward to your continued friendship. Happy New Year.

I made this image in the Bosque del Apache on my last trip there. Thousands of cranes and snow geese thronged around the marshes and pastures. Overhead at dusk, the light levels got low and the cranes in this shot were partially silhouetted against a pale sky. I gave the photo a distressed look using an app called Formulas. I personally like the effect, it gives me a sense of cold with snow falling. The nostalgic look reminds me that I haven’t been there for a couple of years. Thanks for looking. G

Sandhill Cranes, Bosque del Apache, (Woods of the Apache).
Sandhill Cranes, Bosque del Apache, (Woods of the Apache).

10 thoughts on “Sandhill Cranes, Bosque del Apache”

  1. Looks like a cave painting.
    Is your book of photos still available
    If so how can I purchase one
    Remember it at your mums

  2. I have enjoyed your daily photos as they feed my longing to be back in NM. Thank you for your generosity in sharing your talent and stories behind your images. May 2021 bring you many more safe, adventurous and enlightening visuals and stories.

  3. Not sure how you did it before, Geraint! I always enjoy getting these, whether daily or weekly. Didn’t get this one automatically yesterday so let me know if I should re-sign up. Happy New Year to you and I hope this year makes up for last year!

    • Thank you so much Paul, I’m glad to have you along. It was an almost seamless transition but yes some people may need to resign up. Happy new year to you. G

  4. I really enjoyed your photo of the day thank you so much and looking forward to your photo of the week. I hope 2021 brings you good health, prosperity and contentment.

  5. Kiting cranes, so many of them, floating down like ballerinas; against a gesso wall, no adobe with blue plaster…splash

    • “Kiting Cranes” I like that. You’ll find more from the west here. Thank you Larry. We must chat soon. I hope you’re settling in more and more each day. G


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